Alternative History
Third Mezhikan Republic
Timeline: Russian America Expansion
Flag of Mezhiko
Location of Mezhiko
The location of Mezhiko within North America.
Capital Gorod Mezhiko
Largest city Gorod Mezhiko
Other cities Tucson, Ekatepek iz Morelos, Tiyuana, Pyebla, Gyadalazhara,
  others Indigenous languages
Russian Orthodox Church
  others Indigenous religions
Ethnic Groups
  others Indigenous, Russian Europeans, Spanish
Demonym Mezhikan
Government Single-party state

Military dictatorship Orlovism

Great General Rafael Valdez
President Carlos Ortiz
Established Independence from Spain: November 12, 1816

Monarchy to Democracy: August 19, 1881

Democracy to Dictatorship: May 13, 1907

Currency Mezhikan Lialev (MLL)
Time Zone -7 to -6
Calling Code +72
Internet TLD .mk (used only for government agencies)
Organizations PEMA

The 24 Intendencies of the Third Mezhikan Republic

The Third Mezhikan Republic (Russian: Третий Межиканской Республики) (Known as Valdez Mezhiko outside of P.E.M.A. countries) is a country which takes up most of southern North America. Mezhiko is divided into 24 Intendencies, and considered by many countries to be a puppet state of Yavukia some countries even go as far as to call it a satellite state. Since 1907 the leadership in the country has been held by the Valdez family. Mezhiko uses the term Great General for its main leader.


Colonization and Independence[]

For a full account of the Spanish colonization of the Americas head to Spanish Colonization of the Americas. One of the events not discussed in that article is the Spanish reaction to the Russian colonization. Russia's colonization of the Americas created such bad relations between Spain and Russia that when the Mezhikan Independence War was started it pitted Spain and Russia against themselves in a war. Due to Spain's involvement in the Napoleonic Wars the Russian Empire was easily able to defeat the Spanish army. The Mezhikan Independence War began on September 16, 1810 and concluded on May 4, 1816. Many historians think that the war would have gone on for many more years if the Russian Empire hadn't intervened on the side of Mezhiko. Agustín de Iturbide was able to gain power during the war and was named Emperor of Mezhiko when the war concluded.


From 1816 to 1881 Mezhiko was a monarchy known as The Kingdom of Mezhiko. Agustín de Iturbide (commonly called Iturbide I) was the Emperor of Mezhiko from 1816 to 1847. He is one of the 8 sons of Nicholas(a group of leaders in Latin America who did practially anything Nicholas I requested). Many harsh rulers and leaders typical of Monarchies of that time were experienced in Mezhiko. During this time Mezhiko was engaged in 8 wars, all of which were influenced by the Russian Empire. Mezhiko was also considered a bridge between Russian America and the rest of Latin America. With the Yavukian independence in 1879 the Kingdom of Mezhiko was unable to continue receiving supplies through Russian America. Their government which relied heavily on the imports from Yavukia quickly fell in 1881 and become a democratic puppet state of Yavukia.


With the transition to democracy Mezhiko experienced in 1881 conditions for the average person improved dramatically. The constitution of the First Mezhikan Republic was finalized on August 19, 1881. A president was elected on a three year basis and couldn't serve for more than those 3 years. The First Mezhikan Republic was never engaged in a war throughout its history. Mezhiko's government remained stable until after the coup in Yavukia. Once again the people of Mezhiko were without the guidance of their northern Russian neibors and fell into anarchy 3 months after the coup in Yavukia. In 1906 two Mezhiko's emerged one calling itself the Second Mezhikan Republic and the other calling itself The Mezhikan Freedom State. The Mezhikan Civil War (or as it's known to Mezhikan people, The Freedom War of Mezhiko) erupted in February of 1906. For a year the two governments fought, but with the pro Orlov, Mezhikan Freedom State receiving much more support from Yavukia than the Second Mezhikan Republic was receiving from the United States. Because of the lack of resources and support the Second Mezhikan Republic was defeated in a little over a year. With the defeat of the Second Mezhikan Republic a new pro-Orlov Mezhiko Emerged, The Third Mezhikan Republic, the new Mezhikan constitution Was created on May 13, 1907.


The Valdez family took hold of Mezhiko after the Mezhikan Civil War and has been leading Mezhiko ever sence. The name Valdez Mezhiko came into use after World War I to refer to the Valdez lead Mezhiko. Within 2 years of the Valdez family taking control of Mezhiko the decent conditions which the country had for 24 years were back to the level they were at when the Iturbide family had control of Mezhiko. Mezhiko was one of the founding members of P.E.M.A. When the leadership of Yavukia was faultering (especially from 1961 to 1963) the government of Mezhiko also faultered, yet the Valdez family has been able to maintain their Great General status the whole time. Much like Yavukia the Collapse of the United Kingdom affected Mezhiko very little. Relations with the League of Nations and Comecon have decayed since the Collapse of the United Kingdom. The Third Mezhikan Republic plays an important role in the South Caribbean disaster of 2010 as all P.E.M.A. troops access the barrier through the Third Mezhikan Republic.

Foreign Relations[]


Mezhiko has always had good relations with Russian America/Yavukia. Their economy has heavily relied on their northern neibors since the creation of their country. Relations began in the Mezhikan Independence War. Mezhiko received heavy aid from the Russian Empire and therefore started relying on Russian America/Yavukia. As a result of this Mezhiko has became a puppet state of whatever government may be in power in Yavukia. They have a reputation of following Russian America/Yavukia into whatever situation they may have.


Mezhiko and Japan didn't deal with each other from 1816 until 1910. When Japan and Yavukia began trading, Mezhiko also began trading with Japan. Mezhiko's relations with Japan greatly improved from 1910 until 1931 when P.E.M.A. was formed. Mezhiko's and Japan's relations have continued improving since that time and both governments are now friendly with each other.

United States[]

From 1816 to 1881 Mezhiko didn't have any relations with the United States, good or bad, and no agreements. When Mezhiko became a democratic state in 1881 the United States began to approach them for trade agreements. Mezhiko denied them any agreements, but still traded with the United States through both countries trade agreements with Yavukia. Yavukia's coup made a huge barrier in relations, but during the Mezhikan Civil War the United States did support the Second Mezhikan Republic. After the Mezhikan Civil War, Mezhiko's relations with the United States has been nothing but bad. Their allegiance to Yavukia created a huge barrier in the beginning. The formation of P.E.M.A. also created an early barrier between the two governments. Currently, Mezhiko has been playing a huge part in the South Caribbean Disaster of 2010 siding with Yavukia, this has created a new bout of anti-Mezhiko feelings in the United States.

Soviet Union[]

Mezhiko has always had very poor relations with the Soviet Union. Valdez Mezhiko shares the same view of the Soviet Union as Japan and Yavukia. Mezhiko has very pro-Monarchy views, and as the Soviet Union despises monarchy, this has created a rift. The relation between Yavukia and the Soviet Union has also been a huge factor in determining the relations of Mezhiko and the Soviet Union. Recently in the South Caribbean Disaster of 2010, Mezhiko has prevented the Soviet Union from aiding their allies in the South Caribbean, distancing themselves further.