Alternative History
Toledo Confederation
Timeline: 1983: Doomsday

OTL equivalent: Northern Ohio
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Toledo
The red, shows territory controlled by Toledo, while the teal shows territorial claims. The Toledo Federal District is shown in navy blue
With God All Things Are Possible (De facto) Laborare Est Orare (de jure)
Anthem "Beautiful Toledo"
Capital Toledo
Largest city Toledo
Other cities Bowling Green, Findley, Bryan, Port Clinton, Maumee
  others Spanish, French, Pennsylvania Dutch
Ethnic Groups
  others African-American, Anglo-Canadian, Franco-Canadian
Government Federal Constitutional Republic
President Tom Waniewski
Vice President Opal Covey
Population Est. 1,250,000 
Independence 1989
Currency Toledan dollar, Virginian dollar

The Toledo Confederation is a relatively young American survivor nation centralized in what once was Northwestern Ohio. During Doomsday most of the state of Ohio was devastated in nuclear fire due to its political and economic importance. However, the Northwestern portion of the state was spared from immediate devastation, making it one of the more stable regions in North America after the disaster. The area suffered from a long period of isolation from 1983 until about 1990.


The area was first settled by Americans in 1794, after the Battle of Fallen Timbers, with the building of Fort Industry. During the War of 1812, however, the area was abandoned. As the United States grew, resettlement of the area began. After several decades of growth, the Ohio state legislature authorized the construction of the Miami and Erie Canal to connect Cincinnati to Lake Erie. Many small settlements on Lake Erie competed heavily to be the ending terminus of the canal knowing it would give them a profitable status. In an attempt to compete with Waterville and Maumee the towns of Port Lawrence and Vistula merged to form Toledo.

From 1835 to 1836 Toledo was the source of conflict between Michigan and Ohio. In an almost bloodless conflict that would later be known as the Toledo War, Both Ohio and Michigan claimed authority over the area and sent state militias to the area to assert their authority. The issue was eventually settled by President Andrew Jackson. In return for giving up their claims on Toledo, Michigan gained the Upper Peninsula which is today controlled by the Republic of Superior.

By the 1980s the city became the fourth most populated city in Ohio. Toledo became a hub of the automotive industry as well as the glass and furniture industry. Although its importance declined during the 1970s with the growth of the Rust Belt, the city still remained an important industrial city. [Probably needs reworking]


As with every other state in the Union, Ohio was hit hard by nuclear weapons. The annihilation of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton and Columbus led to the dissolution of the state government and widespread panic. Without any form of government to lead them, many civilians were left to fend for themselves. The exception to this was the Greater Toledo area which, for unknown reasons, was not targeted on Doomsday. Although infrastructure remained intact, city leaders in the area still had to deal with fallout and a panicked population. These officials did their best to maintain order while attempting to re-establish communications with the US Federal Government. Once it became obvious that the situation was more severe than initially expected and that the United States had been destroyed, a conference was called to determine the area's future. After five months the various states of northwest Ohio decided to form a confederation centered around Toledo survivor states.

The Presidency of John McHugh[]

Elections were held a year after the conference ended. The Democratic candidate, John McHugh, had a landslide victory because Republican candidate former mayor of Toledo, Donna Owens, was associated with the chaos that enveloped Toledo after Doomsday. The McHugh administration was marked by an modest suppression of civil liberties in the name of maintaining  order. How many people actually viewed the eight-year McHugh administration at least somewhat favorably  due to McHugh's modestly successful public infrastructure restoration plan program, low crime rates and several incidents where McHugh punished high level  officials for acts of corruption      

The Finkbeiner Administration[]

The two term Finkbeiner administration is widely considered to the Dark age of the Toledo  Confederation. The mild suppression of  civil liberties associated with the McHugh administration became way worse under Finkbeiner. During Finkbeiner's two-term reign 10 to 17% of Toledo's spent time in prison. Inmates included former president McHugh. He was officially imprisoned for nepotism. However, the general public believes that McHugh was put in jail for speaking out against Finkbeiner. During the Finkbeiner administration the taxes were high and a good chuck of the money was embezzled by high level government officials. There was also a problem with government officials getting with harassing the general public. On the bright side Finkbeiner did a lot to help stimulate the business community of Toledo. President Finkbeiner died in 2004 from a heart attack  

