Alternative History

The timeline of the Swede Victorious timeline centers around an initial POD, and continues from there.

1700 - 1799[]

1700- Charles XII pursues and destroys the Russian army following the Battle of Narva. Charles thought of attacking Poland, but was dissuaded by his advisors.

1709- Charles XII defeats the renewed Russian Army at Poltava. Soon after, Swedish Armies burn down Moscow. The Swedish Empire carves out most of north central Russia and the Tsar flees over the Ural Mountains. Ukraine is granted sovereignty in the Treaty of Moscow.

1710- The Spanish War of Succession is fought and the Bourbons supported by France and the Swedish Empire prevail, but in the process Sweden loses most of their North American possessions to Great Britain.

1711- The Swedish Empire invades Poland and occupies most of its northern claims. In international courts, it claims that this is merely a restoration of territories lost from the crown, as Sigismund I ruled both Sweden and Poland from 1592-1599 when Karl IX lead a revolution against him. Sweden is an unparalleled power in northern Europe with no challenger.

1712- Louis XIV calls for support from the powerful Swedish Empire to help in invading Hanover and the Netherlands. The Swedish Empire is successful and those lands are conquered.

1718- Great Britain makes a deal to return Hanover to British rule in exchange for their new conquests in North America. Pennsylvania, New Amsterdam, New Jersey, and Delaware become New Sweden under Swedish rule.

1721- Peter of Russia attempts to recapture lost territory, succeeding in recapturing Moscow.

1722- Moscow is re-captured by Sweden, the Kremlin is burned to the ground, as is much of the city.

1723- Charles XII dies of an assassin's bullet, his sister Ulrika Leonora and her husband, Frederick of Hesse were tried and convicted of the assassination, and both were banished. Gustav, Duke of Zweibrucken was crowned King Gustav III of Sweden. Zweibrucken lands become part of the Royal Lands of Sweden by decree of the lesser nobles of land.

1731- Gustav III dies of natural causes. Charles Adolf Gyllenstierna, Count of Eriksberg, nephew of Gustav III served as Karl XIII Adolf, until his abdication in favor of Adolf Frederick in February of 1732.

1732- Austria claims most of the German states south of Prussia, which is now a Swedish principality. The Holy Roman Empire is dissolved.

1756- Adolf Frederick I brokers the marriage of Christian VII of Denmark-Norway and his daughter Sophia Albertina, further aligning the two northern Kingdoms.

The Seven Years' War begins, with France and Sweden arrayed against Great Britain.

1764- The Treaty of Paris concludes the Seven Years' War. Britain loses all but New England Colonies in New World. Begins to more stringently focus on India, Near and Far East trade.

1771- Gustav, eldest son of Adolf Frederick accedes the throne at his father's death, assuming the title of Gustav IV.

1776- Gustav IV recognizes the existence of the United States of New England, and issues clandestine orders to the Utlandsråd of New Sweden to help the Americans in any way possible.

1783- Treaty of Paris, 1783 is signed by British, French, Swedish and 'Americans' from the former British Colonies of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. Britain forgoes its claims to North American soil. The British wrangle a concession that allows the Hudson's Bay Company to continue to function.

1790- Battle of Svensksund, Sweden defeats a rising Russia, and forces Russian payment of indemnities, with surrender of all lands west of the Volga and North of the Don. Russian capital moved to Perm.

1792- An assassination attempt on Gustav IV was foiled, and the king, while wounded was quickly restored to health. It was found that the assassination was a plot between disaffected Swedish nobles and Catherine, Tsarina of Russia.

1793- Gustav Adolf, heir apparent to the Swedish Throne killed in a hunting accident. His brother Karl Gustav, aged 10, becomes heir apparent to the throne.

1795- Napoleon Bonaparte becomes general of the French Armies.

1799- Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power in France.

1800 - 1899[]

1805- Sweden joins the Third Coalition against France.

1812- United New England is re-annexed by the British.

1815- Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo. Europe is re-districted between the powers of the time in the Congress of Vienna. Norway is awarded to Sweden. United New England is granted its sovereignty in perpetuem with a Swedish concession to not compete with the British East Indies Markets for 25 years.

Sweden is awarded France's former holdings in North America, west of the Mississippi; border skirmishes with Mexico begin at this point and increase, going forward.

1816- Denmark is hobbled by crippling debt and lingering bankruptcy from the Dano-British Gunboat war. Sweden offers to purchase Iceland, Greenland and Denmark's other foreign dependencies. Negotiations result in the sale of Iceland and Greenland with payments over five years. Sweden pays 1,000,000 kronor to Denmark in a token payment for Norway.

1820- Gustav IV dies of old age and is succeeded by his son, Karl XIV Gustav. Karl XIV Gustav returned from his sojourn in Paris with a French bride, Désirée Clary.

1844- Karl XIV Gustav dies of heart failure. Joseph François Oscar Holstein-Gottorp, the older son of Karl Gustav and Désirée Clary ascends to the throne as Oskar I.

1846- Short-lived Mexican-Swedish War was fought, ensuring the sovereignty of the Republic of Texas and Rio Grande. Sweden agrees to pay $15 million kronor, or in kind to the government of Mexico in payment for territories Mexico conceded in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

1859- Oskar I dies and is succeeded by his brother Charles as king.

1860- Karl XV enacts the Nordamerika Stattut, granting semi-autonomy and federation to the United Swedish States of America.

1863- The Danish Royal Family line dies out with Frederick VII of Denmark's passing. Because Vilhelmine Marie of Denmark had married Oskar I of Sweden, their son Oskar was elected king of Denmark.

1873- Karl XV dies, leaving no living male heirs and the kingdom passes to his nephew, King Oskar of Denmark. Oskar II's reign brings Denmark and Sweden into personal union. The Scandinavian Monetary Union was introduced this year.

1900 - 1999[]

1914- The start of the Great War.
