What if steam had been the dominant force that developed in the world? If the technological age and the steam age developed side by side?
This map game will start during the Victorian Era in 1850. These maps are from the steamopera by Kristian Järventaus This article might help you when deciding on gadgets and technology to use A Guide to Steampunk Gadgets and Technology
Each nation that has an OTL counterpart is still ruled by that same person (mostly) (doesn't have to have the same form of government)
If your nation wasn't independent at the time then make up a leader.
Turns will now begin at 0:00 UTC.
About Steampunk[]
What Steampunk Is[]
First and foremost, steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction in which steam power is heavily utilized. Perhaps better summed up as 'retro-futuristic', it has a heavy influence of Victorianism and is generally set in an alternative universe in which steam power remains the most mainstream source of power. This affects everything, from vehicles to weapons to home appliances to music to even flying machines. It is a completely different culture and lifestyle from what we live today or even what people back in the day lived.
Steampunk, while sometimes elegant at the same time, is gritty and dirty. People working on their various contraptions tend to get dirty and there is a lot of smoke blown around. It has an industrious atmosphere of wealthy upper-class people and lower-class people living in squalor, much like in 19th century Britain. This leads to a rise in piracy; in this case, the pirates take to the air, not to the sea.
What Steampunk is Not:[]
- Magic (That includes alchemy and other assorted enchantments)
- Contemporary future
- Random object + some unnecessary gears
- Dieselpunk
- Always Gothic
- Always in the Air
- Always in Britain
Think outside the box, people, but keep inside the steampunk atmosphere.
There is no limit to where a nation can colonize either, but it is limited to the current tech level of each nation.
There will be five mods altogether. Four will be regional mods and the other will be checking the regional mods and any other disputes.
I will be doing mod events specific to each mod nation that is the same as its regional mod. Jbwncster (talk) 01:22, February 21, 2014 (UTC)
As soon as all the mods are chosen we will begin. Jbwncster (talk)
Jbwncster (Talk)
02:51, February 16, 2014 (UTC) (Chief Mod)
- The Wings of Freedom #FP
(Talk to Me) (Unplaying Unbiased Mod)
- The Amazing Fantastical Doctor
CrimsonAssassin- I have special eyes (Second-in-command) (Regional Mod for North America)
- Local Mafia Boss (Talk) (Blog) (Regional Mod for South America and Antarctica)
- /User:LefthandedLunatic (talk) (Regional Mod for Africa and Middle East)
- SupremeSensualSamrāṭSky (Regional Mod for Europe)
- I Am That Guy (Regional Mod for Asia and Pacific Islands)
- Mscoree (talk) (Mapmaker)
Wall of Shame[]

Based on:
Any country without a name is free game for colonizing.
List of Countries[]
- Kingdom of Sweden( Major Power) -Jendryg (Talk)
- The Grand Principality of Finland (Dynastic Union W/ Old Russia)
- Union Kingdom (Major Power)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:30, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Hanover
- Kingdom of Spain - Kerry Stapleton (talk)
- Kingdom of Portugal
- Kingdom of Preußia -
You want me to sign this? I'm afraid I can't do that
- United Kingdoms of the Danube
- Kingdom of Bavaria
- The Conciliary Union of France (Major Power) Ozymandias2 (talk) 13:29, March 15, 2014 (UTC)
- The Conciliary Union of The Rhine -- Reximus | Talk to Me!
- The Technocratic Republic of The Netherlands Mr YOLO (talk) 09:42, February 16, 2014 (UTC)
- Kiev - Shadow
- Old Russia-Can you not?😆
- The New Empire (The Ruthenian Empire) -
CrimsonAssassin- I have special eyes 01:37, February 16, 2014 (UTC)
- The Ottoman Empire (The Osmanian Empire) - LightningLynx89
- Kingdom of Denmark
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Kingdom of Naples-Spartian300 (talk) 15:54, February 19, 2014 (UTC)
- Republic of Switzerland
- The Conciliary Republic of Swabia
- Republic of Lucca
- Corsica
- Montenegro Glonk98 (talk) 17:00, April 3, 2014 (UTC)
- Papal States
- Acratic Republic of Sardinia
- Parma
North America[]
- Russian Alaska (The Ruthenian Empire)
- The Acadian Republic Local Mafia Boss (Talk) (Blog)
- The Territories of St. Pierre et Miquellon (Not visible on map; in between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia)
- Republic of California LefthandedLunatic (talk) 01:18, February 16, 2014 (UTC)
- Hawaiian Technocracy
- Dominion of Virginia
11:11, March 20, 2014 (UTC)
- Kingdom of Louisiane Stephanus rex (talk) 02:43, February 17, 2014 (UTC)
- Mexico This is UglyTurtle, Signing off. 05:04, February 24, 2014 (UTC)
- Clipperton Island
- Kingdom of the Grenadines (Not shown on current map in OTL location of the Grenadine islands)
- The Conciliary Republic of Haiti
- Kingdom of Cuba
- Bahama
- Panama
South America[]
- Republic of Colombia Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" (talk) 01:56, February 16, 2014 (UTC)
- Guyana
- Kingdom of BrazilSupremeSensualSamrāṭSky
- West Amazonia
- Republic of Peru What is this????Is this a signature??? (talk) 00:06, February 17, 2014 (UTC)
- Dominion of Andea
- The Conciliary Republic of Chile
- Tierra Platina Vincent Mackay (talk) 00:58, March 7, 2014 (UTC)
Africa and the Middle East[]
- The Osmanian Empire- LightningLynx89
- French Northwest Africa- Ozymandias2 (talk) 21:20, March 14, 2014 (UTC)
- Atheopia
- Featherstonehaugbtania (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Imperial Azores
Asia and Oceania[]
- Empire of China-
- Mongolia- (Major Power)- Cookiedamage (talk) 21:41, March 10, 2014 (UTC)
- Manchuria (Preußia) -
You want me to sign this? I'm afraid I can't do that
- Afghanistan (Preußia) -
You want me to sign this? I'm afraid I can't do that
- Tibet (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Formosa (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories (one nation)- Jbwncster (talk) 01:15, February 16, 2014 (UTC)
- South India
- Ceylon
- Sumatra
- Java
- Borneo
- New Holland
- New Zealand
- South China
- Assam
- Ciuxu
- Bengal (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Burma (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Commonwealth of Japan (one nation)
- West Japan
- East Japan
- Republic of Enzo
- Xieuqu (can't see what it actually is).
- Kingdom of Corea -
- Riukiu (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Kingdom of Siam -
- Meleysia (Preußia)-
You want me to sign this? I'm afraid I can't do that
- New North Wales (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- New Hibernia (Union Kingdom)- Blocky858 (talk) 22:45, February 25, 2014 (UTC)
- Bhutan
- Will be free for colonization.
Pacific Islands (East of the Philippines and West of Hawaii)[]
- Will be free for colonization.
Talk Page[]
Don't forget to read the Talk Page. Important info is posted there regarding game play.
Treaties are there as well.
Temporary: Scarlet Outlaw - Banned for three turns for posting something already stated implausible by a mod. May come back in 1864.
The new turn will begin at 0:00 am UTC each day - extending the first turn 'til 12am UTC on February 25th.
- Telegraph cable under English channel to The Technocratic Republic of Netherlands is built.
- First steam battleship, Le Napoleon, is launched from The Conciliary Union of France
- The Commonwealth of Japan has first unsuccessful expedition to Antarctica.
- Tierra Platina becomes the first South American nation to import telegraph equipment from Europe.
- The Kingdom of Cuba starts talks of an alliance with Panama
- Preußia: The Kingdom of Preußia, shocked by the arrival of Le Napoleon, begins research into the technology. Meanwhile, supply bases are set up in Afghanistan, Melaysia and Manchuria. But the distances prove to be troublesome, especially from Afghanistan to Europe. A midway point is searched for. An alliance is requested from the Danube.
- Melaysia: Military and economy expanded.
- Manchuria: Military and economy expanded.
- Afghanistan: Military and economy expanded.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories- The Council begins to research faster airships to make travel time between each territory shorter. Also the first Aerodrome for military ships is built on Sumatra. The Territorial President, Trai Putra Ngo, asks The Kingdom of Preussa if they'd allow a telegraph line from Sumatra to Melaysia across the Malacca Strait built by The Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories. (needs Preußian response). The IPT asks for an alliance with The Kingdom of Siam. (need mod response)
- South India- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ceylon- Military and economy are expanded.
- Sumatra- Military and economy are expanded.
- Java- Military and economy are expanded.
- Borneo- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Holland- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Zealand- Military and economy are expanded.
- South China- Military and economy are expanded.
- Assam- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ciuxu- Military and economy are expanded.
- Preußia Dip: The telegraph will be allowed.
- Kingdom of Siam Dip (Mod response): We accept the alliance offer.