The Bell Years[]

After the death of President Finkbeiner, Vice President Micheal Bell became president. During the Bell administration business continued to boom and Toledo became active on the international scene. Bell had a reputation for being more honest then Finkbeiner but even he was the center of a few scandals. President Bell also pushed a somewhat conservative agenda that end up dividing the Democrat party.

The Election of 2010[]

The victory of Kristen Keneally in the election of 2010 was an important turning point in the history of Toledo. It was the first time sometime from outside of the Democratic party won the presidency of Toledo. Keneally campaigned on a platform of anti-corruption, portion of civil liberties, women's rights, improving building safety standards, environmentalism, education and increasing of public facilities and services for the disabled. At first the Democratic party resorted to dirty tricks like voter disenfranchisement, and an anti-Keneally smear campaign. Eventually a few of the more corrupt Democrats tried to   assassinate Keneally. When Bell found out about this he decided that the Democrats were going to ensure his re-election. Bell had the military interfere with the assassination of Keneally, had the senators who planned the murder impeached and did all that was in his power to make the election was fair even if it meant he would lose. Bell lost by 12% of the vote but he left with a modest increase in approval ratings.

The Keneally Years[]

Among the first things Kristen Keneally did was launch a moderately successful anti-corruption campaign. Later she created a new scholarship for women. During the Keneally administration censorship decreased and due process in the criminal courts increased. In December 2011.  Keneally passed the Citizens with Disabilities Act that outlawed discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. It also made that all public services like education, libraries and transportation accessible to the disabled. New stricter  environmental codes were passed in May 2012 and new building codes were passed in November. President Keneally has shown skill with foreign policy. In 2013,She managed to get the Nordic Union and the Celtic Alliance to send ambassadors to Toledo. Relations with Superior have become quite warm under President Keneally.

Current Situation[]

The Election of 2018 end with New Republican party first ever victory. There ticket was that of senator Tom Waneski and state representative Opal Covey. Several reporters say the republican triumph was strong campaigns by the labor party stealing votes from the Liberal Party. President Wanski campaigned on bushiness friendly polices, improving Toledo infrastructure including gaining access to the internet, and rebuilding communites in north east ohio. The most succesful rebuidlign attemtps have been Wooster and caton


As with many other of the United States successor states, the government of the Toledo Confederation bears many similarities to its predecessor. Despite the name, the Toledo Confederation resembles its predecessor more than a typical confederation. Initially, the governmental structure was initially established on as much of the pre-Doomsday state model as possible. In recent


Former President of the Toledo Confederation, Michael Bell

years. However, several changes have been made to the Constitution, most notably the abandoning of the electoral college. Much to the chagrin of the pre-Doomsday population, most of the younger generation have expressed an interest in moving farther away from the American-style federal government and more toward a typical confederation. Although minor changes have been made, most of those born post-Doomsday believe there have not been enough reforms and that Toledo needs to step out of the shadow of its predecessor. As the older population dies out and the memory of the United States fades, it is likely that significant alterations will be made.

The government of the Toledo Confederation was established during the July Conference in Toledo upon the signing of the Cardinal Accords and the Constitution of Toledo by representatives of the seven founding cities.

The Executive Branch[]

As defined by the constitution of Toledo, the main duty of the Executive branch is to ensure that the law is upheld. Of the other two branches. The head of the Executive Branch is the President of the Toledo Confederation who serves as the Head of State and the Head of Government. Toledo has a plural executive branch system. Although the individual power of the President has been reduced, most citizens still see him as the most powerful man in the nation. The President of the Toledo Confederation is elected every five years through popular vote. Serving with the President is the Cabinet. With the exception of the Vice President, who is elected on the same ticket as the President, voters elect executive officers independently. As of 2010, these officers are:

  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Secretary of Agriculture
  • The Secretary of the Interior
  • Attorney General

States are operated under a gubernatorial system. While most states operate under a classical system (also known as a Strong Gubernatorial System), with a directly elected powerful governor as chief executive, other states have opted for what is now called a Weak Gubernatorial System. This is essentially a semi-presidential system, with most power transferred to parliamentary leadership of the state legislature.

