In this map game, the recession struck considerably more badly than in OTL, causing several wars. But here it's 1940, the recession has struck most countries in Europe hard, Hitler and Mussolini are rising in power in their respective nations, and things can only get worse ...
The playable nations are the same as those that exist now in OTL in Europe, though some of the borders are different (i.e. Yugoslavia, but not Soviet Union, etc. split). It's 1940 and there has just been a bad recession.
If this takes off, I will probably add other continents:
- Things Can Only Get Worse - Africa (Map Game)
- Things Can Only Get Worse - Asia (Map Game)
- Things Can Only Get Worse - North/Central America (Map Game)
- Things Can Only Get Worse - Oceania (Map Game)
- Things Can Only Get Worse - South America (Map Game)
Due to/during the recession, many nations were unable to provide/control their colonies, and as a result, many declared independence, and their controllers were unable to reclaim the colonies properly due to their armies deserting or being involved in European wars. Anyway, all the OTL sovereign states (those sovereign as of 2012, apart from Korea being intact) will be playable for all continents, plus some colonies, but non-independent nations may have to answer to their empires in wars, or face war themselves.
Play will probably commence after there are 15 nations worldwide (or ten in Europe), though this is subject to change.
For now, I'll put all continents on this page, though the focus is on Europe.
- Turns will go in third years.
- Players can have one nation per continent (and no more than three in total), and a nation that has colonies can in emergency situations seize control of them.
- There will be approximately one turn per day.
- Only mods can start a turn.
- Obviously, no implausibility. For each "proven implausibility", a strike is added to the player concerned. When a player reaches three strikes, a vote will be held about whether to keep them in the game or to kick/ban them. If the player is kept in the game but receives a fourth strike, another vote is held, et cetera.
- Mods will create mod events, which must be plausible.
- For now, the TEvCP algorithm will be used, with some modifications.
- Special algorithm bonuses will be given to certain regions. Some are more temporary, some more permanent.
Algorithm notes[]
See the talk page for the algorithm guide. Do your war algorithms there.
If the algorithm result is a tie, the situation is a stalemate and the algorithm will have to be done again the next turn, with any modifications to the nations that take place in the meantime taken into account. If the result is a win by six points or less, a number out of ten will have to be generated as part of the algorithm. If the result is 1-5 the situation will be a stalemate; if the result is 6-10 the normal results will take place. In addition to any changes to the nations involved, the morale for both of the nations will decrease by one each turn. For example, if the nations at war have morals of ten and five respectively and the algorithm result is a tie, the next turn their morals will be nine and four respectively.
A winning nation can extend a war to get more land - see the PMII algorithms.
- Special Gems/Pearls
- Active: 1940.00-
- Region: Oceania (All nations/colonies under the Oceania header. Nations with Ocean colonies can "import" this bonus for one turn, once per five turns only, during a battle. If the colony the bonus is imported from has a player, that player must approve. A colony cannot have this bonus on the same turn it is imported by its governing nation.)
- Effect: A nation with this bonus automatically gets one extra morale point, and morale during a stalemate decreases by only half the normal rate (one point per two turns, or a half point per turn).
If a nation is conquered, do NOT remove it from the list - add which nation controls it.
Europe (main)[]
- Albania -
- Andorra -
- Austria -
- Belgium -
- Bosnia and Herzegovina -
- Bulgaria -
- Croatia -
- Cyprus (vassal of Greece) - Airlinesguy (talk)
- Czech Republic -
- Denmark -
- Estonia -
- Finland -
- France - Trevornator01 (talk) 00:50, April 24, 2013 (UTC)
- Germany -CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 04:16, July 27, 2012 (UTC)
- Greece -Airlinesguy (talk)
- Hungary -Rdv65 (talk) 02:18, August 4, 2012 (UTC)
- Iceland -
- Ireland -
- Italy - (DeanSims: Talk) 12:30, September 28, 2012 (UTC)
- Latvia - Inferno826
- Liechtenstein -
- Lithuania -
- Luxembourg -
- Malta -
- Moldova -
- Monaco -
- Montenegro -
- Netherlands -
- Norway -
- Poland -Ipancake13 (talk) 23:43, September 11, 2013 (UTC)
- Portugal -
- Romania -
- San Marino -
- Serbia -
- Soviet Union - Warman555
- Slovakia -
- Slovenia -
- Spain -
- Sweden - I Am Walrus (talk) 20:56, September 24, 2012 (UTC)
- Switzerland -
- Turkey -
- United Kingdom - 77topaz (talk) 20:30, July 23, 2012 (UTC)
- Vatican City -
North/Central America[]
- Anguilla (United Kingdom) -
