OT Equivalent: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan
Chagatai Republic ᠴᠾᠠᠭᠠᠲᠠᠢ ᠷᠡᠰᠫᠤᠪᠯᠢᠺᠠᠰᠢ Chagatai Respublikasi (Chagatai) Республика Чаxатайa Respublika Chakhataya (Russian) |
Motto: "ᠭᠥᠺ ᠠᠰᠮᠠᠨᠶᠨᠶ ᠣᠤᠡ ᠠᠰᠮᠠᠨᠶᠨᠶ ᠮᠢᠯᠯᠡᠲᠢ" "Gök asmanyň we asmanyň milleti" (Chagatai) "Нация Голубого Hеба и Hебес" "Natsiya Golubogo Neba i Nebes" (Russian) ("Nation of the Blue Sky and Heavens) |
Capital | Almaty | ||||
Official languages | Chagatai (national) Russian (co-official) |
Also spoken | Persian, Chinese | ||||
Ethnic groups | Turkic peoples (95%) Russians (2.5%) Chinese (2.5%) |
Demonym | Chagatayan | ||||
Government | Presidential theocratic republic | ||||
- | Upper House | Heavenly Khurultai | |||
- | Lower House | Earthly Khurultai | |||
Currency | Togrog |
The Chagatai Republic (Chagatay: ᠴᠾᠠᠭᠠᠲᠠᠢ ᠷᠡᠰᠫᠤᠪᠯᠢᠺᠠᠰᠢ, Chagatai Respublikasi; Russian: Республика Чаxатайa; Respublika Chakhataya), also known as Turkestan, is a country in Central Asia. It is bordered by Russia to the North, Mongolia and China to the East and Persia to the South.
The history of Turkestan dates back to at least the third millennium BC. Many artifacts were produced in that period, with much trade being conducted. The region was a focal point for cultural diffusion, as the Silk Road traversed it. Chagatai currently has one of the world's oldest pyramid structures, dating back to the early reign of the Gods themselves, older than Egypt's pyramids.
Turkic sagas, such as the "Ergenekon" legend, and written sources, such as the Orkhon Inscriptions, state that Turkic peoples originated in the nearby Altai Mountains, and, through nomadic settlement, started their long journey westwards. Huns conquered the area after they conquered Kashgaria in the early 2nd century BC. With the dissolution of the Huns' Empire, Chinese rulers took over Eastern Turkestan. Arab forces captured it in the 8th century. The Persian Samanid dynasty subsequently conquered it and the area experienced economic success. The entire territory was held at various times by Turkic forces, such as the Göktürks, until the conquest by Genghis Khan and the Mongols in 1220. Genghis Khan gave the territory to his son Chagatai and the area became the Chagatai Khanate. Timur took over the western portion of Turkestan in 1369, and the area became part of the Timurid Empire. The eastern portion of Turkestan was also called Moghulistan and continued to be ruled by descendants of Genghis Khan.
Tartarian Empire[]
The Tartarian Empire is the oldest ancestor race of the modern-day people of Chagatai, as well as Mongolia and large swaths of Russia. The Ancient Tartarians lived alongside the Gods. However, in a battle between the Gods and the Dracos, Tartaria was absolutely destroyed, most of the lush lands and seas turned into what became for millenia, the Gobi and Karakorum Deserts.
However, the Gods had left "some traces", namely pyramid structures (unlike our OTL where that stuff isn't as widespread), however for almost hundreds of thousands of years, the Gods decreed that these Pyramids and those keepers would keep them from the prying eyes, until it was "again time".
Mongol Empire[]
Gokturk Empire[]
Chinese rule[]
After the fall of the Mongol Empire, the succeeding Ming Dynasty moves in to fill the void left over by the Mongol rulers. The Central Asian khans were unsuccessful in repelling the Chinese invasion, thus, the Greater Xiyu (大西部邊境), functioning as a frontier region for the Ming Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, it was re-named Great Tian Shan (大天山), and became an important center of Tengrism in China.