The local level remains essentially unchanged.

The Legislative Branch[]

On the federal level of the legislative branch is the General Assembly of the Toledo Confederation, a bicameral body. In theory, both branches have equal rights and equal status. This branch is a simplified version of the model set forth by the United States.

The House of Representatives, also known as the Lower Assembly, is composed of 35 members as of 2020. The House is the direct representative of the people and seats are distributed according to the number of inhabitants in a region.


The Toledo Capitol Building put a massive strain on the nation's resources.

Each Representative serves for a two year term. However, there is no limit on how many times a representative can run for office. The presiding officer is the Speaker of the House, who is elected by the representatives themselves. The Senate, also known as the High Assembly, serves as direct representation for the individual states. As of 2010, the Senate is comprised of 25 members, two for each state and one for the Toledo Federal District. Each senator serves a four year term. However, individual states are permitted to choose the style in which they are elected. There is no limit on how many times a Senator can run for office.

Underneath the General Assembly of Toledo Confederation are the State Legislatures. Each state has a bicameral legislature. While the names vary between states, the upper house is typically given the authority to confirm appointments made by the executive branch and initiate taxing legislation. Members of the lower house usually serve longer terms than their counterparts.

The Judicial Branch[]

The Supreme Court or Federal Court of Toledo is the highest judicial body of the Toledo Confederation and is the final Court of Appeal for both criminal and civil matters in the Toledoan Justice System. The Supreme Court consists of seven members, the Chief Justice of Toledo and six Associate Justices. The Chief Justice serves as the Chief Administrative Officer and spokesperson for the court system. Each of the Associate Justices is helped by a Substitute Justice, who serves as the Associate Justice's assistant and serves as a temporary replacement should they be incapacitated until the president can select a new judge. He, along with the other six justices, serves as the final judges in the interpretation of the constitution and is responsible for examining the actions of local, state and national governments to ensure that the law is carried out by those organizations. This allows them to shape public policy by interpreting the meaning of laws already in existence and ensuring that the power of the other two branches remain in check. Supreme Court Justices serve a life tenure and are confirmed by the General Assembly after being nominated by the President.

Underneath the Supreme Court are the State Courts, which deal with intrastate affairs. Although the makeup of the courts is generally the same, that is six associate justices presiding under one chief justice, their method of selection varies between individual states as each state has its own individual constitution. These Courts are completely distinct from the Federal Court and located within state boundaries. Although the state courts usually only deal with appeals, and correcting mistakes made by the local authorities, they may choose to hear a case in place of the local courts within their state should they choose to do so.

All states are divided into municipalities or counties. Each of these has individual judges who preside over both criminal and civil cases. A citizen can make an appeal to the state courts should they disagree with the court's decision.

Political Parties[]

Prior to Doomsday and immediately afterward, the Greater Toledo Area was very much a liberal Democratic political machine. In this regard, the country was very much an oligarchy masquerading as a Democratic confederation. However, as time progressed, many political ties were strained and the Democratic party struggled to remain together. Doomsday resulted in massive political upheaval in the Toledo Confederation. Massive immigration from former Canadian provinces did not help matters. Despite this, party leadership attempted to give the impression of stability. The first blow came in 2004, when a group of dissatisfied members left to form the Labor Party. In 2007, Democratic control was severely threatened when a large portion of the party departed to form the Liberal Party due to ideological differences. The Democrats lost power in the election of 2010.