- Antigua and Barbuda -
- Bahamas -
- Barbados -
- Belize -
- British Virgin Islands (United Kingdom) -
- Canada -
- Costa Rica -
- Cuba -
- Dominica -
- Dominican Republic -
- El Salvador -
- Guadeloupe (France) -
- Guatemala -
- Grenada -
- Haiti -
- Honduras -
- Jamaica -
- Martinique (France) -
- Mexico -
- Netherlands Antilles (Netherlands) -
- Nicaragua -
- Panama -
- Puerto Rico (United States) -
- Saint Kitts and Nevis -
- Saint Lucia -
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -
- Trinidad and Tobago -
- Turks and Caicos Islands (United Kingdom) -
- United States - Enclavehunter (talk) 04:26, July 24, 2012 (UTC)
- U.S. Virgin Islands (United States) -
South America[]
- Argentina -
- Brazil -
- Chile -
- Colombia - Bauglir Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All (talk) 23:00, September 23, 2012 (UTC)
- Ecuador -
- French Guiana (France) -
- Guyana -
- Paraguay -
- Peru -
- Suriname -
- Uruguay -
- Venezuela - Sine dei gloriem (talk) 16:08, October 2, 2012 (UTC)
- American Samoa (United States) -
- Cook Islands (New Zealand) -
- Fiji -
- French Polynesia (France) -
- Kiribati -
- Marshall Islands -
- Micronesia -
- Nauru -
- New Caledonia (France) -
- New Zealand -
- Palau -
- Samoa -
- Solomon Islands -
- Tonga -
- Tuvalu -
- Vanuatu -
- Algeria -
- Angola -
- Benin -
- Botswana -
- Burkina Faso -
- Burundi -
- Cameroon -
- Cape Verde -
- Central African Republic -
- Chad -
- Comoros -
- Congo -
- Congo DR -
- Cote d'Ivoire -
- Djibouti -
- Egypt -Warman555
- Equatorial Guinea -
- Eritrea -
- Ethiopia -
- Gambia -
- Ghana -
- Guinea -
- Guinea-Bissau -
- Kenya - ((ლ(() (ಠ益ಠ) ((ლ(() 22:01, September 24, 2012 (UTC)
- Lesotho -
- Liberia -
- Libya -
- Madagascar -
- Malawi -
- Mali -
- Mauritania -
- Mauritius -
- Morocco -
- Mozambique -
- Namibia -
- Niger -
- Nigeria -
- Rwanda -
- Sao Tome and Principe -
- Senegal -
- Seychelles -
- Sierra Leone -
- Somalia -
- South Africa -
- South Sudan -
- Sudan -
- Swaziland -
- Tanzania -
- Togo -
- Tunisia -
- Uganda -
- Western Sahara (disputed) -
- Zambia -
- Zimbabwe -
- Afghanistan -
- Australia -
- Bahrain -
- Bangladesh - DinosaurBoy789 (talk) 21:13, October 19, 2012 (UTC)
- Bhutan -
- Brunei -
- Cambodia -
- China - Kronicsunflower (talk) 15:20, September 29, 2012 (UTC)
- East Timor/Timor-L'este -
- India -
- Indonesia -
- Israel -
- Iran -
- Iraq -
- Hong Kong (China/United Kingdom disputed) -
- Japan -Warman555
- Jordan -
- Korea -
- Kuwait -
- Laos -
- Lebanon -
- Macau (Portugal/China disputed) -
- Malaysia -
- Maldives -
- Mongolia -
- Myanmar/Burma -
- Nepal -
- Oman -
- Pakistan -
- Papua New Guinea -
- Philippines (United States) -
- Qatar -
- Saudi Arabia -
- Singapore -
- Sri Lanka -
- Syria -
- Taiwan (China/disputed) -
- Thailand -
- United Arab Emirates -
- Vietnam -
- Yemen -
- 77topaz (talk) 20:30, July 23, 2012 (UTC)
- CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 04:16, July 27, 2012 (UTC)
- Stewdio333 (talk) 05:10, August 28, 2012 (UTC)
Bolded means approved.
- Matt121 ??? Matt125 (talk) 07:09, July 24, 2012 (UTC)
Bolded means approved.
The Game[]
Play will probably commence after there are eight nations worldwide (or six in Europe), and nations on at least three of the continents, though this is subject to change.
C'mon, we only need a few more nations!
We're ALMOST ready to start!
(Actually, we only have six nations worldwide, with four in Europe (I must have remembered it incorrectly), though we do have nations on three of the continents. But, WE CAN BEGIN!)
- United Kingdom: The nation starts to pull its resources back together after the deep recession. A large-scale funding program for banks and institutions in the UK and Ireland begins. The military is quickly upgraded after decreasing in size during the recession.
- United States: President Franklin D. Roosevelt continues with his New Deal Acts, and begins to bring the United States out of the Great Depression. Roosevelt also passes a Neutrality Act, which protects American merchant vessels and cruise liners from warring nations. The Neutrality Act also extends that the United States can't deploy troops overseas without a justified cause for the intervention or invasion.
- Soviet Union (I'll repost if this isn't permitted, though I don't see how the Soviet Union splitting up like this is plausible): Josef Stalin laughs at how the mighty have fallen, as the Americans and British have become unbelievably and undoubtedly poor. However, the Soviets are in just as bad of a state. The country continues to put funding into new projects for the Red Army.
- It's fine, I guess :P
- Sorry, everybody, due to circumstances, and lack of time in the near future, I have to leave the Wiki. I offer the Soviet Union to anyone who wants to play it. At least I got to play as the Soviets on this Wiki for at least one turn. :P Oh well. Farewell. Stewdio333 (talk) 03:26, September 26, 2012 (UTC) (P.S. Thanks for letting me keep my position as the Soviet Union.)
