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18th Century[]
- 1787

A painting of the Constitutional Convention.
- August 12 — The Russo-Turkish War begins.
- October — The Constitutional Convention of the United States of America ends without an agreement for a new constitution.
- November 9 — New York secede from the United States of America.
- 1788
- January 26 — The Colony of New South Wales is established.
- March 24 — The Articles of Confederation are abolished. The United States of America dissolves into 13 countries.
- June — The Russo-Swedish War begins.
- 1789
- April — Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire unite as the United States of New England.
- June — The French Revolt begins.
- November — The Vermont War begins.
- 1790
- January — Delaware and Pennsylvania unite as the Federal Republic of Pennsylvania.
- May — Rhode Island is admitted into New England.
- August — The Russo-Swedish War ends with a status quo ante bellum.
- 1791
- February 4 — Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina unite as the Carolinian Confederacy.
- August — The Vermont War ends with a Vermont-New England victory. New York recognizing the independence of the Vermont Republic.
- 1792
- January 9 — The Russo-Turkish War ends with a Russian victory.
- June 26 — New Jersey and New York unite as the Union of New Netherland.
- September 20 — A Prussian-led coalition defeats the French Revolutionary Forces at the Battle of Valmy.
- December — The French Revolt ends with a royalist victory.
- 1793
- January — The Second Partition of Poland occurs.
- 1795
- May — The Northwest War begins.
- 1797
- June — The Northwest War ends with the Treaty of New York. The Northwest Territory is divided between Pennsylvania, New England, and Virginia. The New England portion is jointly administered by Great Britain.
19th Century[]
- 1801
- January 1 — the Acts of Union 1800 are finalized, with the admission of Ireland into the newly named United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
- 1806
- April — After the death of Stadtholder William V, the Patriots take control of the Netherlands.
- ??? — The Fifth Anglo-Dutch War begins.
- 1808
- The Fifth Anglo-Dutch War ends with the British agreeing to a
- 1809
- The Russo-Turkish War (1809-1812) begins.
- 1810
- The Dutch monarchy is restored.
- 1811
- The Second Northwest War begins.
- 1812
- The Russo-Turkish War (1809-1812) ends.
- 1814
- The Second Northwest War ends.
- 1821
- The Latin American Revolutions begin.
- 1822
- The First Florida War begins.
- 1824
- New Spain is granted dominion status.
- The First Florida War ends.
- 1826
- New Granada is granted dominion status.
- The Chesapeake War begins.
- The Third Northwest War begins.
- 1827
- The Latin American Revolutions end.
- Peru is granted dominion status.
- Rio de la Plata is granted dominion status.
- 1829
- The Revolutions of 1829 begin.
- The Chesapeake War ends.
- The Third Northwest War ends.
- 1830
- The Revolutions of 1829 end.
- The Second Florida War begins.
- 1831
- Brazil is granted kingdom status.
- 1833
- The Second Florida War ends.
- 1836
- The Revolutions of 1836 begin.
- 1837
- The Revolutions of 1836 end.
- 1846
- The Holy Roman Empire undergoes reform under the Erfurt Convention
- 1853
- New Spain is granted kingdom status.
- 1861
- The Virginian Civil War begins.

Abraham Lincoln at a field headquarters in 1862.
- 1862
- New Grenada is granted kingdom status.
- 1863
- ??? — The Virginian Civil War ends with a Commonwealth victory. Shortly after the victory, Virginian President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated.
- ??? — Denmark sells the Danish West Indies to New Netherland.
- 1865
- Peru is granted kingdom status.
- 1873
- The Chinese Civil War begins.
- 1876
- ??? — The Netherlands sells Curaçao and its dependencies in the West Indies to New Netherland.
- ??? — The Acts of Union 1876 is finalized, establishing the United Kingdom, the Maritime Provinces, and the Great Lakes Provinces as equal dominions within the United Britannic Commonwealth.
- 1877
- Rio de la Plata is granted kingdom status.
- 1878
- Sweden sells Saint Barthélemy to New Netherland.
- 1881
- March 13 — Russian Tsar Alexander II is assassinated.
- ??? — Columbia is granted dominion status within the United Commonwealth.
- 1883
- In the largest land-grab in New Netherlander history, Spain agrees to sell its claims in the East Indies and in Guinea to New Netherland.
- 1885
- New Netherland officially makes claim Fiji, the Ellice Islands, and Tonga.
- 1887
- The Chinese Civil War ends.
- Treaty of Canton - Establishes the partition of China between various powers.
- 1898
- New Netherland organizes its Pacific claims into the territories of Fiji and Micronesia.
20th Century[]
- 1900
- May 18 — The Treaty of Friendship is signed. The Kingdom of Tonga becomes a sovereign protectorate of New Netherland.
- 1901
- January 1 — Australia gains dominion status within the United Commonwealth.
- 1903
- Construction on the Nicaragua Canal begins.
- 1907
- September 26 — New Zealand and Newfoundland gain dominion status within the United Commonwealth.
- 1926
- New Netherland incorporates its African claims into the Territory of Bioko.
- 1929
- Patagonia gains dominion status within the United Commonwealth.
- 1930
- Borealia gains dominion status within the United Commonwealth.
- 1933
- Westralia gains dominion status within the United Commonwealth.
21st Century[]
- 2005
- August — Hurricane Katrina devastates Carolina and Louisiana. Floods devastate New Orleans.
- 2012
- October — Hurricane Sandy devastates New Netherland and Pennsylvania.