- Colombia: Seeing the alliance offered by the Cubans to Panama the government decides to move fast and offers the Panamanians military protection and economic support if they rejoin the republic, under an autonomous region as part of the Great Colombian Republic, they would keep a relatively separated government only responding to the president of the republic. (Mod response) The president Juan Antonio de Salazar orders the ships of the small Colombian fleet to establish a perimeter on the Panamanian republic to protect them in the given case of an invasion. Military and navy are built up. While this, following the Platinian success we ask France and the Ruthenians to allow us to purchase a telegraph, and ask them for an alliance. While this, Mexico and Peru are asked for a secret alliance. (Mexico and Peru response needed.)
- Naples: The King of Naples, hoping to reunite Italy, invades Sardinia. Several Kingdoms are offered an alliance, such as Prussia and the Ruthenian Empire. With the arrival of Le Napoleon, research begins on steam technology, and plans are laid to make a fleet of steam ships.
- Preußian Dip: Alliance rejected, the Kingdom will not support unprovoked aggression.
- Naples Dip: We respond by saying we are going to reunite Italy.
- It's illogical to try and invade the Papal States first. The Papal States are the representatives of Catholicism and as such have the ability to ask for protection of Catholic nations. For example, Spain could easily use this to conquer you. Rather attack Sardinia or something. -Sky
- Well, I guess a bit of PMIII is still in me.
- Kingdom of Brazil: The Kingdom of Brazil has been spending much of its early years catching up with the science and technology of the rest of the world and it has been a success. A Brazilian gentleman scholar, observing the caterpillars in the Brazilian forests has begun working on a transport based on the caterpillar. This steam-powered transportation vehicle would have caterpillar-like legs and would be used to travel through rough terrain. An alliance is offered to Peru and the King funds the creation of shipyards and ships. Because of the massive amount of woodland in Brazil, plans are made for lumberyards all around the kingdom.
- Peruvian Dip:Accepted.
- Peru: Seeing the rest of the world develop new technology, the president of Peru wishes to catch up with the changing world. Research into steam based technology begins, and we ask foreign nations to aid us in development. The military is improved, and we focus on exporting the natural resources of Peru, mainly copper and timber, to the world to better our economy.
- Colombia: We offer an alliance to Peru.
- Peruvian Dip: Accepted.
- Kingdom of Louisiane: The young king Louis XIX has decided it is for a change in Louisiane's economic future; he orders railroads to be built, and hopes to begin the slow process of catching-up to industrialized Europe. He invests much of the national revenue in modern rail systems, and to assist entrepreneurs in building new cotton mills along the fall-line. Traction engines that run on steam are under development as a possible way to increase production of cotton, and other cash crops.
- Dominion of Virginia: We begin to develop new technologies and begin to construct a railroad system to connect our country with technological advantages. We decide to send in an expedition to Antarctica and we decide to consider building a cannon into space as a man by the name of Robert Beiner writes a novel known as Journey to the Earth's Moon. This project is inspired by said book and we begin to build up our military and establish trade. As president Fillmore Millard decides to go on a trip around Europe for the sake of establishing good relations with the nations that exist there.
- Mexico:With the rise of technology at the turn of the 19th century there was mass upheaval between Spain and us, and we were granted our independents. the conservatives and the liberals, the conservatives wanting to hold on to tradition and the liberals wanting to progress toward the future. Soon military generals such as Santa Ana came into power and there were multiple rulers and the nation was in chaos. With the dust has now settled, with the Generalissimos such as Santa Ana overthrown, and an Interim Government was established. During this Interim Period, there was gradual and grueling growth and eventually Benito Juarez, a leader against Santa Ana and part of the Interim Government, rose to power through the corruption and mess, and now is president. Benito Juarez looked back at the horrors of the past and looked toward the promise of the future. His goal now is to make Mexico City the best city in the world, a center for enlightenment, knowledge and ideas. Thus he begins La Reforma, who's goal was the redistribution of land, separation of church and state, and education for all. .We believe that education is the key to the future and thus schools and academies are set up. We also believe in freedom of speech, so that we can discuss ideas that will progress us as a nation as a whole. These discussions are also recorded and published, so that they will be saved forever. The railroad is also built up so we will spread enlightenment toward all of Mexico, and soon the world. As a result of this railroad build up new towns are established and each standard town has farms, a school/church, a marketplace, homes, and a railroad station. The railroad is also connected to telegraph lines and thus telegraphs are being sent more often. Ports are also established in order to spread the enlightenment to the seas, and we are working toward spreading the enlightenment toward the air. With all these reforms, however, the growing threat of the Religious, the Rich and Raiders arise and thus we create an elite army, The Enlightenment Army, to counter these threats and progress our society towards the future. One of the key things to counter these movements is airships, once we control the air, we control the land and the seas.
- Clipperton Island: Now that Port Clipper has been officially established we receive wealth and ideas from Mexico, and we act as a resting point for ships and thus we supply them with food from local farms and ship maintenance. Because of this, we become a merchant hub.
- Grenadines: The Emperor in exile Maximilian, arrives and sets up a "palace" (military base) on the main island and he appeals to the religious and the conservatives to follow him. Those still loyal to Imperial Mexico build a few ports and farms. We set out to explore new lands and expand the Kingdom, preserving religious conservatism in this immoral age.
- Kiev: We start to build a railroad system that connects our whole country, so that we can be united. The President Marko Sinchenko is shocked by the arrival France for the making of Le Napoleon, and begins research into the technology. We send an alliance to the Ottomans. Kiev nation builds up our economy, military, and ports. Our nation increases trade within our nation and with the Ottomans. Our nation builds Telegraph poles around each city to connect each city to each other. Factories start to build steam powered guns in mass production for our military. All the road in our country are improved by putting down new back asphalt. Our mechanics start building prototype airships so that we could try flying to Antarctica, Africa, and Asia for exploration.
- You are able to have airships, but they surely can't fly to Antarctica, you can continue producing them but the exploration will fail then. Also, you can only do two things out of military economy and infrastructure so I leave it to you to decide what two things you are doing. -Sky
- UK: We begin to construct a massive rail road between the cities and Ireland & Britain. With Le Napoleon constructed, we decide to counter it and build HMS Wellington, near equal size and also a steam battle ship like Le Napoleon. We begin to research into using our technology to make artificial limbs for the wealthy. We work on infrastructure and economy.
- HMS Wellington? I see what you did there.
- Netherlands: We ask France for the blueprint of the battleship Le Napoleon. Railroad and telegraph systems connecting all industrial centers and the biggest cities are being made. Because every citizen in our country contributes to our scientific progression large steps are made in all fields, especially in aeronautics, communication and electricity. With the telegraph cable connecting our country and UK we hope to have better relations and ask them for a alliance.
All you own is the land in Europe so far Jbwncster (Talk)
(Awaiting Mod Events for each region so there should be about eight mod events per turn).
- The Worlds Fair of 1851 is held in The Acratic Republic of Sardinia and brings ideas and prototypes of things for the home of the future and new modes of transportation. Delegates are sent by each nation and people from all over the world attend. (Lasts five days, boosts this nation +2 in infrastructure for four turns)
- A company of three spies with unknown origins steal the blueprints for 'Le Napoleon'. Since they have been hunted by the French they each split the blueprints. One part is rumoured to be in England, another in Sweden and the third one in the United Kingdoms of the Danube. It is not known if the spies are from these nations, but it is expected that each nation will catch the spy and get a part of Le Napoleon's blueprints.
- The French Ship, Le Napoleon, attempts it's first Voyage in the Open Sea, and hundreds cram on board. It is halfway across the Med, when it catches fire, and sinks with all hands lost. Many in France begin to design Airships, rather than Steam Ships.
People, People. Any idiot can make a Paddle Steamer, which is all Le Napoleon is. Also, I am going to make an event for Europe, if that is OK ...
- Kingdom of Naples; Realizing the sheer scale of the robbery of the Le Napoleon blueprints, The King orders increased research into steam technology, and has his spies hunt for the thieves in all the nations they have fled to, and others. We begin influencing the Papal States, and open negotiations with all Italy to reunify into a Kingdom of Italy. Economic expansion begins. We field test our first Steam Paddler, KNS Ceaser, fitted with 12 guns. It is a success, but the king expresses interest in land based steam power.
- First off, the Le Napoleon caught fire and burnt. Secondly, even though you are bigger than the Papal States I don't really believe you can vassalize the religious ruler of half of Europe. Also you're not a major power 50 is too much for you -Sky
- Dude, LMB wrote that after my turn.
- Preußia: Delegates return from Sardinia and the Worlds Fair, eager to share what was presented. The United Kingdoms of the Danube is asked for an alliance between it and Preußia. In domestic news, a proposition to create a legislature, a Reichstag, to represent the distinct cultures and ethnic groups of the Kingdom gains steam with the population. König Fredrick is reluctant to get behind it, as it would mean relinquishing power, but the pressure increases. Research into naval technology continues, and towards the end of the year, the Königliche Marine lays the keel for the SMS Æther.