Central Asia inherited lots of Chinese influence, and many temples to Tengri became built Chinese-style.
Russian Turkestan[]
Tartaria had become a legend, akin to Atlantis and Lemuria, and many led failed expeditions on the whereabouts on the ancient capital city of Tartaria. The people were annexed by the Russian Empire, beginning with Tsar Ivan IV, and continuing with Peter and Catherine the Great. The Chinese had abandoned the region, after a civil war instigated by Turkic warlords of obscure origins.
Thus, the area now-known as the Chagatay Republic became a Russian governorate. The Chagatay language became written in the Russian alphabet, and it too, became an important center of Tengrism in the Holy Russian Empire.
World War I and Russian Civil War[]
During World War I, the vicious Draco invasion plunged the entire Holy Russian Empire into a bloody war. However, Turkestan was a region that the Dracos had a very, very hard time defeating, since it was where Tengri/Tian lived. The leaders of the former Turkestan governorate were extremely beleaguered by the war, that many had ended up fighting for bare survival. However, the Battle of Tian Shan ended up being one of the largest crucial turning points in the war, where Tian and a mixed Turkic-Russian force successfully fended off a Draco attack. Eventually, Timur Arslanov, the former Governor-General of Turkestan, declared that the Turkic-speaking peoples of have to fend for themselves, and in the event of a Turkestani victory, the Turkic peoples would have their own nation, which Arslanov would refer to as Chagatai, after the language.
After the victory at Tian Shan, the Dracos abandoned their Turkestan operations.
In the end, the Dracos and the Order of the Red Dawn were defeated, but a huge, huge cost. Timur Arslanov declared the Republic Chagatay, which the new Russian government recognized. AT this point, the Qing Dynasty became the new superpower of the East. President Arslanov went on a man-hunt for any Red Dawn followers in Chagatay.
However, Timur Arslanov became wreckless with his Turkic nationalist, and waged war against the Qing Dynasty, in an attempt to wrestle Xinjiang from China. He ended up getting overthrown and placed and house arrest, replaced with the more moderate ???? ????.
Invasion by China and establishment of the Greater Xia Province[]
During the Interwar Period, the new Chagatay Republic struggled to make ends-meet, and still relied on Chinese and Russian to keep their economies afloat. The Order of the Other Heaven, another Draco cult, began their attacks against innocent Chagatayan citizens, and raided weapons arsenals, to which, Chagatayan forces began beluegered.
Eventually, the Chagatayan government discussed with Chinese leaders of what could happen, as it became clear that Chagatay could not hold off on its own independently. A growing pan-Asiatic sentiment also grew in Chagatay, while leaders initially were thinking of coming under Russian suzerainty again, favored a Chinese occupation.
In 1933, China invaded Central Asia, and officially annexed it as the Greater Xia Province, allowing it to come under the rule of Turkic dynasties. The Chinese occupation actually achieved Turkic nationalists' dreams of uniting with the Mongolic-speaking peoples, and their own Uyghur brethren.
Over the centuries, the new Chagatai Republic focused on re-connecting with the Gods, and rebuilding their republic, as had their northern Russian neighbor, which they continued to enjoy relations with.
War with Persians over Afghanistan[]
China disputed with Persia over the territory today, encompassing Afghanistan. In fears of a Turkic uprising and Chinese support behind it, the Persian government carried out pogroms against the Turkic peoples of northern Afghanistan, near Turkmenistan, something which did not sit well with the Gods.
Tengri was given permission by the Gods intervene in favor of the Turkic peoples, the Sino-Persian War resulted in China conquering eastern Afghanistan, leading to the Partition of Afghanistan between China and Persia.
Discovery of Ancient Tartarian Pyramids[]
In 1974, a mix of Chinese, Mongolian and Russian historians and archeologists were touring the Gobi Desert. When they finally reached the dead-central of it, they eventually discovered a nomadic village, guarded a gigantic pyramidal-structure, surrounded by stupas.