Major Parties[]

Kristina Keneally

Former President Kristina Keneally of the Toledo Confederation

The New Republican Party[]

The New Republican Party is essentially a continuation of the pre-Doomsday Republican party. Some very conservative Toledoens have felt that the New Republican Party is not conservative enough so they formed their own party, not surprisingly named the Conservative Union Party. As of 22 They are the largest party currently have 10 seats in the house of reperstivises and 11 in the senate. They were still unable to form a majority and were force to form a coaltion with the converstive union and the democatics. This had led to unstable goverment

The Democratic Party[]

Like their Republican counterparts, the Democratic Party is a continuation of the same political entity. For most of the nation's history, the Democratic party has remained in complete control over the nation's politics and has been establishing an oligarchy. Most members are not above dirty tricks to protect their offices. The Democrats have gained a reputation of corruption and are widely believed to be the cause of the disappearance of former Toledoan mayor, Donna Owens in 1990 despite a lack of physical evidence.

However, recent events have caused the party to splinter thus weakening their control over the state. Also like the Republicans, the far left of the party has become disgruntled by party leadership and moderate policies. In the modern day, the Democratic Party has become significantly more authoritarian than Pre-Doomsday. However, they do maintain most Pre-Doomsday economic positions. After election of 2010 the Democrats had had only one seat in the House of Representatives and no seats in the Senate the Democrats had had only one seat in the House of Representatives and no seats in the Senate . They gained a seat in both the house in 2014 and senate seate in 2018. Many

The liberal party[]

The Liberal Party was formed in 2007 by former Democrats who were upset with the new direction of the party and/or by government corruption. The ideology of the liberal Party is a blend of pre-Doomsday Democrat and Canadian Liberal Party ideology. They have 8 seats in the house and 6 in the senate

Labor Party[]

the Labor Party was founded in 2004 by former members of the Democrats who felt that the Democrats were too conservative. The Labor Party follows an ideology similar to the brand of social democracy practiced by the new Democratic Party of Canada. As of 2020 the the labor party has 9 seats in the house and two seat in the senate. They have formed a coalition government with the liberal party  

The Conservative Union Party[]

The Conservative Party is far right, a new republican breakaway party. They are known for pushing Bible-inspired moral legislation and for their incredibly pro-business attitude. As of the elction. They have 6 members in the house and 4 in the sentate

Vatican Communist

Flag of the Christian Communist Party

Minor Parties[]

Listed below are some of Toledo's minor political organizations. Unlike the above, these groups have only a minor influence on the nation's politics and have little influence in national elections.

The Christian Communist Party[]

The Christian Communist party is a political group that has gained followers in more religious communities in the Toledo Confederation. Believing in the unlikely combination of Communism and Christian values, the group has failed to take hold in most areas. The party is unlikely to become a major party in any definition, as there is still a marked anti-Communist stigma. It is unlikely that the party will overcome it, despite their self-professed "Christian" connections.

The Soldiers Party[]

Found in 2020 the solider party is a palecosonverive party that support strong ties with Virigna. No seats in national congress but they have a few in state legatusres and one gonvoship .


This is a list of states within the Confederation, and the year in which they joined.

State Capital Population Joined Juridstiction Government Notes
Auglaize Ada n/a 1989 Allen, Auglaize & Shelby Counties, OH Strong Gubernatorial Founding member
Blanchard Findlay n/a 1989 Hancock, Hardin & Logan Counties, OH Strong Gubernatorial Founding member
Cuyahoga Wooster n/a 2009 Cuyahoga, Lake, Wayne, Medina, Lorain, Summit, Stark, Portage and Geauga Counties, OH Weak Gubernatorial Largest state by territory claimed
Defiance St Marys n/a 1989 Williams, Defiance and Paulding Counties, OH Strong Gubernatorial Founding member
Erie Port Clinton n/a 1989 Ottawa, Sandusky and Erie Counties, OH Weak Gubernatorial Founding member with large Franco-Canadian population
Huron Norwalk n/a 2000 Huron, Richland & Ashland Counties, OH Weak Gubernatorial Famous for the Mid Ohio racetrack in Mansfield
Michigan(Monroe) Monroe n/a 2016 Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale & Branch Counties, MI Strong Gubernatorial Formed out of survivor communities in area
Seneca Tiffin n/a 1997 Crawford, Seneca & Wyandot Weak Gubernatorial
Steuben Angola n/a 2004 Steuben, DeKalb, Noble & LaGrange Counties, IN Weak Gubernatorial
St Joseph Elkhart n/a 2014 St Joseph, Marshall, Kosciusko and Elkhart, IN Strong Gubernatorial
Toledo Federal District Toledo n/a 1989 Lucas County, OH Strong Gubernatorial Founding state
Wert Van Wert n/a 1997 Mercer, Putnam & Van Wert Counties, OH Strong Gubernatorial Founding state
Wood Bowling Green n/a 1989 Wood, Henry & Fulton Counties, OH Weak Gubernatorial Founding state