- Manchuria: Military and economy expanded, trade requested from Japan.
- Meleysia: Military and economy expanded.
- Afghanistan: Military and economy expanded.
- *Acadia: The Acadian Government sends its condolences to the French Government, about the theft of the plans. Acadian Scientists begin to work on a Steam Ship themselves. An Acadian Scientist begins working on a Trans-continental Railroad. The Brazilian Section of the World Fair is treated with great interest, as the Prototype "Caterpillar Tracks" vehicle is unveiled.
Jb replaced my post with some stupid crap, so I put it back
- Kingdom of Spain:
Seeing the desperation to discover steam power, the Kingdom of Spain start to create "Steam Cities", containing rows of steam factories with dormitories in, and no houses. They mostly are built in the southwest, with the cleaner cities remaining in the North and East.Economic expansion and investment seems on the brink of a boom, but it is resting on the fate of the first grand steam engines. - No steam cities, not only wrong on multiple levels, but no nation is so advanced to build so many factories. -Sky
- You are allowed to research how to speed up the production at factories which in the future can lead to "steam cities"
- Kingdom of Brazil: We send our caterpillar tracks prototype to the World Fair. During these five days and during the travel the prototype has been under constant watch in order to keep it safe. With our lumber camps spreading we work on roads and railroads in order to help transport such large amounts of wood. We work on our economy as we begin exporting our wood and multiple factories are being opened to create furniture and paper out of wood.
- Peru: We continue to seek foreign aid in developing our nation. Influence on West Amazonia (I'm assuming this is a republic), with Peru aiding many politicians in securing office. Military and infrastructure improve. We seek more trading partners. Domestic economy grows, with the government endorsing the creation of domestic work The South American League is proposed to Colombia and Brazil to further develop our alliances with them. We send government workers and engineers. to the World's Fair to observe the technology behind many new devices
- Brazilian Diplomacy: We accept the SAL proposal.
- Colombia: We agree as the Brazilians have.
- Kiev: The Worlds Fair of 1851 is held in The Acratic Republic of Sardinia and it brings ideas and prototypes of things for the home of the future and new modes of transportation. We send a team of scientists to The Acratic of Sardinia to take look at these new prototypes. We continue to build a railroad system that connects our whole country, so that we can be united. Our mechanics start to build some steam ships for our navy. The first prototype airship is halfway completed. The military is upgrading due to the usage of steam guns. Our ports increase due to be able to fit more ships in each port.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories- The Council begins to build aerodromes in each major city to accommodate the start of commercial Zeppelin lines. The Territorial President decides to send one delegate from each territory to the World's Fair to examine the exhibits and also sets up an exhibit showcasing underground houses that don't get hot during the day and have an underground garden.
- South India- Expands the ports.
- Ceylon- Military and economy are expanded.
- Sumatra- Military and economy are expanded.
- Java- Military and economy are expanded.
- Borneo- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Holland- Builds an aerodrome for military.
- New Zealand-Expands its ports.
- South China- Military and economy are expanded.
- Assam- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ciuxu- Military and economy are expanded.
- The Conciliary Republic of Chile We Start industrialization on our country we start making steam power generators in our country. We are seeking allies and trading partners for food and weapons. We send people to the Worlds Fair of 1851 to show our creation to the world. The steam powered automated cannon. We start work on our railroad from Cape Horn to San Miguel de Tucumán. We also start building up our navy and supplying our ships the new steam cannon. We send the kingdom of Brazil a trading request.
- Dominion of Virginia: We send our space cannon proposal and prototype to the World Fair and during the fair, we decide to give it the highest level of security for the Cannon, fearing it could eventually fall into the wrong hands if we're not careful. We continue to construct the railroad and expand our military and economy around the world. President Millard continues his trip around Europe and
we begin to create automatic weapons, and we also present the "machine gun" which fires multiple rounds automatically and with rapid fire.
Automatic Weapons are a no.
Kingdom of Louisiane: An inventor turned mad-scientist, Constant Villeneuve the inheritor of a vast estate and a huge family treasure, demonstrates his “mobile home,” a house which he has mounted to the top of a chassis powered by a large steam engine. The home is deemed the revolution of a decade, and many herald the invention as the trademark of the future. The king even takes interest, but for a different reason. He secretly orders his chief generals to begin developing weaponized traction platforms. The platforms are Top Secret, and are to be only seen by a select few. In more mundane news more watermills are built on the fall line, and traction engines are researched for agricultural purposes. We also send a trade agreement to the Dominion of Virginia.
Mexico:. His goal now is to make Mexico City the best city in the world, a center for enlightenment, knowledge and ideas. Thus he begins La Reforma continues, setting up of schools continue, railroad build up continues, establishment of new towns and ports continue, build up of the telegraph continue, military build up continues, and airship development continues.
- Clipperton Island: Trading continues.
- Grenadines: Farm build up and exploration continue.
- Colombia: the military and economy are built up. The influencing of Panama continues and the army of Colombia is extended as the wish of making Colombia a military power in the region begins, treaties of delimits are asked with Brazil and Peru (as the amazons is essentially no man's land). While this, the navy begins buying new prototypes for steamships and some air balloons. However, the later ones are stored as the army for now focuses mostly on the navy are army. A city is founded in OTL Vaupes capital's Mitu, Called Nueva Cartago due to its location to trade with the western amazonians.
- Peruvian Dip: Accepted.
- 'UK: The HMS Wellington nears completion. We delight at the Napoleons sinking, but we fear that the Wellington might share the same fate as the Napoleon. We continue research into steam prosthetics and the military and infrastructure are built up.
- Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman empire begins working on a fleet that continues to assert its dominance in the Mediterranean. The New Empire controlled areas that once held were the home a nation under the Islam faith is troubling the Ottoman Sultan as he affirms to send a sizable force to watch the land for strange activities. The three branches of the Ottoman military is currently updating its armament to include the Navies: Su Canavari Class ship meant for heavy fire power and armament, but slow movement, followed by the lighter smaller faster, but weaker Yunus Class ship. The Air Force has created a fast moving airship called the Esekarisi, meant for quick precision strikes. Finally the Armed forces producing the Akinci class tank, meant to traverse the mountainous and desert areas of the Empire.
- The International Association of Gentlemen for the Preservation of Monarchy is set up throughout Europe as a sizable diaspora of French aristocrat émigrés who fled France during the revolution begin a strong campaign for de-democratization of the nations that are now part of the republican bloc around France and in distant southern Russia. Over time, the association will become a fixture of the political makeup of Europe, with many monarchs and other notable royalists claiming membership.
- Due to the advancement of science and the human mind, a new era begins in Italy and France. Rationalism, Empirism and Renaissance spread through Europe and its artists and writers. The Neo-renaissance, how it is starting to be called by scholars, is taking Europe in a storm as inventions and ideas spread. Higher-positioned people return to the core problems of society. Education, religion, and equality.
- The Acadian
- Kingdom Of Naples: We request that we are allowed to join the IAGPM, and continue to create Steam Paddlers, at least two more, each armed with 12 guns. They are tested, and proven successful. Hoping to avoid the fate of the Le Napoleon, we continue looking for the plans with our spies.
One of them returns with part of the plans. An analysis of the plans lets us find the faults that caused Le Napoleon to sink, at least some. We then improve our own ships by locating the faults, and continue searching for the other pieces.Railways are built with steamed powered trains being constructed to for travel purposes. Economic growth continues. - Le Napoleon sank because it caught on fire, and you surely can't just go find the spies in two years.
- I based this on the sheer number of spies. But, if I can get the plans, I can find what went wrong.
- What went wrong was that it was a Paddle Steamer. They catch fire. It is just what happens. You can't fix that ...
- Whoa, what? They do? What is better then a steam paddler?
- Kiev: We continue to build a railroad system that connects our whole country so that we can be united. Our mechanics continue to build some steam ships for our navy. The first prototype airship is completed. The prototype is tested for the first time. It flies for ten minutes before it crashes in the ground. It reaches 500 feet above the ground. The two people flying the airship
get wounded but they survivedie. The military is upgrading due to the usage of steam guns. Our ports increase due to be able to fit more ships in each port. We are one of the nations that sends spies to steal the original blueprints of Le Napoleon. President Marko Sinchenko sends an ambassador to the Ottoman Empire to ask if we could be allies.
500 feet = Dead
- Acadia: Acadian Scientists theorise that with enough steam engines, and the Brazilian Caterpillar Tracks, one could create a Moving City, and work begins on a small scale prototype. The Trans-continental railroad nears completion. Acadian Relations with the Dominion of Virginia Sour, and the Acadian Military is quietly stepped up, with Airships being commissioned as offensive weapons.
