This article provides Translations for Latin and Greek words within and without the text of Superpowers. These terms provide us with a better understanding of Roman culture in two ways. First, they immerse us in the language, giving an ever so slight feel for the Latin world. Second, some words unique to Latin can give an indication of concepts that are important to the Romans, such as dignitas and justitia.
Since maintaining consistency across 120 articles is difficult, this page is to have the last word on translating a term from English. For me, this makes it easier to confirm that the alternate vocabulary is being followed when I edit a page.
- academia (p. academiae) : research Institute; specialized university
- adscripticius (p. adscripticii) : military reserves
- Aegranae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- Aemiliae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- Aerarium : national treasury of the Imperium in Constantinople
- aetherium : space
- Alpes : of or having to do with the Alps or the Alpine Provinces
- amphora (p. amphorae) : unit of volume (~26 liters); Free ration of olive oil to all residents of Rome (Amphora)
- ampulum (p. ampula) : electrochemical cell, battery
- Annona : weekly ration of free grain to all residents of Rome
- argentarius (p. argentarii) : banker
- arma (p. armae) : weapon
- As (p. Ases) : base Roman currency, now equivalent to $0.62 US
- auctoritas : authority on what constitutes legitimate exercise of political power
- Aureus (p. Aurei) : Roman currency worth 10 Dn (1201-Present)
- autokineticus (p. autokinetici) : automobile, abbreviated to autoki
- banca (p. bancae) : bank
- ballista (p. ballistae) : artillery
- ballistarius (p. ballistarii) : artilleryman
- basilica (p. basilicae) : public building
- bellum (p. bella) : war
- caelis (p. caeles) : aeroplane
- caeliportum (p. caeliporta) : airport
- Caesar (p. Caesares) : primary title of a legitimate emperor of Rome
- calanum (p. calana) : cannon
- castrum (p. castra) : fort
- Censor (p. Censores) : civil protectors of the Constitution and public morality
- Census (p. Census) : demographic poll of all Roman citizens, held every Lustrum
- Centuria (p. Centuriae) : 100 man legionary formation
- chirurgius (p. chirurgii) : surgeon
- Christianus (p. Christiani) : Christian
- classis (p. classes): fleet or navy
- Claudiae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- cloaca (p. cloacae) : sewer system
- coclius (p. coclius) : rifled gun
- cognomen (p. cognomina) : surname, nickname or hereditary title
- Cohors (p. Cohortes) : 600 man legionary formation
- collegium (p. collegia) : corporation; Guild; Religious college
- Comensatus (p. comensati) Roman auxiliary soldier
- concilium (p. concilia) : council
- confoedera : confederacy
- Consul (p. Consules) : elected governor of a Foederata and member of Congress
- contubernium (p. conturbernia) : 10 man legionary formation
- Corneliae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- curia : smallest political division of the Imperium
- custos (p. custodis): defender; guardian
- deliquia (p. deliquiae) : bomber plane
- Denarius (p. Denarii) : Roman currency (Dn) worth 4 HS or $50 US (2010) in 2753 AUC
- Deus : God
- didascalium (p. didascalia) : theological school or research institute
- Dignitas (p. Dignitatis) : social standing by achievements, office and family
- doctor (p. doctores) : specialist in a field, possessing an academia level of education
- domus (p. doma) : middle-Class Urban Dwelling; house
- Drachma (p. Drachmae) : Roman currency, worth 1,000 Sestertii (minted at one site in Greece only)
- duplicarius : increase in pay; raise
- Dux (p. Duces) : general or commander of a single legion
- electrika : electricity or electrical
- Eques (p. Equites) : upper Class citizen; Knightly Order
- erudimentum (p. erudimenta) : upper school; university, abbreviated to erudi
- Europa : Europe
- evocatus (p. evocati) : veteran of the Legion
- fabricinum (p. fabricina) : factory
- familia (p. familiae) : household
- Fascisma : Roman nationalism
- fistulara (p. fistularae) : gun, abbreviated to fista
- foederata (p. foederatae) : highest political division in the Imperium
