Alternative History


Date Notes
25 August Minister for Health Dr. Noel Browne announces the Mother and Child Scheme.
27 August The Archbishop of Dublin, Gerard McFadden expels Noel Browne from the Catholic Church in retaliation against the Mother and Child Scheme
29 August The Bishop of the Vatican writes to the Irish government asking them to back down with there plans. They refuse
30 August Uproar around the country as the National Catholic Congress rallies its supporters to boycott the vote. Catholic paramilitaries also threaten to attack the Daíl if any bill going against the will of the Vatican is passed
6 May Minister for Defence Ian Sharpe sends the Local Defence Force in to deal with catholic paramilitaries. Later that day fighting breaks out among the catholics and LDF soldiers.
7-10 May The Catholic Revolt begins and violence spreads across the country. The Catholic Protectorate Army engages in a shooting battle with the Local Defence Force in Dublin. The Irish Armed Forces are brought in to squash the rebellion.
19 May John A. Costello who was Taoisceach resigns under astounding pressure from the government. The leader of the National Catholic Congress, Bishop Donald Todd seizes power and the fighting stops.
23 May Members of the other political parties flee the capital as the Irish Armed Forces are overran by waves of CPA soldiers and mobs of angry catholics. They believe that they are counteracting a socialist revolution.
1 June Shawn Higgins is appointed Minister for Media and Communications and under his mass propaganda scheme he turns the nation in favour of his political party.
3 June The government is officially ousted and the NCC officially control the entire government. Under the new government the State Control Act is passed and gives the government enormous powers. The conditions are as follows:
  • A party who gets the most votes in a general election wins 3/4 of the seats.
  • A part with a 75% majority can change the constitution without consultation of the people.
  • Capital punishment is introduced.
5 June Donald Todd dissolves the Daíl calling for a general election. He does this expecting a easy win and for his state control act to be introduced
27 June The NCC gains 3,423,922 votes and is officially the biggest party. It gains 3/4 of the seats and Donald Todd is elected as Taoiseach and Gerard McFadden is elected as Tanaiste. Bishops and Priests all run for there seat in the Dail and soon the government is controlled by catholic leaning politicians.
4 July The Executive Powers Act is passed allowing the Taoiseach to pass laws without consultation of the government. Donald Todd now is a dictator.
5 July The NCC officially suspend the constitution and impose executive powers to the Taoiseach. They begin the rewrite of the constitution
10 August The constitution is instated and called the Sacred Code of Ireland. These are the main terms
  • There are two houses the Chamber of Bishops and the Council of Parishioners.
  • The Cardinal of Ireland is the head of government and head of state.
  • The Cardinal of Ireland has supreme power and can overrule the government at any time. He is also the President of the Chamber of Bishops.
  • The National Catholic Congress shall always be the prominent power. This is to preserve and continue the catholic island of Ireland.
  • All non-catholic men, woman and children and other non-religious people will be deported to our foreign penal colonies.