- Moving cities was going to be my thing :( Stephanus rex (talk) 21:41, February 28, 2014 (UTC)
- Peru: Influence on West Amazonia continues, with Peru continuing to sponsor politicians in the nation. Military and economy expand. Infrastructure is improved, focusing on the area surrounding Cuzco. Lumber and copper remain the chief exports of our country. Work on modernizing our military continue, and we ask for foreign aid in doing so.
- Brazil: We work on our caterpillar tracks and begin creating steam wagons for transport of wood through the Amazonian forest. An old but renown scientist calculates that with the speed and current advancement of technology the Amazonian forest might rapidly decrease in size and cause major problems. This hypothesis is dismissed due to the scientist's age and due to the fact that the current science "leaders" in Brazil do not agree. Multiple lumber camps are build as well as different wood-based factories. Because of the increased travel and cost of caterpillar tracks for now. We work on our infrastructure and build ports and steam paddlers that transport ships on the Amazon river.
- Preußia: König Friedrich joins the IAGPM, seeing democracies as anarchistic and mob rule. The SMS Æthers construction slows, both due to builders unfamiliar with steam engines and designers studying the sinking of Le Napoleon, not wanting Æther to share the same fate. In domestic news, telegraphs and railroads are ordered to be constructed, connecting the major cities; Berlin, Danzig, Warsaw and Vilnia. In the national capital, Berlin, a new imperial palace begins construction.
- Manchuria: Military and economy expanded, trade requested from Japan.
- Meleysia: Military and economy expanded, trade requested from the Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories
- Afghanistan: Military and economy expanded.
- IPT Diplomacy: We agree to a trade agreement if you agree to a military alliance
- Preußian Dip: An alliance is accepted.
- Kingdom of Louisiane: The king secretly orders an increase in the pace of the development of the “Traction Land-ships.” Meanwhile private investors back Constant Villeneuve, and his company dedicated to bringing “Traction Homes” to the masses, production of the first units with caterpillar tracks is scheduled to for next year. A joint effort is made by the monarchy and Villeneuve Corp. to design and build the first Traction Cities; however it will take many years of testing and development.
- Dominion of Virginia: We decide to accept the Louisiana offer for the agreement and we continue to develop our space cannon. Robert Beiner decides to write another novel known as Journey to the Center of the Earth and becomes a bestseller across the Dominion. We begin to convince investors to invest on Virginia technology and on the Space Cannon. We decide to construct a rocket ship to use for the space cannon. We continue to build our railroad and begin developing telegraphs. We offer to all of the world's democracies to found the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) to counter the IAGPM fearing it is a threat to democracy and we continue building up our military. President Millard finally completes the trip and returns to the Dominion of Virginia. Meanwhile as for Acadia, we begin to commission airships for battle as well as our agents return with data on their arms buildup. We request for the Kingdom of Louisiana to join us in the scenario that Acadia declares war.
- What?! Space cannons, rocket ships?! 1852. I believe I have said enough. -Sky
- Louisianen (or is it Louisianan?) Diplomacy: Though we have no real quarrel with Arcadia we promise to assist in a war, if only to capture enemy technology regarding "moving cities."
- UK: The HMS Wellington is complete. Research into prosthetics is done. We accept this 'neo-renaissance' and begin developing new technologies, and bettering education.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: The Council decides since we have underground homes maybe we can build complete underground cities, so they start building underground homes in the capital that will become underground cities which will have an entrance via a manhole cover and a few government buildings will have official lifts to the cities. The name of this underground city project is called Bengonia.(Should take at least seven or eight years to complete.) We also begin to construct the first airship to accommodate commercial flights to go along with our first commercial airlines, Trans Territory Airlines.
PX 2034
- South India- Expands the ports
- Ceylon- Military and economy are expanded.
- Sumatra- Military and economy are expanded.
- Java- Military and economy are expanded.
- Borneo- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Holland- Starts a railroad from north to south.
- New Zealand-Builds new PX 2034 aircraft for passenger travel.
- South China- Military and economy are expanded.
- Assam- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ciuxu- Builds new PX 2034 aircraft for passenger travel.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Airplanes? In 1852? Shouldn't they wait? Airships are one thing but planes? . It's more like a Zeppelin type craft with wings and a propeller. About the size of a Windjammer ship.
Golingering Class Steamship
- Virginian Diplomacy: The people of Virginia ask for the French and the Republic of the Rhine to assist in the formation of the United Democratic Alliance, as with other democracies from around the world.
- Netherlands: All scientists in the country have to make a scientific passport with general information, their specialties and their own inventions. Seeing that ¨Le Napoleon¨ isn't very safe, a team of scientists specialized in ships begin researching a safer paddle steamer that doesn't catch fire so easily. The ambassador in Paris notifies the government about the so called ¨airships¨ and the government also sets up a team to research airships. The neo-renaissance spreads like wildfire among the clergymen and other higher educated people. Plans are made to dig a canal to connect Amsterdam to the sea. Rotterdam is still the biggest harbor in the Netherlands.
- Colombia: It asks Brazil to join the establishment of the borders of the amazons (as the map is currently inaccurate), the military and economy are built up, more steam ships are built up to defend the Colombian coasts and the influencing of the Panamanian republic. While this, the government is moved to San Jose de Cucuta as it is half way from the biggest three cities of the republic and relatively close to the main port of the Atlantic coast.
- Brazilian Dip: We accept.
Mexico: La Reforma continues, setting up of schools continue, railroad build up continues, establishment of new towns and ports continue, build up of the telegraph continue, military build up continues, and airship development continues.
- Clipperton Island:Trading continues.
- Grenadines: Farm build up and exploration continue.
- Peru: Military and economy are built up. Infrastructure improves around Cuzco and other major cities. We continue to influence West Amazonia. The president of Peru decides to run for re-election, despite having served three terms already. He also begins to influence members of congress, many of whom are bought out by him. (I'll think of a name later.)
- Opponents of smallpox vaccinations found the Anti-Vaccination League in West Amazonia.
- The Hypodermic syringe is invented.
- The Otis Elevator is used for the first time.
- Henri Giffard conducts the first transatlantic solo flight in a steam-powered dirigible from Paris to New Orléans.
Clockwork automaton Mustachio the Thinkonium attacks the Capital Building in Lima, Peru.- What?! Automaton? Local?
- Wasn't me ...
- The neo-renaissance spreads throughout Europe quickly. August Šenoa leads the transition to the neo-renaissance in The United Kingdoms of the Danube.
- Preußia: Railway and telegraph construction begins. The United Kingdoms of the Danube are again asked for an alliance. (Last chance, Oct) the SMS Æther is completed and begins sea trials. It is commissioned later in the year. The new imperial palace in Berlin nears completion. Dirigible crews begin complaining how they can't re supply and refuel between Preußia and the colony of Afghanistan. It is debated to set up a base in Africa, several to be exact. But the lack of knowledge about the African continent creates much hesitation in many. Sweden is asked for an alliance. And Virginia and Louisiane are asked for trade agreements.
- Kingdom of Naples: We ask for an alliance with Louisiana so that we may establish a base to explore the Pacific. Interested by the airships, we research them, checking to make that they work. Steam Paddlers that are less likely to catch fire are built. We begin conscripting troops in case of war.
- Kingdom of Spain: Research further into steam power, drawing up plans for steam factories. We send an alliance request to the United Kingdom, and another to Preußia. We build a sterling engine and steam powered locomotive, which runs at 90mph. We start a two-year railway project, and ask Portugal for permission to build a line into their land.
- Dominion of Virginia: We continue to develop the Space Cannon and the trade agreements are accepted. We continue building up our military and growing our economy. President Millard loses the election to President David Adams after some unpopular policies force him from office. We continue to research a rocket ship to use for the space cannon while airships continue to be commissioned as war machines. We ask for the world's democracies to form the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) in order to counter the IAGPM.
- Kiev: President Marko Sinchenko changes his party from independent to communism. We now have the blueprints of Le Napoleon and are using it to make our own ships. Our mechanics continue to build some steam ships for our navy. We continue to build a railroad system that connects our whole country, so that we can be united. Our military increases due to our factories making new tank models.
- Peru: Influence on West Amazonia continues, with Peru continuing to sponsor politicians in the nation. Military and economy expand. Infrastructure is improved, focusing on the area surrounding Cuzco. Lumber and copper remain the chief exports of our country. Work on modernizing our military continue, and we ask for foreign aid in doing so.
The Kingdom of Louisiane: More research into traction cities and land-ships. Secretly the first prototype traction land-ship is constructed and undergoes trials; the king is impressed by the successes of his engineers. Industry is promoted, and several rich factory owners petition the king to end slavery, though it seems unlikely for now. Many new factories spring up along the Mississippi, and trade down the river grows substantially after a trade agreement with The Dominion of Virginia.
