Alternative History

The following is a list of treaties signed by the nations in Emancipation.


Formal name Common name(s) Type Signed Effective Voided Signatories
Anglo-Japanese Treaty for Mutual Territorial Development Treaty of Edō;
Anglo-Japanese Treaty of 1861
Alliance treaty 1861, Edō, Japan 1861 1869 British Empire;
Austro–Korean Treaty of Mutual Assistance and Economic Development (former);

Eurasian Treaty of Mutual Assistance and Economic Development (current)
Treaty of Hanseong Alliance treaty 1863, Hanseong, Great Korean Empire 1863; 1864 (first revision); 1867 (second revision); 1869 (third revision); fourth revision (1871) Austrian Empire;
Great Korean Empire;
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;
Russian Empire;

Kingdom of the Netherlands;
Japanese Empire;
Union of Juteland;
Kingdom of Westralia;

Sino-British Agreement on the Mutual Concessions through which the Empire of Greater Britannia will Cease War against the Heavenly Empire of China Sino-British Agreement Peace treaty 1865, Tianjing, China 1865 Britannia; China
Treaty of Peace between the Empire of Greater Britannia and the United States of America Treaty of Quebec Peace treaty 1866, Québec City, Québec Province, Canada, Britannia 1866 Britannia;
United States
Dano-Dutch Treaty of Mutual Assistance and Economic Development Treaty of Den Haag Alliance treaty 1868.5, Den Haag, South Holland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands 1868.5 Kingdom of Denmark;

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Military Cooperation between the Empires of Austria and France Treaty of Munich Alliance treaty 1871, Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria, South German Confederation 1871 Austrian Empire; French Empire
Pacific Treaty for Mutual Defense Honolulu Pact Defensive pact (?) 1875, Honolulu, Commonwealth of Hawai'i 1875 Commonwealth of Hawai'i; Kingdom of Bora Bora; Kingdom of Samoa; Fiji