- Hungary: The recession have hitting hard at a point that the government is near collapse and many mob and military defector cause trouble through the nation. Many groups take the opportunity, a Communist and a Fascist insurgencies begun to fight what remained of the military loyal to the government. The citizens mostly join the Communist who ask for support to the USSR and the Fascists, formed of a big part of deserting soldiers ask to Germany for support.
- Colombia: Thanks to the great depression hurting US economy, the Colombian industry grows up and become more independent, the Liberal Party start a project to reform the constitution.
- Kenya: The Kenyan government begins efforts to united the country after the British withdrawal. They do so first by forming a small army fom loyal supporters seeking to fight against the warlords trying to fill the void after the power vacuum in the region, and establishing a new currency to avoid the inflation made the British pound impossible to use. The economy is a mess, and the industry is almost non-existent. Thus, the government orders every able-bodied man and woman report to their local government office to request a job in one of the government's many industrialization projects, which aim to provide work for the population, and aid in rebuilding the nation.
- Sweden subsidizes industry and the economy in an attempt to jump-start it. The military is upgraded and expanded, and an alliance is asked with Germany.
- Should I start the next turn, or wait for Germany's player?
- Germany: A new leader is elected and he begins rebuilding the devastated economy. A stimulus package is introduced, flooding the market with money. People begin buying more and some faith has been restored in the economy. The military is built up with a draft and Germany expands its navy to become a first class naval power.
- That's quite a lot for a third of a year :P
- We can start the next turn!
- Sweden asks an alliance with Germany, and continues to flood the economy with money, and the economy now shows signs of recovery, and the military continues to be upgraded, and the navy plans to make an aircraft carrier by 1943.66.
- Hungary: The government calls both the Communist and Fascist partisans to stop their war between each other and against him. But at the end, the calls are ignored and a civil war officially between the Communists, the Fascists and the government begun to fight each other across the country. The Fascists ask support from the Fascist nations and the Communists from the USSR.
- United States: The economy begins to slowly recover due to the New Deal Act and the United States Navy begins to construct the first of a new class of battleships. The United States Navy is split in half, and one-half is directed to Pearl Harbor, while the other half is directed towards San Diego or Puget Sound. The United States Army and Marines begin to train for any war that comes to the US, as well as amphibious landings. The United States Air Force is established and prepares for any possible war over the air.
- Italy: Italy begins a massive military buildup while construction of war and peace industries as well as railways throughout the country and all of the colonies.
- Greece: With a rebounding economy, Greece decides to build up her military forces, especially the navy, most of which is directed to Crete, and air force. The government decides to improve roads to and from the northern frontier and also decides to make conscription mandatory. Greece also decides to claim Northern Epirus for itself.
- ^Please tell me if this is OK, because it's my first time playing!
- Yeah, it's fine.
- Colombia: The Colombian industry grows up, and Colombia is now more independent from the ruined powers. The Liberal Party start a new reform to the Constitution where the Conservative Party is not totally excluded. Many Liberal irregular troops are trained and added to the Army.
- USSR: works on the T-34 tank and asks for an alliance with the US also we invade invade Poland
- Japan: amps up her military also the cha-ra heavy tanks are being made and number 360 and we invade Korea.
- Eygpet: amps up its military and invades Israel
- You need algorithms to invade Israel and Poland. Also, it's "Egypt", not "Eygpet". :P
- United Kingdom: A new stock market is opened to stabilise the economy. Several banks are operating normally again. The military is upgraded, and several military scientists start a (underfunded because of the recession) program to research the use of nuclear technology in weaponry. Several banks in Ireland are bailed out by the UK, but the economy there is still not doing very well.
- Kenya: The Kenyan government begins Operation: Brotherhood, appealing to the Swahili-speaking populations in East Africa to join their effort to rebuild the region. Elsewhere, fighting against the warlords continue, and the recruitment of many men and women who have lost loved ones to the rebel leaders helps the government in reclaiming lost territories from the tyrants. Development of a true military force to end the over-reliance on the militias begins with the recruitment of 1,750 men and women from the Nairobi suburbs. This force is deemed the "Uhuru Regiment", and is tasked with spearheading the assaults on warlord strongholds. The force is immediately deployed to the north where an alliance of rebel forces have gathered for a joint assault on government forces in Kisumu.
- China: The Chinese civil war continues to rage on. The Communist party of China asks for help from the Soviet Union to expel the Nationalists from their country. However, both sides are severely lacking in monetary funds, and fighting is limited to weak rifles with little ammunition, with men being sent to the front line with little or no training beforehand. The Communists declare independence from all world nationalists.
- Again, we're waiting for Germany. :P
- Soviet Response: we send 500,000 to aid the Chinese Communists
- Very well. Since I have not heard from Germany, the next turn shall begin.
- Note: Should it be 0.66 or 0.67?
- Hungary: The battle between the various warring factions continue but the Fascists who possess most of the military equipment have a slight advantage against the government and the Communists. The Communists are losing badly as they have only a few military professionals and little equipment, some time, the Communist have one gun for five persons.
- Greece: The Greek king continues to fund army and naval expansion, and requests an alliance with Cyprus, who accepts. Greece also requests a trade alliance with Italy. The Greek king also makes education mandatory for all children up until the age of 18. Greece continues to claim Northern Epirus for itself and asks Albania to hand the territory over, or risk being at war with Greece.