- foederatus (p. foederati) : vassal state
- foederites : confederation (Vulgar Latin term)
- foedus (p. foedera) : alliance
- fonta potentia (p. fontae potentiae) : power station
- galenaria (p. galenariae) : Public hospital
- Generalissimus : Supreme Commander
- gens (p. gentes) : clan or extended family
- gerulius (p. gerulii) : aircraft carrier
- grammaticus (p. grammatici) : lower school, before university
- Gravitas (p. Gravitatis) : Roman social concept, depth of personality or substance of character
- grecis (p. greces) : high fleet
- Haleriae : one of the 15 most powerful families of Rome
- Humanitas : humanity
- Imperator (p.Imperatores) : Emperor; supreme leader of the armies
- Imperium : Empire
- imperium (p. imperia): political power of a magistrate
- indigenus (p. indigeni) : primitive native, lowest member of Roman society
- industria : industrial
- insula (p. insulae) : island
- insulana (p. insulanae) : apartment complex
- inviolabilis : sacrosanct, legally and morally inviolable
- judicium (p. judicia) : court
- Juliae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- Juniae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- jus (p. juris) : collection of laws; Law
- Justitia : Justice
- Justitium : Martial Law
- kataphractus (p. kataphracti) : heavy cavalry troops of late-classical Rome
- legio (p. legionis) : Legion; army
- legionarius (p. legionarii) : soldier in a Legion; legionary
- lex (p. leges) : a law
- Libertas : Freedom
- lignaballista (p. lignaballistae) : broadside artillery on a ship
- lingua (p. linguae) : language; dialect
- lorica (p. loricae) : legionary's body armor
- Luna : Moon
- Lustrum (p. Lustres) : five-year period in Roman politics
- Maiana (p. Maianae) : Mayan
- mare (p. maris) : sea
- medica (p. medicae) : of or having to do with medicine
- Mediterraneus : Middle-Earth (Mediterranean Sea)
- medicus (p. medici) : medical doctor
- melista (p. melistae) : helicopter; bee
- miles (p. milites) : infantryman
- Ministerium (p. Ministeria) : Ministry
- Mongolia : Land of the Mongols
- Mongolianus (p. Mongoliani) : Mongol
- Mundus (p. Mundi) : World
- mundanus : global
- Nipponianus : Japanese
- Nippon : Land of the Japanese
- norica : steel
- officium (p. officia) : political bureau
- onerarius (p. onerarii) : heavy, long-distance sailing vessel
- Optimates : Senatorial Conservatives, protect the interests of the state and the rich
- Ordo Equester : Equestrian Order
- Ordo Patricius : Senatorial Order
- Ordo Plebeius : Plebeian Order
- palatia (p. palatiae) : finest Roman dwelling; urban villa
- Palatino : pertaining to the Caesar
- Patricius (p. Patricii) : highest class citizen, member of the Senatorial Order; noble; aristocrat
- pax : (p. pacis) : peace
- perditor (p. perditoris) : battleship
- peregrinus (p. peregrini) : foreigner
- philosophus (p. philosophi) : scholar in any field of study
- Pietas (p. Pietatis) : Roman social concept, a strong sense of duty and responsibility
- Plebs (p. Plebis) : Middle to Lower class citizen
- politeia (p. politeiae) : constitution; how a state is run
- polybolum (p. polybola) : heavy machine gun
- polycoclius (p. polycoclii) : fully-automatic rifle
- pontus (p. pontis) : bridge
- Populares : Senatorial Liberals, protect the interests of the populace
- portum (p. porta) : harbor; port
- Potestas (p. Potestatis) : power; influence in society
- praefectura (p. praefecturae) : urban district
- Praefectus (p. praefecti) : chief
- Praeministrum (p. Praeministra) : Minister
- praenomen (p. praenominis) : first name
- Praetor (p. Praetores) : magistrate vested with judicial authority
- Praetoriani : imperial guard of the emperors and the Senate
- provincia (p. provinciae) : middle political division of the Imperium; Province
- publicanus (p. publicani) : someone paid by the government to perform certains duties
- pyrobola (p. pyrobolae) : explosive; bomb
- Quaestor (p. Quaestores) : magistrates in charge of tax collection
- Radionerva (p. Radionervae) : light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation
- regnum (p. regna) : kingdom
- republica (p. republicae) : indirect democracy; state run on the principles of Platonic Socialism