Brazil: We work on our economy and develop our infrastructure further. The first caterpillar-tracks are sent out to the Amazon forest in order to test them out. We begin influencing Guayana through trade.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: The Council continues the Bengonia Project. Expanding 300 sq mi. The IPT begins to influence The Kingdom of Siam and Also asks Siam for a trade agreement. (Need Mod Response)
- South India- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ceylon- Military and economy are expanded.
- Sumatra- Military and economy are expanded.
- Java- Military and economy are expanded.
- Borneo- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Holland- Starts a railroad from north to south.
- New Zealand-Military and economy are expanded.
- South China- Military and economy are expanded.
- Assam- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ciuxu- Military and economy are expanded.
- Mod response: Trade accepted.
- Colombia: The military and economy are built up, the expansion of Nueva Cartago continues as trading with the western amazonians and Brazilian settlers on the amazons. while this The Treaty of Cucuta begins to be discussed between Brazilians, Peruvians over the division of the Amazons between the nations. While this, Panama continues to be influenced by the Colombian government in order to rejoin the nation. The navy expands a small prototype of a steam airship is made. some settlers arrive at St Helen claim it as a dependency of the Colombian Republic and founding the city of Nueva Maracaibo.
In China, the emperor dies. He is succeeded by Xianfeng. He expresses support for modernizing the country, to the opposition of traditionalists.
The Aegean Sea floods onto the Kiev coast ruining a few ports.
The World Stock Exchange (WSTO) is set up in the Imperial Azores and the Coreax (Freight Derivatives Market) is set up in the Kingdom of Corea.
The Neo-renaissance's influence becomes more powerful. Many writers stand for democracy and criticize monarchies in their works. A mix of OTL post-impressionism and realism appears among artists as time progresses.
- Kingdom Of Naples: Railroads are built across the kingdom. Massive amounts of conscription begins, and two mire steam paddlers are built, each less likely to catch fire. Research into airships continues, with prototypes being developed, and flown at a height so that, if they crash, the pilots will survive. An alliance is offered to Brazil and the UK.
- Kiev: We continue building up our military and growing our economy. Our military sends a group of 20 ships to go explore the continent of Africa.
After going through two canals we land on an area called Ethiopia. We colonize the area and trade with the natives. We start to build port cities in the coast of the nation. Later we leave 10 ships to stay on this land and continue going south. We hit two areas called Somalia and another called Yemen. We colonize the areas, trade with the native, and build port cities. 20 ships are left behind to stay with the colonies. After leaving Africa, 70 ships sail in the vast ocean waiting to hit land and see what awaits them. - You don't have 100 ships, and even if you did I don't really think any expedition would have more than 10 ships. The Suez canal construction hasn't even begun yet. -Sky
- Really? I did not know about that, Sky - Shadow
- Yes, really ... I know it's an ATL and all that, but before you post, inform yourself about the technological and industrial capabilities of your nation, or its OTL equivalents before you post a turn.
- Preußia: the Königliche Navy is sent down the African coast, looking for an inlet or natural harbor to which establish a supply base for air and steamships. Trade is requested from Louisiane, Virginia and the Rhine. The SMS Æther experiences a fire in the engine room, but measures taken after the loss of Le Napoleon minimizes the damage, and the ship puts into port in Danzig for repairs. Trade is to be expanded in the Mediterranean, as such trade agreements are asked from Naples.
- Virginian Diplomacy: We accept the offer.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: The Council continues the Bengonia Project. Expanding 300 sq mi downward. The IPT continues to influence The Kingdom of Siam. The Trans Territory Airlines wishes to set up subsidiary Passenger/Cargo airline named Bentoni Airlines that will travel between ITP Sumatra and Malaysia. (Preußia Response) (check talk page)
- The schedule for flights will be:
- 7am Batam to Kuala Lumpur
- 10am Kuala Lumpur to Batam
- 2pm Batam to Kuala Lumpur
- 7pm Kuala Lumpur to Batam
- South India- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ceylon- Military and economy are expanded.
- Sumatra- Military and economy are expanded.
- Java- Military and economy are expanded.
- Borneo- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Holland- Economy and infrastructure are expanded.
- New Zealand-Military and economy are expanded.
- South China- Military and economy are expanded.
- Assam- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ciuxu- Military and economy are expanded.
- Preußian Dip: The airline is allowed.
- Dominion of Virginia: We continue development of the space cannon and the rocket ship and our armies are built up and so is our economy. President David Adams is inaugurated and as a result, he decides to make certain policies towards Acadia, trying to improve relations with them by sending them a cultural exchange offer.
- Peru: Influence on West Amazonia continues, with Peru continuing to sponsor politicians in the nation. Military and economy expand. Infrastructure is improved, focusing on the area surrounding Cuzco. Lumber and copper remain the chief exports of our country. Work on modernizing our military continues, and we ask for foreign aid in doing so.
- Brazil: We continue influencing Guyana and work on our lumber industry. We offer to export our high-quality wood to Peru and Colombia and offer a trade agreement to the Acratic Republic of Sardinia.
The Kingdom of Louisiane: More research into traction cities and land-ships. More secret trials for the first few prototypes of land-ships are conducted. Many new factories spring up along the Mississippi, and trade down the river grows substantially. Industrial capacity grows quickly, especially for linen, and other goods dependent on cotton. (Sorry for the late post, my internet was down for several hours.)
- Florence Nightingale begins hospital reforms in the Union Kingdom.
- Publication of "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin.
- The largest solar flare on record, producing Northern Lights as far south as the Kingdom of Cuba, bright enough to read by in the NE Dominion of Virginia and in Haiti, setting fires as currents arced across telegraph wires.
- The Cult of the Supreme Being religion begins to take hold in Guyana and some natives of the Amazon begin to convert.
- What? Explain this please.
- Cult of the Supreme Being
The Kingdom of Louisiane: More research into traction cities and land-ships. The secret trials reveal that the Land-ships can cover flat ground very quickly, though they have trouble in rough terrain. One of the land-ships is armed with a small cannon as a test, and it passes inspection fairly well. Industry grows; factories specializing in goods made with cotton, and other cash crops are built along the Mississippi.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: Asks the Kingdom of Preußia if they'd like the technology to build underground homes to deal with heat. (Preußia response) The Council continues the Bengonia Project expanding 300 sq miles downward and outward to create a cavern. All the lower class are forced to live in Bengonia once it is built. The upper class will live on the surface.
- All the other territories continue infrastructure upgrades and economic expansion.
- Preußian Dip: We accept.
- Ruthenian Empire: The Ruthenians work on consolidating their holdings in Persia. The military is expanded as several warships are built. Vladmir Sergeyevich, an inventor in Moscow, introduces the Siberia-Class airship. Meanwhile, Ivan Boris, a locomotive manufacturer, begins work on a project dubbed the 'trackless locomotive'
- Kiev: The 20 ships send out for exploration hit a chain of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. We set up an out post and start to build a port city. The name of the islands is called Azores. We build up our military and economy. Our nation starts to research traction cities and land ships. Our nation builds more factories that use steam to make more of our products.
- Kingdom of Naples: We ask for an alliance with the Ruthenian Empire and Louisiane. We begin researching steam tracks. As conscription continues,
we begin building moving forts that run on steam.They are tested, but not fielded. As we continue to build Steam Paddlers, we continue searching for the plans of Le Napoleon so that we can find the faults. Factories begin being built, and we have railways built, with trains also being built. - You don't have the industrial capability for that.
- Kingdom of Brazil: The caterpillar tracks are a success. We fund the work on them and work on blueprints for a caterpillar-tracks based war machine. We work on our economy and military. We continue influencing Guyana.
- Kingdom of Sweden: New naval technologies based on turtles is developed to protect its coastline and Greenland and Iceland from foreign invasion that runs on steam-power. A short letter asking the Ruthenian Empire and Kiev for an allience (Ruthenian Empire and/or Kiev response). Large boats are also sent to colonize Southern Madagascar.
- Peru: Influence on West Amazonia contnues, with Peru continuing to sponsor politicians in the nation. Military and economy expand. Infrastructure is improved, focusing on the area surrounding Cuzco. Lumber and copper remain the chief exports of our country. Work on modernizing our military continue, and we ask for foreign aid in doing so.
- A TTA PX 2034 crashes in Sumatra, killing all but three. Shipping companies use the tragedy to promote surface business, but the IPT Council remains behind the airline.
- Neo-rennaissance causes the idea of democracy to gain popularity. Nobles throughout Europe attempt to get rid of the writers in order to halt this. This causes some writers, artists and even musicians to flee Europe, either willingly or unwillingly.
- Peru: Influence on West Amazonia continues, with Peru continuing to sponsor politicians in the nation. Military and economy expand. Infrastructure is improved, focusing on the area surrounding Cuzco. Lumber and copper remain the chief exports of our country. Work on modernizing our military continue, and we ask for foreign aid in doing so.
