Alternative History
Alternative History
Treaty of Lille
800px-Treaty of Rome
Diplomats from Britain, Germany and Turkey
March 3, 1917
Signatories Flag of the German Empire German Empire
Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918 Austria-Hungary
Flag of the Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Languages German, English, Turkish, Hungarian

The Treaty of Lille was a peace treaty that dealt with the United Kingdom in the aftermath of WW1.

With the British still a formidable force in the African Front, they had more negotiative leeway when compared to France, Russia and Italy.

Main Points[]

  • The entire Island of Ireland is to become independent, creating a Irish Republic.
  • Britain to cede the following colonial territories to the German Empire:
    • Flag of Northern Rhodesia (1939-1953) Northern Rhodesia
    • Flag of British East Africa British East Africa
    • Flag of the Gold Coast Gold Coast
    • Flag of the Southern Nigeria Protectorate Nigeria
    • Flag of British Guinea (Alternity) British New Guinea
  • Britain to cede the following colonial territory to the Ottoman Empire:
    • Flag of Cyprus (1922-1960) Cyprus
  • Britain’s navy to become two-thirds the size of Germany’s.
  • Reduction of Army and Air Force.
  • Creation of Demilitarised Zone in Egypt, Sudan and Southern Rhodesia bordering German and Ottoman possessions.
  • War reparations in the amount of 50 million Pounds to go to following:
    • 32 million to Germany
    • Five million to Austria
    • Four million to Bulgaria
    • Nine million to Ottoman Empire