A Recruitment Poster for the Toledoan Army

Toledo has a modest sized military of about 10,000 troops spread out between the army, the navy and the marines. Back during the Bell administration there was a mandatory draft for the army but it has been abolished under the Kerscher administration. Most of Toledo’s equipment is left over from pre-Doomsday but some equipment is produced by Ares Incorporated of Port Clinto and Eirie arms of sandusky n. Toledo also buys military hardware from Superior, Niagara Falls and North Pennsylvania.


Toledo Glass

One of the more extravagant examples of Toledo glass forming.

Even before Doomsday, the city of Toledo was known as Glass City because of its long history of innovation in all aspects of the glass industry. In the Post-Doomsday world, the Toledo Confederation remains one of the few areas still producing windows, bottles, windshields, fiberglass and glass art. As such, the nation remains an important resource for areas attempting to rebuild. Several large glass companies headquartered in the area have managed to survive somewhat intact. Pennsylvania remains a major consumer of Pennsylvanian glass products. The government of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has thanked Toledo for their glass products.

Despite a quick response by local authorities after Doomsday, agriculture was severely damaged by fallout. Most crops and livestock were either killed or contaminated. Animals who had been protected later became effected by contaminated feed. In the early years, miscommunications led to 'safe' foods being abandoned for fear of radiation. Due to Toledo's isolation, the government was unable to deal with the disaster resulting in sky high food prices and mass starvation. One of the first acts signed into law by the Toledo government after its establishment was the Farmstead Act of 1989. The program's intent was to educate rural communities to the dangers of fallout and instruct them how to protect their crops and livestock from further destruction. If perceived unfit for their position, government takeover of the land was frequent. As a result of this disaster, the Toledo federal government and various state agencies have set up large emergency food stockpiles in case of a similar disaster. Thanks to the Farmstead Act and other programs, from both civilian and government agencies alike, farm outputs have almost returned to Pre-Doomsday levels. In recent years, the nation has even begun to export crops to other nations. Climate change has allowed Toledo to grow plants previously foreign to the region.

With oil coming in from North Penn, manufacturing has made a minor comeback in the area. As with most survivor nations, the rebuilding the electrical grid was a major priority. Despite some minor setbacks in the 90s, most of the country had its power restored in the early 2000s with minor improvements being made into the present. Toledo currently gets its power from Niagara Falls. In the 2000's, two Toledo and North Penn investors re-opened up a surviving Jeep FJ-3 factory in Jeep. This has proven a very successful asset to both the economy and the government.

The Shooting Star Stove Co. was founded with materials salvaged from the Tappan Stove Factory in Mansfield, discovered in 2010 and in the process of resettlement, in 2015. The old works were reopened under the Shooting Star name in 2020.

In 2019 Jeep reorganized itself as Toledo Motor Works. Jeep is now only one of three of 3 divisons. The other two are Willys, makers of economy compacts, the Aero and Allstate, and Overlander, which currently only makes one model, the Constellation luxury sedan.

The Ford Motor Company is headquartered at the Avon Lake factory, and so is the Chrysler/MOPAR division of Mexican company Yankee Motors, with a large facility in Fremont. GM also has factories in Sandusky and Monroe. The country has sometimes been called 'The New Michigan', referencing the fact that Michigan was the US auto industry hub before Doomsday.