- Kingdom of Sweden: The military continues to be modernized. Troops begin to move towards the borders of the country to prepare. Oil is discovered off the coast of Norway, but is not exploited. The search for possible allies begins. The boats sent to Southern Madagascar arrive and colonize part of it.
- Kiev: On the Azores Islands we trade with the natives. Photos are taken of the landscape and of the natives. One ship returns to home to tell the President about this discovery. The photos are shown to the President and he is happy. He sends the ship back with citizens to populate the area. On the islands port cities and settlements are being made. In the black sea oil rigs are being made to see if there is oil down below. We build up our military and economy.
- Kingdom of Naples: We begin trading with other nations, and send an expedation to colonies the Pacific Islands. As our Fort Breakers, as they have been called,
our mass produced, we decide to expand into neighboring kingdoms so as to gain land.We target Lucca first due to strained releations, and anti-democracy veiws, and launch a attack with our steam paddlers upon Corsiac. We state we will reunite Italy in the hopes of building a new future for the Italian people. Kiev is declared a failure, and begin building airships. The Fort Breakers tested. - Kingdom of Brazil: We continue influencing Guayana. As we work on our economy we begin exporting wood. We work on our military by introducing catterpillar-tracks into warfare. As the neo-rennaissance spreads in Brazil too, the people begin wishing for a democracy, rather than a monarchy.
- Preußia: With the initial success of the SMS Æther, several more steam battleships are planned, and a new one is laid down in November. Ports are expanded to accommodate larger ships that are becoming more common. It is decided to set up a supply base on the east coast of Africa, near the mouth of a River. The base takes the name of the River, Kamerun.
- Colombia: Continues influencing Panama to rejoin Colombia, while this the treaty of Cucuta continues to be discussed by the Peruvians and Colombians soon expecting Brazilians offer in order to make our own. Military and economy are built up.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: The President addresses the citizens letting them know an investigation into the crash is underway. Infrastructure is being expanded.
- South India- Military and economy are expanded.
- Ceylon- Military and economy are expanded.
- Sumatra- Military and economy are expanded.
- Java- Military and economy are expanded.
- Borneo- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Holland- Military and economy are expanded.
- New Zealand: Military and economy are expanded.
- South China: Military and economy are expanded.
- Assam: Military and economy are expanded.
- Ciuxu: Military and economy are expanded.
The WSTO is down 20 points.
The Chinese emperor institutes sweeping modernization reforms, everything from factories to telegraphs. Traditionalists see it as destroying their national identity.
- Kingdom of Naples: Pleased of our victory over Lucca, we begin seeing the need for modernization, so begin massive construction across the kingdom, and improve or build buildings in Naples, occupied Lucca
, and Corsica. The colonies we are going to establish in the Pacific Island continue on their way. Economic development begins, and the military is reformed. Vast amounts of mines are built, and Sicily is transformed into a naval base. Republics ever where are declared failures, bound to fall. Brazil and Louisiana are offered a Triple Alliance. Plans are laid to build more railways and trains to connect the kingdom more to Naples. Roads are built or improved upon.- You only got a tenth of Lucca. Corsica is close to a third of the total land mass.
- But I invaded Corsica!
- But that doesn't mean you took all of it.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: Infrastructure is being expanded in all territories. Defense is expanded in all territories. The Bengonia is expanded another 300 sq mi.
- Kiev: Only 15 ships return back from our colony to the homeland. Five ships stay behind to use as the navy of the colony. The Jewish people of our country gain the same rights as our citizens of Kiev.
All people over the age of 16 can drive, drink, marry, work, and vote.Our nation continues to research traction cities and land ships. Our nation builds more factories that use steam to make more of our products. The military increase do to setting up the border control around the nation. - It's 1857, not 1957, not even women could vote back then.
- Preußia: The Kamerun base grows, both to accommodate airships and steamships. The economy grows thanks to the increased production offered by factories. In political news, a young politician, named Heinrich Von Bismark, runs for chancellor. He promises to expand Preußia's influence further, and to make it a major power in the world.
- Tierra Platina: Having imported telegraph equipment since 1850, and implanted an advanced railways and telegraphic communication networks ever since, we cease our Isolationistic policies determined to impulse our economy by opening several factories of Yerba Mate, Tea, Fruits, Woods and Sea Products, as well as Industries of basic comfort products and one Military Factory for standard land vehicles, while we initiate plans to understand and develop our oun Airplane and Airship technology. Our Main Steam engines are currently imported from Europe, but we are making improvements on this terrain, as well as importing scientist and teaches for our universities.
- Platina Diplomacy: We wish to establish peaceful trading relationships and open local embassies with our neighbor nations of the Kingdom of Brazil, the Republic of Peru and The Conciliary Republic of Chile. Also we are interested in buying a series of "Golingering Class Steamship" to the Conciliary Union of the Rhine.
- Colombia: Military and navy are built up, the Treaty of Cucuta continues to be discussed and the navy expands as well as the colony of Santa Helena.
The Neo-renaissance continues to spread causing minor revolts in European monarchies. These small sparks are expected to light a flame of titanic proportions. The nations most affected are the United Kingdoms of the Danube due to their multi-ethnical background and the Italian nations because of the rising sense of Italian nationalism.
(Due to the lack of activity from other mods I decided to write a non-Euro event to spice things up). The Ottoman Empire issues the creation of the Suez Canal which should make travel from Europe to East Africa and Asia easier.
- Kingdom of Naples: We begin building houses, roads and railways, and build train artillary, which are designed to move across open ground. Our first Airships are built, and are a massive success. Democracies rises, resulting in the end of the Kingdom of Naples and the creation of the Republic of Naples. It begins by requesting alliances with several states in Italy, such as the Papal States (mod response). Steam Paddlers begin paroling the Black Sea, and Kiev is spied upon in secret.
- Papal States (Mod): We accept.
- No, they aren't your vassals since you can't vassalize so quickly. And two of them are your enemies.
- Ahh, come on. How long until I can make them my vassals?
- Kiev: We find the spies from Naples in our country. We tortuer them since they do not want to speak to use.
One person gives in and says that the Kingdom of Naples wants to attack us.We prepare our troops for upcoming war. All the spies are kill to show the Kingdom of Naples we mean business. Our factories produces more tanks in mass production. We send patrol ships into the black sea to find their ships. Our ships find five of their ships and we attack them until they are destroyed. Our nation sends our own spies and assassins into Naples to kill their leader and other government officials. The military sends out the border control team to survey our borders.- Naples Dip: We report that the assassination attempt failed, and state that we will fight you with our navy if it comes to war. However, we do not wish to go to war, as it is not favourable since we have just defeated two italian powers, and our still recovering. Instead, we offer a treaty that will peacefully resolve this crisis before it turns into war.
- Naples and Kiev may jointly patrol the Black Sea.
- Kiev may not spy upon Naples, and vice versa.
- We will open trade to encourge peace.
- We will not attack Kiev, and vice versa.
- Neither side may enter the others borders.
- All our steam paddlers will be recalled from the Black Sea.
- SECRET: Kiev and Naples will jointly invade the Ottomans in Greece, and split it between them in five years. We had sent the spies to see if you would side against us in the war we plan with the Ottomans. That is also the reason we sent ships into the Black Sea.
- Kiev Dip: We are in an alliance with the Ottomans. Would you like to help me invade the United Kingdoms of the Danube. We could split the land 50-50.
- You can try invading the U K of the Danube but you would undoubtedly fail. I suggest you two work on taking over Montenegro, before you even try anything against the U K of the Danube.
Yeah, you could not destroy five STEAM PADDLERS with patrol boats.
Paddle Steamers suck. I believe this has been mentioned previously.
So, that is five ships lost?
You can't determine the outcome of Naples' spies and you CAN'T just send assassins to kill the King of Naples.
- Kingdom of Brazil: We continue influencing Guyana. The military research on the caterpillar-tracks is a success and we begin adapting the tracks for a more offensive use (tank-like vehicles). We also work on the water resistance of catterpillar-track based vehicles in order to quickly pass the Amazon river. (Military and eco turn)
- Preußia: The Kingdom, concerned by Naples recent advances on the Italian Peninsula, decides to mobilize the army for exersizes. Brazil is asked for a trade agreement, and Kiev is asked for an alliance.
- Kingdom of Brazil Dip: We accept.
- Kiev Dip: Would you like to be allies with me?
- Tierra Platina: We continue to influence the Dominion of Andea while sending colones. the First National Analog Computer is put into work to improve National logistics; we continue studying the Aerial technology. The first Steam Energy factory is officially operative, Our local industries continue their steadingly growing, while we continue to open our doors to European poets, engineers and scientist (as well as regular civilians) driven away by the European anti-liberal panorama, increasing our demographics. Military adds new battleships and steam-powered tanks (local production). the First Merchant Fleet is created looking at the Ultramarine markets, especially the Pacific one.
