Alternative History

The Treaty of Dallas was a truce between the Third Empire of Mexico and the United States of America. This treaty ended the Second Mexican-American War in 1906.


  • The US shall annex Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nueva Leone, Tamaulipas, and Coahuila from Mexico.
  • The US shall gain the port city of Veracruz on a 99-year lease.
  • The US shall annex Belize.
  • Guatemala shall be a free and independent nation with no political ties to Mexico.
  • The Yucatan shall be set free as the Mayan Republic of the Yucatan and will become a US Protectorate.
  • Tabasco shall become a free Republic of Tabasco and will become a US protectorate.
  • Emperor Henry shall abdicate the throne of Mexico and be sent back to Germany where he came from.
  • Monarchy in Mexico shall be abolished.
  • A new Mexican constitution will be grounded upon the ways of the US constitution.
  • A new democratic government will be formed under Venustiano Carranza.
  • President Carranza's administration for the first four years in office will be overseen by the more politically anxious General Leonard Wood who will serve as US Governor-General of Mexico alongside President Carranza.
  • Mexico will become a US client state.
  • The United States and Mexico will end free trade.
  • The US will invest in Mexico to help rebuild and build up the country, investing in areas such as industry and mechanization.


  • United States: - Oh, shit! I forgot to sign this. -Orwell
  • Empire of Mexico: - Henry of Mexico and Humberto Espina