In 2008, the Ohio Art company relaunched production of the Etch-a Sketch. It quickly became the hottest toy among the children of the Midwest. Ohio Art started exporting the Etch-a Sketch to the Virginia Republic, the Kentucky Commonwealth and the Vermont Republic in 2011-just five years later, Etch-a-Sketches were being exported worldwide.

With the large concentration of medical facilities in the Toledo Confederation, the country has become well-known for its health services in the Great Lakes area.



The Government of Toledo runs the three-channel Confederation Broadcasting Network (CBN). It was established in 2012

CBN1 broadcasts news and PBS style educational programming.

CBN2 carries movies, sports and entertainment programming. Most of its entertainment programs are either produced before Doomsday or were made in the Republic of Superior. Currently the only Toledo produced shows on CBN2 are there i sitcom called Herre's Tommy, the ryenolds and Better look up, 2 soap operas called lakeview motel and dowtown a childern show called play time and adult varity show called toledo totonight and a

CNB3 is patterned after C-Span.

Toledo has two private network, Buckeye TV is associated with Toledo's largest movie studio, Buckeye Productions. They own Channels 2 and 8 out of Toledo, chanel 3 out of norwalk and Channel 7 channel out of Findlay. Channel 2 is a 24 hour news channel and Channels 5 3 and 8 broadcast sports and entertainment programming. Buckeye TV has a few oringal programs. They include p a western show called Out West (filmed in the Cedar Point Frontiertown district),a soap orep called golden age and a kid show called luckys clubhouse. They als hve two sitcoms call clueless and wolf town. Buckeye TV also has the licensing rights to broadcast Formula 1 races, commentated by 1978 F1 world champion, experienced race car driver and resident of Toledo, Mario Andretti, and former NASCAR champion Gareth McDonald.

The second network is eirie broadcasting company . The own channel 5 out of toledo chanle 7 out bolwing green and channel 9 out of norwalk. Eire broadcasting dosn't have much in the way of oringal enterent programing like it comptior. All it has has is soap opera called Lakeshores and a game show called it's a deal.

International Relations[]

Toledo was a founding member of the United Communities in 2007. Although the Toledo government is aware of the League of Nations' existence, no official contact has been made with the organization. Public opinion on the League varies significantly. Some see attempting to join the organization as a right step forward, while others strongly oppose it. A few are reluctant to open contact because they fear making the United Communities redundant.

Being one of the first nations Toledo came in contact with, North Pennsylvania and the Toledo Confederation have shared a close relationship. Due to their close proximity to each other across Lake Erie, the two depend on each other both economically and politically. Aside from this, the two have worked multiple projects together, including various expeditions across Lake Erie which led to the discovery of Norfolk as well as the creation of the United Communities.

The Toledoans have excellent relations with the other members of the East American Alliance, especially Kentucky and Virginia. Kentucky purchased the port at Vermillion from Toledo to better establish trade relations via the Great Lakes. The Virginians have recognized the Toledo territorial claims. The Toledoans have established relations with the Republic of Superior, and have been negotiating with Superior for the nation's recognition of the Toledo claims.

The Confederation has famously had very poor relations with Canada due to the former's interests in expanding into Lower Ontario. Until 2003 the Toledo Confederation had had no contact with the nation and believed that it had been destroyed in the nuclear holocaust. In March of 2003, Toledoan scouts came across a small group of Canadian soldiers in the remains of Ontario. Relations have deteriorated since then. Following the discovery of Norfolk, President Micheal Bell claimed that Canada had abandoned the region and that it was their "solemn duty" to re-establish order in the area. Although he later made a correction stating that they would only remain until Canada had established a stable regime in the area, relations have remained strained at best.

Toledo followed a policy of relative neutrality during the Saguenay War, although along with many American survivor states it privately supported Superior. Its neighboring nation of North Penn, however, openly and directly fought for Canada during the war which caused damage to their friendship, although this quickly dissipated at the end of the war.

Recently relations with Virginia soured over the Allegheny War but relations with Kentucky remain healthy.
