The Third Global War (1885 - 1891) was the largest, bloodiest, most widespread war up to that point. The war saw fighting in every inhabited continent.
The War Begins[]
In 1885, upon the declaration of war by the Ottoman Empire against Bulgaria, the Third Global War began. Initially, the Alliance enjoyed great success. The Ottoman Empire overran much of the Balkan States, while France and Rhineland invaded the Netherlands in Britain and northwestern Austria.
Initial Gains[]
Initially, the Alliance enjoyed great advantages. The British nation of Oregon, for example, was completely cut off from the rest of the Commonwealth. Oregon, cut off from support, soon fell to Japanese troops, and placed under military rule. The NAC province of Acadia was largely occupied by Canadian troops. Canada then declared the annexation of said province. Japan enjoyed naval superiority in the Eastern Ocean, while Britain dominated the Atlantic. Neither was able to make much of a dent in the other ocean. The Indian Ocean was bitterly contested, but eventually Japan dominated it.
In Europe, the Netherlands were divided between France and Rhineland.
In Asia, Japan quickly liberated Chôxen, and marched into Manchuria and Mongolia, declaring the establishment of new kingdoms in those areas. Southeast Asia quickly became a Japanese dominion, and once the British navy was expelled from the Indian Ocean, British possessions in India fell to combined Franco-Japanese forces. Once India was securely in Franco-Japanese hands, Japan was able to supply troops to her Ottoman ally.
In Africa, fighting broke out between colonial forces.
In South America, several nations had joined one or another alliance. British forces invaded French Guinea
Trench Warfare and Guerrilla Wars[]
These initial gains soon slowed to a crawl, as the defensive became king. Making matters worse, many occupied regions seethed with rebellion. Oregon in particular was a major headache for the Japanese Federation. Harsh military rule did nothing to endear the Oregonians to the Japanese, and hostility from that lives on to this day.
The League soon began to slowly reverse the Alliance's gains
The massive costs of the war, both in human and financial terms, led to collapse to several major players. Russia fell into civil war, the government dropping out of the war. Austria-Hungary likewise exploded as ethnic minorities began to rebel. Despite Japan and France's best efforts to stabilize it, the Ottoman Empire too dissolved away. China, seeing her allies melt away, signed a peace treaty with Japan, acknowledging the independence of Mongolia and Manchuria. Tibet and Uyghuristan would soon break away as well. In Europe, Britain found herself alone, as Prussia sought to leave the war.
Sweden dropped out of the war shortly after Russia, fighting civil war on two fronts in both Norway and Denmark. Peace was concluded after 5 years of civil strife and Denmark-Norway created during the peace process.
The tide of war once more turned int the Alliance's favor. The Japanese navy finally forced her way into the Atlantic, slowly eroding Britain's control, and the western NAC found itself under Franco-Japanese attack. Texas was partitioned among the victorious powers, with only the Anglophone regions remaining as a nominally independent nation. The Hispanic regions were annexed by Mexico as the Trans-Bravo Province, the Japanese regions were annexed by Misuri as the Riogurande Province, while the Francophone regions were annexed by Arkansas. Mexico furthermore took the opportunity to expand into Central America and the Caribbean.
The British navy was smashed, and the coast bombarded.
The belligerents (with the exception of Russia, which had no clear government) gathered in Frankfurt to negotiate peace terms, resulting in the Treaty of Frankfurt.
The Ottoman Empire was to be reformed under joint Franco-Japanese administration.
The map of Southeast Europe was redrawn. New nations, carved out of the defunct Austro-Hungarian Empire, were recognized, and the Ottoman Empire withdrew to Anatolia.
China reiterated her acceptance of Manchuria and Mongolia's independence, and renounced any territorial ambitions in Chôxen or Southeast Asia. In addition, she paid massive reparations to Japan.
Prussia and Austria renounced claims to areas inhabited by non-Germans, several new nations carved out of their territory. They also agreed to reparations to France, Rhineland, and the Ottoman Empire.
The remnant of Texas agreed to its new borders, but no reparations were required.
Oregon remained under Japanese occupation. The British self-governing colony of Newfoundland became a colony of France.
The North American Confederation renounced Acadia, annexed to Canada, renounced British Honduras, annexed to Mexico. The province of Godaiko was divided between Minnesota and Misuri, while Michigan was annexed to Misuri. The NAC was required to pay reparations to Mexico, Arkansas, Minnesota, Canada, and Misuri.
Britain was particularly harshly treated. All remaining colonies of Britain were stripped away, divided amongst the victorious powers. The Netherlands were divided between Rhineland and France, and massive reparations required. Britain's military strength was limited by treaty.
Major Powers[]
St. Petersburg League
- Russia
- China
- Austria
- Prussia
- Britain (and the rest of the Commonwealth of British Nations)
- Texas
- Greece
- Bulgaria
- Serbia
- Sweden
Grand Alliance
- Japan (and the rest of the Federation of Japanese States)
- France
- Arkansas
- Minnesota
- Canada
- Rhineland
- Ottoman Empire
- Mexico
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