Alternative History

The Treaty of Constantinople was a peace treaty signed in 1889 between the coalition of Austria, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Jabal Shammar, and Persia, and the Ottoman Empire that officially ended the Second War of the Grand Coalition also known as the Second Ottoman War.


Map for the Middle East in TEP
  • The Principality of Bulgaria will become independent as the Kingdom of Bulgaria and enter a personal union with the Kingdom of Serbia with the Kingdom of Bulgaria having the borders as laid out in the map with all of Dobruja being Romanian and Thrace being Greek while north Macedonia will remain part of Bulgaria. Russia is granted military access to Bulgaria.
  • Russia will get all of Greater Armenia and North Kurdistan. The Turkish Straights including Constantinople will be annexed by Russia.
  • Greece will also gain Ionia and the Aegean islands.
  • The remaining parts of Iraq will be ceded to Persia.
  • Jabal Shammar gets any territory they invaded in addition to Jordan and Syria.
  • The Ottoman Empire shall agree to sell the Gallipoli Peninsula to the United Kingdom for the sum of 150,000 pounds sterling.
  • The Exalted Ottoman State shall be dissolved and the rest of the Ottoman Empire will be referred to as the “Sultanate of Turkey” officially.
  • The Ottoman Caliphate and Position of Caliph shall be abolished.
  • The Hejaz region shall become independent and be headed by Awn Ar-Raqif
  • The Sultanate of Turkey shall recognize the independence of Bulgaria and Hejaz and all the new land gained by the victors of the Second War of the Grand Coalition and will honor and uphold this treaty.


Austria-Hungary: Colgan dog 23:42, July 12, 2019 (UTC)

Kingdom of Romania: Jade090705

Persian Empire: DRAFIGO13 (talk) 23:56, July 12, 2019 (UTC)

The United Kingdom: Steph (talk)

Russian Empire: User:Tullin (on the behalf of Vinny)

Kingdom of Serbia and Bulgaria: User:Person67