- Platina Diplomacy: we wish to stablish trading relationship and open a local embassy with our neighbor nation known as The Conciliary Republic of Chile. Also we are interested in buying a series of "Golingering Class Steamship" to the Conciliary Union of the Rhine and a couple of PX 2034 to New Zeland.
- Kingdom of Sweden: Ships sent to Madagaskar arrive with new colonists, supplies and the new steam-powered land ships to allow for travel across the island and possible expansion to the North.Two new "sphere cities" are set into the Baltic Sea as an experiment to see if they can survive in the ocean on their own for about five years.
- Empire of China: we start building up our military using an invention called the steam cannon. It is powered on steam (obviously) and is used in our new military. We are coveting the southern border as we are looking at the Jungle for farmland. We start making factories as we hope to start making jobs for people in our country. We ask to trade our new factory products to for food so we can lower the prices of food in our country.
- Naples Dip: We request that we may trade with China.
- Empire of China: We consider your offer but are looking for someone a little closer to China.
- Naples Dip: How about our colony of Early Island? (Guam) It serves as our outpost, and is soon to become a naval base.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: Infrastructure is being expanded in all territories. Defense is expanded in all territories. The Bengonia is expanded another 300 sq mi.
Democracy rises in Europe. The German people begin striving for unification and so do the Italians. In the United Kingdoms of the Danube a similar event happens as an idea of a federation is slowly accepted by the people.
- Republic of Naples: President Bernard Acri is elected, and his first act is to begin deconstructing Steam Paddlers and replacing them with a new ship: The Battler, designed with slated sides to deflect enemy cannonballs, and to ram enemy ships. Tested, they prove very successful, and enter mas production. Submarines are built as well, with at least five being deployed. Negotiations begin with the rest of Italy in Rome to create a United Republic of Italy. Even Lucca, Sardinia, and Corsica send ambassadors, though this is due to pressure from the local populace. We annex 10% of Lucca, as was decreed by the treaty of Lucca three years ago. Though this causes some amount of resentment, Lucca remains in the negotiations, along with Sardinia. A constitution is made, which states that no president of Naples may declare a war without approval of the senate. We announce we have an alliance with the Union Kingdom of Danube, and wish to purchase Venice and other Italian cities from them. We ask the Ottomans if we can send more ships into the Black Sea. (Mod response)
- Ottoman Empire: We refuse due to the recent issues between Kiev and Naples.
- Naples Dip: We acknowledge this, but feel that war may break out soon in Europe:
- Kiev: We send troops, tanks and weapons to Prussia to aid them against Saxony.
Our military sends out 10 ships to go attack Montenegro. We attack Montenegro to have some ports and military bases closer to Naples so that we can attack them later on.Our nation asks for an alliance with Greece, and the Ottomans. The military increases do to the mass production of tanks ans ships being built. The economy also expands.Republic of Naples Dip:We launch a counter attack upon the Kiev forces in Montenegro, in effect going to war in the Montenegrin war. Several Italian States, such as the Papal States, send troops to aid us. This results in the formation of an Italian Coalition.Empire of China Dip: We ask if we could send 20,000 men to Kiev to help you In the war .Kiev Dip: Sure, China. That is fine with me. Naples, shut up.Naples Dip: This act of aggression will not be tolerated!!!- Greece Dip (mod response): The alliance is accepted.
- Ottoman Dip (mod response due to player inactivity): We decline due to Kiev aligning with the Greeks.
BULLSHIT! How are you going to reach Montenegro, and why?
We are going to get there by going through The New Empire
For bases to attack Naples.
I was talking to China.
- Preußia: Following the untimely death of the Preußian chancellor, Heinrich Von Bismarck is appointed to the position. He decides to take advantage of the rising nationalism to push for a united German nation. With the army mobilized during exercises, he orders an invasion of Saxony.
- Kingdom of Brazil: We continue influencing Guyana and working on the military use of the caterpillar-tracks. Prototypes of amphibious caterpillars are being built. We work on our infrastructure by building roads.
- Naples Dip: We request that Brazil may be our allies.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: Infrastructure is being expanded in all territories. Defense is expanded in all territories. The Bengonia is expanded another 300 sq mi.
The Neo-renaissance finds its way to Asia, with pro-democracy organizations growing in China, Japan, Indonesia and the Indian Sub-continent.
The Neo-Rennaissance also hits Kiev, with people unpleased with the latest decisions of the government. The people do not support Kiev's military actions.
- Republic of Naples:
After a year of negotiations, the Italian States form a new nation: The United States of Italy. The flag is designed with a red, white, green pattern, with Italy in the middle. The constition is formed, which gives ten rights to the people. With Italy united, Rome becomes a hub of activity, with infrastructure being improved, amd roads being built.The Battler is introduced throughout Italy, with it becoming the standerd ship of the Italian Navy. Railways are built to connect the new nation, and several places are construced upon to improve the infrastructure. We again ask to buy Venice and Milan from Danube, and ask to buy Peldmont from France. (Mod response) Presidental elections are held, with the President, Julius Acri being elected.Automoblie companies become a prime business, with people being able to get cheap Model Ls, designed to run on steam, but slow moving. - France: We accept the transfer of Piedmont to the Italians. (I'm not sure what price to put, but it should be rather expensive for you, though still worth it.)
- You can't unite Italy that quickly ... Also, even though cars are plausible they wouldn't become so widespread yet. You should first work on setting the foundation of automobile companies in Italy.
- Sorry, sir! Also, what about my request to France?
Kiev:Automobiles are becoming popular in our country. The first prototype TV is made. It is ten-inches and broadcasts the President giving a speech saying their allies the Prussians won the war. The picture is in black and white. The redesign of the flag begins. It is changed to green, black and purple. We increase our military. The economy also increases. We are now allies of Greece. We ask the UKD if we can buy Transylvania and Galicia from them. (Need mod response.)
Don't know how to tell you this Scar, but Sky banned you. Spar.
Exactly! No posting 'til 1863 -Sky.
- Kingdom of Preußia: The war with Saxony ends with a decisive victory, the now-former kingdom is annexed as the fourth province. Riding a wave of German nationalism, an ultimatum is sent to the Union Kingdom: remove their presence in the Kingdom of Hannover, or they will be expelled. Königliche Marine vessels are put off the coast, blocking most of the trade.
- Naples Dip: We will support Danube in the event of war, as we feel that Preußia is growing more militaristic, and send a fleet of ten Battlers to counter Preußian blockades, but they are told not fire unless attacked first.
- Preußian Dip: We remind Naples they invaded two peaceful republics. Preußia invaded a rival kingdom, and are wanting the removal of a foreign power from a German territory. Königliche Marine ships are stationed at the Pas de Calais Strait to halt intervention by Naples.
- Naples Dip: That was under the Rule of Lenardo Benito. We are now a Republic that intends to unite all Italy. Now back off!
- Kingdom of Brazil: Eco and infrastructure (detailed later).
- Kingdom of Sweden: Northward expansion in Madagascar postponned until 1865. First expeditions to the Arctic are made, but most don't succeed. Kung Salomo makes a statement saying that Sweden will stay neutral in the war going on in Southern Europe unless it is asked by another country for help or is invaded it self. The newest belysning fartyg patrol the coast due to the war that looks to be spreading northward.
- Naples Dip: We ask for an alliance.
- Sweden Dip: We agree to the alliance.
- Kingdom of Mongolia: The military expands. Prince Batukhan ascends to the throne after his father, King Sukhbatarkhan dies of old age. The government of Mongolia centralizes under the first year of King Batukhan. In April, Batukhan begins plans to further westernize Mongolia, beginning with petitioning for trade deals with Britain, Naples and Danube, as well as an alliance with Naples. The economy expands as well as foreign trade is encouraged by Batukhans inner councils.
- Naples Dip: Alliance and trade agreement accepted.
- In the United Kingdom of the Danube the military and navy grow extremely more. More battleships are built. A new process of decentralization in each Kingdom, giving the local national democratically elected Ministers more power. Catholic german nationalism rises to counter the Preußian-backed Protestant nationalism.
- Naples Dip: We request an alliance.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: Infrastructure is being expanded in all territories. Defense is expanded in all territories. The Bengonia is expanded another 300 sq mi.
The neo-renaissance causes pro-democrats to rise in Prussia.