- Soviet Union:
The red army reaches Warsaw the capitol of Poland we quickly encircle the city and ask the Polish to surrender which they surrender.
- That algorithm was not done properly.
- Japan: T
he war in Korea goes wellalso Japan creates a Special Ops unit called the shock troop brigade also we invade Nationalist China to gain land.- Again, you need an algorithm.
- China: The Chinese Communists also lay a claim to this land. If you do not withdraw all Japanese troops immediately, combined Chinese and Soviet troops (yes, we have plenty of those) will destroy your army. The Chinese nationalists may be crumbling, but that doesn't mean that their land is free to take. If you continue your invasion, we may be forced to ask the Soviets to join the war against you. And then, of course, you have the League of Nations to consider, meaning that you will make an enemy of Britain, the US, France, Germany (assuming they are still in the League) and the Soviet Union, among others. If you do not halt your invasion, you risk becoming an enemy of every single world power.
- United Kingdom: Military aid is sent to Poland, with the Soviet Union and Japan quickly receiving criticism for the wars in Poland and Korea, respectively. The military is improved. The nation starts to send aid to former and current colonies which were hit by the recession. New elections begin.
- United States: The United States Economy begins to soar after the New Deal Acts work and improvement of the military continues. Meanwhile, the United States condemns the Invasion of China and Poland by the Soviets and Japs, and develops a Lend-Lease Between the US and Poland and the US and China. The United States begins to SECRETLY developed its nuclear program.
- Kenya: Following the Kenyan government's victory in repelling the assault of the warlords, they proceed to garner additional support for their plans by touting the victory to gain the trust of the people. The military's Uhuru Regiment performs well, though it loses more than 400 troops in the fighting, a third of its manpower. However, despite these losses, it members are paraded as the future of the Kenyan nation; strong willed men and women who bravely laid their lives on the line to prove to the warlords tyranny shall never have a place in the country's future. The victory attracts thousands to the government's recruitment offices in south and southeast, and some 75,000 citizens register for the military. The government plans to use these willing recruits to both fight off the northern warlords, and rebuild the infrastructure by 1945.
- China: A combination of Chinese Communist and Soviet troops continue to weaken the nationalists. Speakers across nationalist China beg for their leaders to end the war, but neither side surrenders. A huge victory is won by the Communists in the Battle of Shenyang. The city is captured by Communists and its huge quantity of resources and people are brought under Communist control. The Communists also push their borders farther and farther into Nationalist China.
- Colombia: Eduardo Santos founded a new radio company, called CRC. The Army is reconstructed based in the new Constitution project, each Departamento (Province/State) is responsible for recruitment, equipment and training of its own army, but the Central Government still have control of some forces. The industry grows up and become even more independent from the US. The Education Minister promotes an extensive literacy campaign as well as cultural activities.
- Venezuela:The military is upgraded. While this, Eleazar Lopez Contreras begins using more social purposed laws to be re-elected next year and continue in the charge of president. It asks Colombia for a greater trading deal and a military pact to avoid conflicts in the near future. Trading with Colombia starts in San Jose de Cucuta, in the frontier with Colombia (it's a Colombian city and my Home city :) )
- We're waiting for Italy and Germany. If they're not here soon, I'll start the next turn.
- Okay, I'll start the next turn.
- (CotFR and Dean seem to be periodically inactive)
- Greece declares war on Albania in response to the Albanians not handing over majority-Greek populated Northern Epirus. The Greeks call on the newly formed alliance with Cyprus to supply them with some troops. The Greek king also decides to build a university on the island of Crete. Algorithms coming soon!
- Latvia: Latvia begins to slightly subsidize the largest and most important industries in the nation so they do not fail in the wake of the recession. A tax cut for the lowest income earners is proposed, and both the Prime Minister and President of Latvia send letters and meet with the leaders of Estonia and Lithuania to talk about economic cooperation to help all three nations get through the recession. (Because of its strategic position in the Baltic, its size, and the "largest" economy of Lithuania and Estonia, I have determined Latvia to be the strongest Baltic state...Is that all right?)
- Actually, I think Lithuania is the largest Baltic state.
- But you can play as Latvia, of course.
- Hungary: The civil war continue with the Fascist controlling all the western part and approaching Budapest, thank to the large number of tanks and plane, many peasants who join the Communists decide to return to their land to avoid persecution in the case the Communists are crushed.
- United Kingdom: More support is sent to Poland, China and Korea. Support is offered to Hong Kong, who, given that China and the UK are both fighting Japan, will join the cause. The nation remains neutral in the Greece-Albania war. Support is sent to the anti-Fascists (would that be the Communists?) in Hungary. Banks in the UK and Ireland continue to be bailed out. The elections go well.
- The Communists and the Fascists are both fighting again the legitimate government to enforce their visions at the same time of fighting among themselves, the government is losing. There are three faction.
- Kenya: The government begins work on rebuilding the transportation system in the nation, most notably repairing the east-west railway from Mombasa to Kimusu, and paving the roads linking smaller towns to the capital city of Nairobi. The soldiers that volunteered for military service after the government's victory against the warlords are vital in the plans to rebuild, forming the core of the workforce fulfilling that effort. Security in the southern half of Kenya is restored, and confidence in the government's ability to lead is re-established. The nations of Uganda and Tanzania are pleased with the progress in Kenya, and talks to establish a unified nation in East Africa, in which Rwanda and Burundi take a part, take place in the city of Nairobi.
