Alternative History
Union of Turkic States
Союз тюркских государств
Soyuz tyurkskikh gosudarstv
Flag of the Turkic Council
Motto"Великая земля ханов"
"Velikaya zemlya khanov"
("Great Land of the Khans")
Anthem"Нации Великой Голубой"
"Natsii Velikoy Goluboy"
("Nations of the Great Blue")
Official languages Russian (Official lingua franca)
Demonym Turkestani

The Union of Turkic States (Russian: Союз тюркских государств, Soyuz tyurkskikh gosudarstv; Uzbek: Туркий давлатлар иттифоқи, Turkiy davlatlar ittifoqi; Turkmen: Түрк дөвлетлериниң билелешиги, Türk döwletleriniň bileleşigi; Uyghur: تۈركىيە دۆلەتلىرى ئىتتىپاقى) also known as Turkestan is a country in Central and East Asia.

Central Asia has been fought over by many empires throughout its history, namely that of Muslims, Chinese, Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. After World War II, the remnants of the Soviet government was established in Almaty, where the Central Asian Turkic SSRs united with the former Far Eastern District of the Russian SFSR to form the Far Eastern Republic, or Eurasia.

In 2000, after European Russia united with Asian Russia, the non-Russian majority remnants of the Far Eastern Republic stayed together to form Turkestan.


In 1999, the leaders of the Russian National District voted to unite with the Tsardom of Russia in European Russia. Both National Commander Yuri Bolshakov and District Governor Vladimir Sebreyannikov let the leaders of the other national districts know of his decision in 2000.

Soon afterwards, the District Governor of Kazakhstan also decided to join the Tsardom. However, the National District Governors of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uyghurstan, Mongolia and Huistan were not on-board, and decided to continue the Far Eastern Republic.

Uzbekistan's District Governor, Amir Sadirov, stated in a public speech,

"After the Second World War, Turkic peoples, Russian people, the Mongols, the Chinese, great peoples of the East built this nation together to resist being under the hands of the Fascists. I am at a huge loss of words, words just cannot simply describe my sheer disappointment in Bolshakov, Sebreyannikov and Nadirov for tear apart such a great nation."

Thus, the Uzbek, Turkmen, Mongolian, Uyghur and Chinese National Districts continued the Far Eastern Republic. However, this continued Far Eastern Republic was dealt a huge blow when Bolshakov and Sebreyannikov declared Alma-ata the capital city of the new the Central Asia Oblast as a territory of Russia, likely due to Alma-Ata's important as the commercial and military industrial center of the Far Eastern Republic.

As such, Amir Sadirov became the National Commander of the Far Eastern Republic with Tashkent proclaimed its new capital city.

As such, Turkestan began to suffer deteriorated relations with the Tsardom of Russia and its superpower ally, the New Imperium. The Turkestani government also issued grievances against Japan for supporting what it feels as a "geopolitical robbery".

In 2002, Mongolia declared its peaceful independence from the Far Eastern Republic, shortly followed by Huiguo (OT: Gansu and Qinghai).


Uzbek, Turkmen, Kyrgyz and Uyghur are currently Turkestan's official languages, however Russian is recognized as an official lingua franca, given that efforts to create a Standard Turkic failed, and that ever the Imperial Russia days, Russian has always functioned as the unifying language of the Central Asian peoples - despite efforts by various leaders to promote a pan-Turkic ideology over the country's past overbearing Russian influence.


Most Turkestanis are Muslim, however - only in Uyghurstan is strict Sunni Islam practice. Elsewhere, most Turkestani Muslims followed a hybrid of Islam and Tengrism, the traditional religion of the Turkic peoples. After the Russian and Kazakh National Districts went to go join the Russian Tsardom - a quasi-religious power struggle ensued between proponents of Islamo-Turkic nationalism, vs. those who favored the ancient Turkic religions of Shamanism, Tengrism and Buddhism who often-not, tended to be part of secular pan-Turkic parties.

The reality is, despite having Arabic names with Russian suffixes - due to the influence of Islam, most Turkestanis actually follow Tengrism and traditional Turkic religion, only 38.5% recorded as being Muslim, although Islam is the large single faith practiced, it is not the majority-practiced. This would simply make Turkestan an Islamic-influenced nation.

A small Russian Orthodox minority remains in Tashkent, however after the massive migration of Russians into Kazakhstan, the remaining native Turkic followers of the Russian Orthodox Church found the Church of Turkestan, an autonomous church within the Moscow Patriarchate.


Despite being rich in natural resources, such minerals, precious metals and petroleum, the economy of Turkestan is hampered by corruption and mismanagement of resources. Despite being separate from Russia, Turkestan still pretty much relies on Russia and Japan for economy progress, allowing Russian and Japanese companies to exploit its natural resources in hopes that Turkestanis can have jobs.

Turkestan's former Minister of Finances, Fagad Usmanov told reporters, "We are not really independent, we are pretty much a colony of Russia and Japan, we may as well join either one, or both, because clearly trying to make economic progress as an independent nation isn't working out so well."