- Republic of Naples: A massive celebration occurs to mark Peldmont returning to Italy. The traditional Italian flag is flown from the houses of the people and many greet the return as the first step to uniting all Italy. In Rome, the delegates discussing the unification of Italy declare that, should any foreign power attack an Italian state, then all Italy will go to war with said power. On what will become of Peldmont, it is decided to have it be a jointly ruled confederacy until unification begins. In Naples, President Julius Acri finds that his citizens need more in the way of an education, resulting in the building of schools across Naples. Automobile companies begin selling cars. However, the cars are considered a luxury, affordable only by the rich. Early Island is admitted as an Italian state, and becomes an important naval base for a joint Italian navy. Hospitals are also built in major cities, and Naples begin helping other Italian states with education and health. Factories are built, and we ask for return of Milan and Venice from the Union Kingdom of Danube. Trade with Mongolia continues. Realizing that Danube's federalization will mean that Milan and Venice may not become Italian again. This causes the delegates to plan for war with Danube in secret, and pulling back the Fleet sent against the Preußians. A new kind of Steam Airship is made: The Thunder Hawk mini-air fighter. Smaller, faster, more manuverable and made with twin Gatling Guns. Easily better then the airships of other nations, they fly across Italy as a sign of Italian strength.
- Kingdom of Brazil: Military and eco.
- More is needed.
- Kingdom of Mongolia: The military expands. The government of Mongolia centralizes under the second year of King Batukhan. Westernization continues as Mongolian airship businesses begin being founded. In other news, the government continues to democratize with the growing influence of the King's inner council. Plans for a Mongolian Parliament go underway. The King is indifferent to this development as long as his royal power and prerogative remain intact, A trade deal is petitioned with the Dominion of Virginia.
- Preußia: Consolidation of Saxony with Preußia progresses. Bavaria, Swabia and The Rhine are offered to enter a partnership. While separate and sovereign from each other, they would provide mutual defense for each other (Mod response for Bavaria and Swabia needed). For the second year, the Union Kingdom is asked to remove their presence from Hannover. König Freidrich addresses to rising pro-democracy movement by calling on their leaders to meet with him.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories- Infrastructure is being expanded in all territories. Defense is expanded in all territories. The Bengonia is expanded another 300 sq mi.
- Ruthenian Empire: Work on the military begins as several landships are created for the Ruthenian Empire. The Siberia-class airship continues to flood the Ruthenian Aeronavy as one model is produced this year with three more scheduled for completion by 1865.
- Republic of Naples: After years of negotiations, an announcement is made that stuns the world: Italy shall unite into the United States of Italy. Massive celebration occurs when the news is announced to the Italian people. However, many feel that the USI is incomplete without Milan and Venice. Presidential election day is scheduled for the next year, so until then, President Julius Acri is appointed temporary leader. He begins building schools and hospitals across Italy, and begins building up a fairly strong economy. Early Island is made as an Italian state, thus giving all born their Italian citizenship. Battlers are made to help build up the navy, and we build more Thunder hawk fighters, which are made into an Italian air force. Rome is placed under heavy construction, and becomes the Capital of the USI. As more continue to call for the return of Milan and Venice from Danube, we request a secret alliance with Preußia.
- Kiev: Automobiles are becoming popular in the country. The first prototype TV is made. It is ten-inches. The first thing broadcast on this TV is the President talking about how he wants to buy land from the UKD. The TV is in black and white. The flag is redesigned flag is now black, green and purple. We increase our military. The economy also increases. We are now allies with Greece. We ask the UKD if we can buy Transylvania and Galicia from you. (Need mod response for this.)
We tell our allies of Prussia not to go into an alliance with Naples. - That is secret ....
- Preußia: Saxony is fully integrated into the Kingdom, with representatives in the Reichstag, a concession made to the pro-democracy movement. The Union Kingdom is again sent the ultimatum to move out of Hannover. Bavaria, Swabia and the Rhine are asked to join a United Germanic Confederation, while separate and sovereign from each other, all will provide mutual defense (mod response needed for Swabia and Bavaria). The secret alliance with the USI is accepted. Louisiane and Virginia are asked for trade agreements.
- Swabia: We accept IF peace between the UKD and Preußia is established.
- Bavaria: We accept IF peace between the UKD and Preußia is established.
- Preußian Dip: We have no quarrels with the UKD.
- Kingdom of Mongolia: The military expands. The government of Mongolia centralizes under the third year of King Batukhan. Westernization continues as Mongolian airship businesses are founded. In other news, the government continues to democratize with the growing influence of the King's inner council. Plans for a Mongolian Parliament go underway, with many concrete plans being laid in 1863. The King is indifferent to this development as long as his royal power and prerogative remain intact, A trade deal is petitioned with the Dominion of Virginia.
- United States of Italy: As war is brewing over Europe, we begin deploying our armies to the northern borders in the event of war. Relations with Kiev are still tense, so we begin building up our navy. The army is given breech-loading rifles, and the air force is given more Thunderhawk fighters. We deploy Thundereagle mini-air bombers, designed to bomb enemy cities but are smaller then airships, and given Gatling uns for protection against Airships. Factories are built, and we ask for an alliance with France and the Ottomans. (Mod response.)
- Kingdom of Preußia (Member of United Germanic Confederation): The International United Germanic Confederation is establish with Preußia, Swabia and Bavaria. The Rhine Union is unresponsive, but are again extended an invitation. Three battleships enter service, near identical to the SMS Æther. The Union Kingdom is sent one final message: leave Hannover by 1865, or they will be expelled. Preußia's oversea colonies expand their economies.
- Bavaria (Member of UGC): military and economy expanded. Like Preußia, Bavaria feels an increase in German nationalism, and decides to support Preußia in their effort to free Hannover from UK rule.
- Swabia (Member of UGC): military and economy expanded. Nationalism, though present, is more subdued than Preußia and Bavaria, and decides against supporting the liberation of Hannover.
- Kiev: More ten-inch TV's are being made for the public now. There are only ten channels available to these TV's. The military increases do to a new training method. The navy builds more ships for its fleet. In our colony, Azues, we expand relations with the natives. All of the natives of the island are given citizenship and are accounted for in the population.
- Indonesian Incorporated Probationary Territories: Infrastructure is being expanded in all territories. Defense is expanded in all territories. The Bengonia is expanded another 300 sq mi. Begins to send political advisors to the Kingdom of Siam to infiltrate the court.
- United States of Italy: With the war looming over Europe now inevitable, we launch a full scale invasion of Danube to retake Italian lands in the UKD. Many see thia as the liberation of the native Italians, and begin signing up to help liberaty their Italian brothers. We call upon Sweden to aid us, and invoke our secret alliance with Preußia.
- Preußian Dip: We regret to inform Italy that, as a condition of Bavaria and Swabia joining the UGC, we cannot initiate hostilities with the UKD.
- USI Dip: You are forgiven. Always Sweden may aid us.
- May I have help from Sweden from a mod response? I'm sure they would help.
- Bavaria is part of the UKD.
- Kingdom of Preußia (member of UGC): With no response from the Union Kingdom, Preußian and Bavarian troops are mobilized and war is declared.
- USI Dip: What was that about not going to war Danube?
- Let it be noted that the Union Kingdom and the United Kingdoms of the Danube are two different things.
- Ahhhh ...
- ''Kiev: With Italy attacking the UKD, we also attack them from the west side to take Transylvania and Galicia. Tanks move in quickly. Our nation increases our economy due to war. We ask our allies of Prussia and Greece to aid us in the war.
- French Northwest Africa: There are calls for greater autonomy from France, whilst retaining economic and military links. In order to consolidate support from the desert tribes, work begins on dirigibles to be used to supply water to desert settlements.
- United States of Italy: Due to Kiev's offense, we have been able to fend off Danube assault, and take Milan and Venice, acquiring Italian states from across the area. With this, we begin rebuilding, and begin mass production of our tanks and aircraft. The navy is expanded, and hospitals are built. We begin investing in Montenegro, Cyprus and Gibraltar.
- French Dip: France demands that Italy removes all troops from Corsica, reminding them that it would be unwise to face the might of the Concilliary Union of France.
- USI Dip: We agree,
- French Dip: We thank the USI and offer 5000 tons of coal as a goodwill gesture.
- USI Dip: We accept.
- Kiev: We win 3.91% of the UKD's land. We thank Italy for helping us for distracting the UKD's forces so that we could attack. Our nation continues to build up our military and navy. The economy increases do to people having more jobs in the rebuilding process in the land we won.
- USI Dip: We would like to form an alliance with Kiev.
- France: France rejects calls for autonomy from French Northwest Africa, instead expanding military control of the area to ensure dominance.
Construction begins in Naples of a modified steam battleship L'Afrique to replace the loss ofLe Napoleon. As a reaction to the neo-renaissance, the government begins to centralise power. - Dude, Naples is in Italy.
- Kingdom of Mongolia: The military expands. The government of Mongolia centralizes under the sixth year of King Batukhan. Westernization continues as Mongolian airship businesses are founded. In other news, the government continues to democratize with the growing influence of the King's inner council. The general outline of the Mongolian Parliament is created.
The Steam Age will be on pause until more active people can help out.
This still going?
Let's start back up again. Spartian300 (talk) 13:47, July 7, 2014 (UTC)