- United States: The United States continues to improve economically and the Panama Canal Zone is enforced with military troops. The United States Congress votes to allow the Panama Canal Zone become an official territory of the United States. Congress also votes on the status of the Philippines, and becomes the 50th state in the United States. The United States SECRETLY prepares for an invasion of Mexico to help bring its oil and mineral resources under the control of the US Government. The first McDonald's is open on May 15 and Carbon-14 is discovered by two scientists. Research continues on the American's nuclear program. Enclavehunter (talk) 14:22, October 5, 2012 (UTC)
- You'd need a RNG to annex the Philippines.
- Okay.
- Okay. I just did the RNG on (1-5 No, 6-10 Yes. 8 - Yes). I did not cheat on this. Enclavehunter (talk) 20:45, October 7, 2012 (UTC)
- They'll be a colony. They're probably too far away to "properly" annex (i.e. no longer a playable nation, just a part of yours).
- China: Communist armies launch a series of significant attacks against the nationalists, who are severely suffering from lack of funds. We graciously accept UK support. In February, a nationalist discussion is launched over surrendering to the Communist movement. Although no decision is reached, it becomes clear that the surrender is imminent. After much debate, the dominant Communist leaders offer an alliance with the Soviet Union against both of our enemies.
- Egypt: sends funds to the Chinese nationalists with weapons and supplies.
- China: The Communists say that if you continue to send support to the internationally unpopular nationalists, they may be forced to declare war, perhaps bringing in some of our more powerful allies (Soviet Union, Japan, etc.) At the same time, the nationalists graciously accept Egypt's help and ask for their continued support against the Communists. (Does anyone else realise how hard it is to play as two warring nations?)
- Japan: Communists assassinate emperor Hiraceo and take control of the government the military is now being ordered to support the Communists.
- Colombia: The industry grows up and become more independent from the US. The Education Minister Gaitan continues promoting an extensive literacy campaign as well as cultural activities. The leftist movement condemns Panama Canal Zone integration to the US. The alliance with Venezuela is accepted.
- Germany: Germany starts its own nuclear program and begins to build up its naval power. Troops begin to mass on the Austrian border to "liberate" them from their economic hardships.
- Sweden asks Norway and Finland if they would like to join Sweden in a new 'Republic of Scandinavia', with a judicial capital in Oslo, military capital in Stockholm, and a legislative capital in Helinski. Sweden >>>>>AGAIN- ASKS- AN- ALLIANCE- WITH- GERMANY<<<<<
Germany: We accept.
- I'm starting the next turn.
- People, you can post!
- Greece: Continues to divert money to the war effort, and Greece thanks Cyprus for the extra troops that the Cyprians gave to the Greek war effort. The Greeks are advancing strongly into Northern Epirus. New hospitals are built in Epirus to accommodate the war effort.
- Italy: Military buildup continues while the colonies are now fully connected with railways, roads and airports and they are now fully industrialized.
- What colonies are you talking about?
- China: June 1941 becomes a famous month in the history of China as at last the nationalists surrender following the capture of their largest base by Communist armies. A new reformation is begun following Communist control. The Communists now set about to eradicate nationalism across the country. Huge proportions of the nationalist economy are added to the Communists'. Also, the Communists begin a rapid change of currency to the renminbi (OTL modern-day currency) to separate itself from the collapsing global economy. Because of the rapid change in events, we temporarily withdraw our offer of an alliance with the Soviets, although we expect to repeat the offer once our military and our economy are stabilised.
- Kenya: The government makes great strides toward unifying the country initiating a number of local reforms to increase agricultural output and standards of living. Political talks with Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi go well as talk of a political and economical alliance with Kenya at the lead are discuss. The railroad between Mombasa and Nairobi is repaired, and the industrial goods needed to rebuild the rural regions of the countries flow once more. The military undergoes expansion and modernization after funds freed up from fighting the warlords is diverted to re-equipping the military, further ensuring its success in combat.
- Hungary: The Fascists continue to push east and Belgrade falls, the government gives up after that the president is arrested and their military integrated in the Fascist military. The Fascist declare victory over the oppositions movements despite the small pocket of resistance, the Communists and remaining loyalists begun to be hunt down. An alliance is offer to Italy and Germany.
- United States: United States continues to work on its nuclear program and improve the United States Navy to compete with the Royal Navy, German Navy, and Japanese Navy. Pearl Harbor is improved to accommodate more military vessels. The United States establishes an series of anti-aircraft defenses along the Pacific Coast, while the Navy steps up patrols in the Atlantic Ocean.
- Colombia: The Ambassador Luis López de Mese met the Venezuelan Ambassador Esteban Gil Borges and ask him to confirm the Sea Limits Treaty (this one). The first National Car Race is win by Eduardo Roncallo Carbonel, the funds collected during the event are gived to the Red Cross. The Andes University is founded. The General Santander Police Academy is created by Presidential order. The local industry continues growing up, the navy is also build up. A modern system of railroads is designed to be build soon.
- United Kingdom: Support continues to be sent to Poland and Korea, though the situations there have calmed down. New stock market systems are added to stabilise the economy. Support is sent to the Communists and loyalists in Hungary to keep the Fascists from gaining power. Economic support is sent to the Caribbean colonies.
