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This is the overview timeline of events in The British Ain't Coming. This includes both OTL events and events affected by the PoD.
c. 65 million years ago: An asteriod at least 6 miles in diameter crashes into the landmass that would have become the British Isles, destroying the landmass and triggering a mass extinction. It lands in the OTL Liverpool area.
0 CE - 600 CE[]
c. 410 CE - c. 560 CE: The Germanic Anglo-Saxon tribes migrate and settle along the northern coast of present-day Anglia.
mid-5th century: The Old English language begins to develop in Anglo-Saxon lands.
600 CE - 1000[]
772-804: Charlemagne leads the Frankish conquest of the Anglo-Saxons. Anglo-Saxon land, including those in the west are annexed into the Frankish Empire.
933: The islands of Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark are annexed by the future Duchy of Normandy, combining the three islands into the Balliwick of Guernsey. Jersey is also annexed, and becomes the Balliwick of Jersey.
1776: The Treaty of Paris makes the independence of New Orange official, as the Netherlands must recognize the state as per the treaty.
1789: The storming of the Bastile in Paris marks the start of the French Civil War.
1799:Anglia declares its independence from France.
1800 - 1900[]
1803: New France declares its independence, and then splits into Louisiana and Canada, but then Canada is quickly invaded by Royalist Forces, which quickly re-establish French control over the territory.
1831: The Ten Days' Campaign successfully crushes the Belgian rebellion. As part of the Treaty of Brussels, the Netherlands decentralizes into constituent countries, among them Belgium. Flanders becomes its own constituent country, as per the Flemish's wishes to separate from the rest of Belgium.
1846: Russia and Louisiana sign the Oregon Treaty in New Archangel, settling the disputed border at the 51st Parallel North.
1880s:Florida is formed from former Spanish colonies in mainland North America and the Caribbean.
1890s: People vote if Ohio should split in two making it West Ohio and East Ohio in New Orange.