- res (p. Res) : affairs; things
- Romanitas : Romanism; Romanity
- Romanus (p. Romani) : Roman
- sagitta (p. sagittae) : arrow
- sagittarius (p. sagittarii) : archer
- sagittum : archery
- Scipiae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- scutum (p. scuta) : shield, either physical or electromagnetic
- Senator (p. Senatores) : Senator
- Ser (p. Seres) : Oriental
- Serese : Oriental people
- servus (p. servi) : slave
- Sestertius (p. Sestertii) : Roman currency (HS) worth 5 As
- Shah : Persian King (lit. King of Kings)
- sifocaelus (p. sifocaeli) : jet airplane
- Sina (p. Sinae) : Chinese
- Sinica : Land of the Chinese
- silexis : flint; flintlock
- statio (p. stationes) : resting stop; train station
- subintrus : stealthy
- Terra : Earth
- testuda (p. testudae) : armored vehicle or tank
- tiro (p. tirones) : recruit in the Legion
- tormentillus (p. tormentilli) : flying bomb; missile, colloquially telarus
- Tributum : Poll Tax on non-citizens
- Triumphum (p. Triumpha) : public ceremony honoring a great military campaign
- Urbs : The City, Rome
- urbs (p. urbes) : city
- Valeriae : one of the 15 ancient and powerful families of Rome
- valetudinarium (p. valetudinaria) : infirmary; sick room (archaic)
- vallum (p. valla) : Wall
- vastator (p. vastatoris) : destroyer, ship
- Veto : I forbid; declaration of disagreement
- vexillium (p. vexillia) : flag
- villa (p. Villae) : rural upper-class dwelling; summer home
- Deydiakonos : Dogmatic chief of the Church after the Civil War
- episkopoi (p. Episkopos) : bishop
- ierapostoloi (p. Ierapostolos) : missionary
- Hrysostomos : Term used among senators meaning the Caesar's "favourite"
- kleftoi : derogatory term for a Thief
Technical Terms[]
- Aecis-Aegis Radionerva : Point-Defense Laser
- Auctoritas Principis : supreme legislative authority in Rom
- Augustus : Honorific cognomen exclusive to a Caesar
- Auxilia Subito : Conscription
- Ballista Contra-Caeli : Anti-Aircraft Guns
- Ballista Pyrobola : Howitzer
- celerite arquus : Semi-Automatic Crossbow
- Censum Parlementum : Judging Conference
- Cladis Urbs : Urban Crisis
- Cloaca Maxima : Sewers of Rome
- coclius convitia : percussion rifle
- coclius silexis : flintlock rifle
- coclius volvo : revolving rifle
- Comitia Curiata : lower house of Roman parliament, consisting of senators (abbreviated Curia)
- Concilium Aetherium : (Alliance) Space Council
- Concilium Res Oeconomica : (Alliance) Economic Council
- Concilium Res Sali : (Alliance) Council of Health Affairs
- Concilium Res Arma Atomi : (Alliance) Council of Atomic Weapons
- Contra-Caeli : anti-aircraft
- Decemviri : Ten Man Comission, formed to resolve legislative dilemmas
- Fistulara Lacera : Shotgun
- Fistulara Pyrobola : Grenade launcher
- Fistulara Silexis : Flintlock musket
- Foedus Terrae : Alliance of Earth
- Gradus Deiectio : Reduction in rank
- Imperatores Boni : The (10) Good Emperors of Rome (98-395 CE)
- Imperium Maius : The Potestas of a Caesar himself (regular imperium is granted to others by Caesar)
- Judicium Mundum : Supreme Court of Earth
- Judicium Romanum : Supreme Court of Rome
- Jure Divis : Divine right
- Jus Gentium : Laws of Nations, international law
- Magna Ludi Saeculari : Millennial Games (247 and 1247 CE)
- Magnum Concilium (Foedorum) : Grand Council (of the Alliance)
- Mare Nostrum : Mediterranean Sea (lit. Our Sea)
- Legio Caelis Custodiae : Roman Air Force
- Ludi Capitolini : Like the Olympic games, held at the end of every Lustrum
- Ludi Saeculari : Centurial Games
- Officium Imperialis : Roman emperor's advisory council
- Orbis Terrarum : Circle of Lands
- Paterfamilias : The Patriarch of a Roman family
- Pater Patriae : Father of the Fatherland
- Politeia Romana : Roman Constitution
- Platonismus : Ideology combining ideals from the book Republic with socialist principles
- Praefectus Castrorum : National Guard Commander
- Praefectus Urbi : Governor of a City
- Praetorium Mundi : World Headquarters
- Pyrobolum Insidium : Land Mine
- Senatus Consultum : recommendation of the Senate
- Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) : Senate and the People of Rome, the Roman Republic
- Testudo Maris : Ironclad