- Okay, we're waiting for Germany, Italy, Latvia and Venezuela.
- Venezuela:The Ambassador from Colombia is welcomed and despite being a reasonable limit; Venezuela would like another one much more suitable for our nation, as well an alliance is asked with the United Kingdom and ask to help Build up the military in Venezuela, in exchange we will aid Britain in any near future conflict, in any mean we can.
- Now it's Germany, Latvia and Sweden.
- Is there a map?
- Currently, no. The user who signed up for the mapmaker position seems to have gone inactive.
- Germany: The dry dock at Hamburg is enlarged to accommodate Germany's enlarged navy. Research begins on a prototype jet engine and is expected to be completed in about three years. The second stimulus package hits the economy and the Führer predicts the economy is about halfway to recovery.
- Okay, I'm starting the next turn.
- Greece: Continues to gain land in Northern Epirus. The hospitals are now fully built. The Greek King decides to annex all Greek held land in the war. Cyprus is sent various Greek crops in exchange for the war effort.
- Hungary: The last oppositions continue to be hunt down and many reforms are pass to restore the economy and gain the support of the population. A military build up occurred as tanks and gun leave the factory in mass and some major public project begun, the number of factory also begun to grow and the country side receive modern equipment to increase the crop production. Germany is ask for an alliance, the government begun to secretly plan a greater Hungary where all the Hungarian majority province around will be eventually annexed
- Germany: The German forces on the Austrian border finally launch their "liberation campaign." The resizing of the Hamburg docks continues with substantial progress being made. The Führer commissions the building of an aircraft carrier and work on the prototype the engine continues along schedule. (Algorithm will be posted on talk page for war)
- Hungarian Dip: The nationalist government proposes an alliance with Germany. If accepted, we offer support against Austria in exchange of help to reinforce our army.
- China: The political reformation is nearly completed. We would like to offer an alliance with the Soviet Union, and thank them for their support against the Nationalists. We send a message to Japan demanding that all Japanese troops leave China immediately or we will be forced to take action. We also begin to build a more powerful military in preparation for the wars occurring and future wars that may occur.
- Does no one else feel like posting?
- Huh? Who wrote that?
- United Kingdom: The government remains neutral in the war between Germany and Austria for now, though the military is quickly upgraded. The economies of the British Virgin Islands and Anguilla are funded to help them recover from the recession, and financial help is also sent to the Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The healthcare system is improved.
- We're waiting for the United States, Kenya, Sweden, Latvia, Colombia, Venezuela and Italy. :P
- United States: The United States continues its nuclear program, while research begins on a jet engine, rocketry, and radar. The United States Navy launches an aircraft carrier and construction on an air base in the Panama Canal Zone begins. The United States Army begins research into an assault rifle to replace sub machine guns. The United States SECRETLY begins to mass troops along the border with Mexico and in Florida towards Cuba.
- Where is everybody?
- Sorry for the previous no show Topaz. ~Viva
- Kenya: Government forces oust the remaining warlords in the northern regions of the country. The people are free to beginning returning to their homes and rebuilding under the protection of the united Kenyan government. In Arusha, Tanzania, the East African governments agree to an economic alliance with the unification of their currencies under the East African shilling, the first step toward a unified nation. This is to be built upon with the establishment of a single passport system allowing citizens of the five nations to travel freely between, and later on with the formation of a united military command to defend all nations jointly. Finally, political unification is expected to be achieved by 1950.
- Bangladesh: The prime minister hires 5% of the military to help keep the border secure. There are now plans for upgrading weapons, but due to money problems only two tanks are created. These tanks are named 'Iron Tiger' and 'Stone Tiger'. These are the prototypes to create more tanks in case any nation wants to attack Bangladesh, but there can only be five tanks made every year. NOTE: I don't know if this is good or if this just sounds stupid, but this is my first map game that I am taking part in, so if I do something wrong please tell me.
- It's fine.
- Colombia: the Liberal Party continues displacing the Conservatives who are divided and fighting between themselves and supporting many Liberal groups. Colombia continues becoming independent from external economies and the education is becoming maybe the best in the region. Gaitan as the Education Minister continues gaining popularity even many Conservatives supporters. The army is modernized.
- Should I start the next turn?
- Yes. The other nations are usually inactive.
- Okay. Here it is!
- United States: The United States declares an act of war against Mexico by launching a three-pronged attack into northern Mexico, while a fourth attack against the Mexican garrisons in Tijuana and Mexicali. Meanwhile, the United States Navy bombards the western and eastern coast of Mexico, as well as the Gulf of California. The United States Air Force's Hellcats and P-51 Mustangs do damage against the weak Mexican Air Force, with most of the aircraft being destroyed on the ground, and the remainder being shot down in air-to-air combat. On the home front, research continues into nuclear weapons, assault weapons, jet engines, helicopters, rockets, and radar. The United States Navy increases patrols in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico, while the garrison at the Panama Canal Zone is increased.
- Bangladesh: Small scale jute processing and military equipment factories are opened to lower unemployment. The military equipment factories increase the amount of tanks that can be built, there are now three tanks built every third of a year (1 turn). The prime minister passes a new act named the 'Improving Homes Act' which aims to build more homes and to improve the conditions of the slums. Higher education, engineering courses or training for five years in the army is made compulsory for men over 17, and the army is trained in a designated area of the Sundarbans (forest on the Bengali-Indian border, mostly part of Bangladesh) as it is deemed to be the perfect area for guerrilla warfare training. Also we would like to request an alliance with Hungary.
- Hungary Dip: We accept the alliance and propose a trade deal in which we will give you technologies and military advisor in exchange of resources.
- Bengali PM: In response we have sent 7.5% of the sugarcane and jute that we have grown in the new industrialised farms and factories. We have also set up a small portion of the Sundarbans for obtaining wood. 7.5% of this wood will be sent to Hungary in the next turn. We accept the deal.
- Hungary: The Fascist have consolidate their power and the economy is greatly improve when the industries are nationalised and new modern farming equipment begun to be buy. various Military research begun to develop modern weapons and an alliance is propose to Germany and Italy to gain advanced weapons. A draft for all adult male is made and education is improve, more school are build across the country.
- Kenya: The government makes great inroads in the organization of the economy and the military. With the warlords gone, the true reconstruction of the nation can begin at full force. The populace organize to take part in great build projects, the first of which is the grand railroad project that will connect the entire East African region together, allowing trade and prosperity to reach each and every corner of the five nations there. The military reaches a force of 45,000, all professional soldiers with combat experience.
- Greece: Continues to push into Northern Epirus. Greece also requests an alliance with the USA for future possible war needs and will also provide military aid with the war with Mexico. Greece also asks Cyprus for a union, to create a 'Greater Greece', Cyprus continues to deliberate over the issue. More roads, railways and airports are built to accommodate the growing needs of the Greek population.
- American Dip: We accept the alliance and thank Greece for its support.
- China: We continue to militarize, and also continue to focus on stabilizing the Chinese economy and government. A new project has begun to improve standards of living across the nation. At the moment we choose to remain neutral in the various conflicts happening around the world. We do, however, lay a strong claim to Hong Kong, and stress that with our unified armies we will be better equipped to take control of it (not a threat, Britain. At least not yet). Several anti-Communist groups are eliminated through use of the police force.
- Venezuela: The American transgression surprises Venezuela, despite this the president, decides that the conflict is not our major concern and that our only concern are focused in the Andean Ambit or the South American ambit, the Military yet is built to avoid any outside intrusion into Venezuela, and Britain is asked to put a new border between Guyana and Venezuela to suit the claims from Venezuela to Guyana Esequiba and Brazil is asked for a new border treaty for the southern zone's a fleet is armed to defend the coast, and America is asked for aid into updating the Military
- American Dip: We agree to update your military and asks for an alliance between the US and Venezuela.
- Venezuela Dip: We will gladly become your ally and we thank your help in the military aspect.
- USSR: We annex Poland and we create an assault rifle the AK-47 and create a new tank the T-54 and we ask the US if we can help in Mexico.
- United Kingdom: Government funding reaches the British Virgin Islands and is also sent to Anguilla and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The government continues to fund the Irish economy. It will remain neutral with regards to the German-Austrian War for now, though diplomats are sent over to inspect the situation. The military continues to be improved, and the navy undergoes reforms as well.
- Colombia: The Presidential Elections take place, the conservatives are so weakened that the final result is: Alfonso López Pumarejo (Liberal) 78%, Carlos Arango Vélez (Liberal dissidence) 12%, and Mariano Ospina (Conservative) 9%. Colombia continues becoming independent from external economies and the education is becoming maybe the best in the region. Gaitan as the new Interior Minister continues gaining popularity. The army is modernized.
- We're waiting for Germany, Sweden, Latvia and Italy.
- You should do a PMII and make turns start every 24 hours.
- That would work. Maybe the reason lots of people aren't having their turns is because they're tired of waiting for everyone else.
- Does anyone want to join my new map game ? If you do go Here.
- The PMII system might work, but people might also miss turns because of not noticing in time. But it might work.
- I'm starting the next turn.
- Anyone interested in having mod events?
- YES!
- Anyone else (who posted that?)
- Colombia: Colombian production continues becoming independent from external economies and the education is becoming the best in the region. Gaitan continues gaining popularity. The army is modernized. A project to modernize the infrastructure of the country is approved. The railroads continue growing.
- Greece continues to take and annex Northern Epirus. Greece thanks the US profusely about the alliance and hopes that the alliance will continue to grow. The Cypriot people have reached a conclusion: They would like to join Greece in a federation. Preparations begin to be made to create the Autonomous Province of Cyprus within Greece.
- China: It is declared in China that all imperialist and nationalist resistance to Communism has been eliminated from the country. A national celebration, the People's Day, is commenced to take place yearly to celebrate the destruction of imperialism in their country. We also continue to militarize and improve living standards throughout the country.
- Hungary: The economy continue to be improve as the unemployed population is slowly getting work in the new factory build by the government, the military force continue to be upgraded and grow. The factory are mostly made to build military good but some are build to make civilian goods. The cities and country side enter in a modernisation campaigning.
- Sorry for being away these last few days. :P
- United Kingdom: The government continues to send funding to the British Virgin Islands, with funding for Anguilla and the Turks and Caicos Islands also arriving at the destinations, and the Cayman Islands are next in line. The UK educational system starts to be improved with several reforms, and the Irish government is also helped with education. The UK's military is upgraded a bit, and road networks are improved.
- The United States secures most of northern Mexico, while the military begins to prepare for an offensive into Mexico City. Research continues into all modern technology being researched, such as nuclear weapons and jet engines. The Interstate Highway Act is passed by President Roosevelt, which allows for the construction of wide roads from one-side of the country to the other and everything in between. Improvement in the Philippines continues and the military garrison is increased.
- We're waiting for Kenya, Bangladesh, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Venezuela and Latvia.
- Bangladesh: The prime minister slowly begins a program that will slowly transform Bangladesh into an Islamic Republic, as most of the Bangladeshi people are Muslim. However, the other majority religion, the Hindus, are allowed to continue to practice their religion freely. Some people are hired by the military to help build small ships. These ships have basic weapons and 8 of them are built. They are faster then the previous ships in possession of the Bangladeshi military, and three of them are used to carry out the trade deals we made earlier with Hungary.
- I'm starting the next turn. Sorry for the delay.
- China: To establish the construction of a new government building in Beijing, we launch a new meeting set to take place in early 1943 over peace communications between rivalling nations. The meeting will take place on neutral ground and full security will be provided. We invite any and all nations to attend.
- Greece: Continues its invasion of Albania. More land is annexed. More infrastructure is built, especially around the annexed land in Northern Epirus. At a ceremony in Nicosia, Cyprus is fully absorbed into Greece, and becomes the fourteenth province of Greece.
- Hungary: The modernisation of the military and infrastructure continue and the army begun to be mobilise to invade Romania. Bangladesh is offer military technology in exchange of raw material. Many planes are bought to allow more easy trade with Bangladesh and any other nations. A trade deal and an alliance is offer to Greece.
- The United States annexes Mexico after the Marine Corps marched unopposed into Mexico City after landing near Veracruz. Work begins on incorporating the former Mexican country into the United States and improve the southwestern states of Mexico, Baja, Sonora, Yucatan, and Rio Grande with economic prosperity. The military begins to draft an invasion of Central America and Panama, as well as Russia.
- USSR: Army become more powerful we secretly send KGB agents to arm and train Arabs in Israel and we invade Finland.
- Algorithm please.
- Can I make the map?Rdv65 (talk) 04:37, November 11, 2012 (UTC)
- Apply for mapmaker first.
- Japan: The military is being upgraded and we invade Korea.
- Algorithm please.
- I have finished my exams, and the game shall now resume!
- United Kingdom: Funding to the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands increases, and economical trade is also re-established with Anguilla and Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands. New elections are held for parts of the government. Some concern is shown over the plans made by Fascist Hungary to invade Romania, and the USSR's invasion of Finland, and the military is built up. Troops and supplies are sent to aid Finland in their war against the USSR. The government remains neutral on the US's wars for now. Some small governmental reforms are made, but the elections are the main internal political focus.
- Hungary: Send a diplomat in Japan to establish formal diplomatic relation and propose an alliance, Germany and Italy are against approach with an alliance offer. The final preparations are made to invade Romania and the invasion is planned for next year. Meanwhile, the economy grow increase by 150% as the countryside modernization campaign increases the migration to cities. This cause the military industry to increase and eliminated poverty.
- People, you can post! :P
- Where is everyone? :P I'll send some messages out soon.
- Sorry. I didn't know this had continued. Could you also restart your Islands Map Game?
- That needs just a little finalising.
- Greece annexes Northern Epirus, and the land is immediately given to Epirus province of Greece. Roads, schools and hospitals are immediately built, with many of the roads leading to Igoumenitsa. Albanian is still taught in Northern Epirus, but as a secondary language to Greek.
- United States: The United States divides Mexico into states and territories, forming the states of: Peninsula, Yucatan, Rio Grande, Sonora, while the territories of Mexico and Aztlan are formed. The United States Navy steps up patrols across the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, while defenses in Hawaii are increased. Research into all modern technology continues, while developing of nuclear weapon and jets continue, expected to be finished by 1944.
- Okay, messages have been sent out.
- China: We begin to militarize our forces. Efforts are made to continue to stabilize the economy by providing jobs in poorly maintained areas. Economic reforms begin.
- East African Federation: The integration of the five East African states into the East African Federation is a success, and the East African shilling is adopted as the new currency of the nation. The militaries are unified under the leadership of the old Kenya Armed Forces, and begin work on rooting out any rebels forces, as well as aiding the people in modernizing the country. Shipyards are built, railroads constructed, and airports expanded as the nation grows. The diversification of the economy begins as well to reduce the country's reliance on cash crop exports.
- Shouldn't there have been some sort of RNG or algorithm for that? Also, which states are in the EAF?
- Venezuela: The end of the war from USA-Mexico brings some hate among the population to America as they are found imperialistic and cultural destructors, nevertheless the government continues to have open relations with the USA. While this, other Important nations are asked to open relations and Greece is asked an alliance, as well that Colombian and Brazilian border treaties are asked to be redone to have a more exact border referent to the Amazonian regions.
- Greece accepts the alliance.
- I'm starting the next turn. (:P)
- Ehm... the turn is open.
- Poland: Starts a program helping banks, supermarkets and farms, in hopes of getting people back on their feet to have a standing economy. Employment rate is 30%.