A year later, the Great Pyramids of Karakoroum were found, and an official Galactic visitation by Tengri was made. After a ritual was done, Tengri flooded most of the desert from waters of the nearby Caspian Sea, along with constant rainfall - thus, making it a lush region. The same was done with the Gobi Desert, which became the Gobi Sea.
The rise and predominance of the Chagatai Republic came during the rule of President Alkan Durshunov. Durshunov established Chagatai as the "center" where the Russian and Chinese empires met, and established Chagatai is a center of rich trade between Russia, China and Persia. In addition, the Turkic peoples finally emerged as one of the "great civilization of the Gods".
At this point, Turkic culture once-again, reached a golden age becoming its own identity within the broader Asian cultural sphere.
Currently, Chagatay (or Chagatai) Turkic is the national language. During the day of the Turkestan Russian governorate, it was the most common language spoken throughout Turkestan, therefore, the Constitution of Independent Turkestan declared Chagatai to be the national language. It is descended from the Karluk dialect of the Turkic languages. It is also related to the Uyghur language spoken in neighboring China's Xinjian Province, to which Uyghur also enjoys the status as a local native language.
The country is divided into several ethnic states, each with their own local official language in addition to Chagatay and Russian. In Kazakhstan, Kazakh is the official vernacular, and is a Kiphack Turkic language. Kyrgyzstan has Kyrguz, which is a sister language of Kazakh. Uzbek and Turkmen, spoken in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan respectively, are considered descendent languages of Chagatai, but enjoy status as different local officials.
Chagatai, as well as all Turkic languages, are written in the Old Turkic script, which is a sister script of that used for the Mongolian and Manchu languages, a cousin language of the Turkic languages.
Additionally, Russian is still co-official. The Constitution of Independent Turkestan mandated that Russian continues to be used, thus, making Chagatai a trilingual nation. In addition, there are many Turkic peoples in southern Russia bordering Chagatai, who have regular contact with their Chagatayan counterparts. Even rural Chagatayans are fluent in Russian. While Chagatai Turkic, as well as the local Turkic languages, is spoken at home, and in national bodies, as well as contact with the Gods, Russian is used for business purposes.
Persian and Chinese are also spoken, since Chagatai has had interactions with the Chinese and Persians respectively.
Chagatai is an important economic and trade partner with Russia, China, Mongolia and Persia, as the latter three countries consider Chagatai an integral economic partner. In the early days of Chagatayan independence, the leaders looked towards China and Mongolia, in order to adopt a more Oriental and Asiatic image, until President Timurov's invasion of China.
Chagatai and Mongolia cooperate heavily in the education sector, as much of Chagatai's Old Turkic legends take place in Mongolia, and the two cultures are intertwined. Turkic and Mongolians are both direct descendants of the ancient Tartarians.
Chagatai is a very natural resource-rich nation, had had formed one of the Holy Russian Empire's historical breadbaskets. It is currently Asia's third-largest producer of gold, via the gold-rich Uzbekistan.
The Armed Forces of Chagatai is divided into the Land Force, Aerial Force, Maritime Force and the Galactic Force. It has Asia's third-largest land army, at 651,310 personnel strong, because of being landlocked its Maritime Forces is quite small, operating in the Karakorum Sea.
In terms of its Galactic Force, Chagatai is an operator of UFOs, and operates 1 large UFO, and 4 mid-size UFOs, and is a very formidable regional power. Its military is considered "Galactic Capable", and has joint-training sessions with the Gods.
The Tian Shan Mountain Range is one of Tengri's habitations on Earth, and only well-trained High Priests are allowed in the Tian Shan. Tengri has watched the entire history of Chagatay from his abode in the Tian Shan. Currently, the Chagatayans refer to the Gods by Old Turkic names, and Old Turkic is the liturgical language of the Chagatayans, as well as Turkic-speakers of neighboring Russia, Mongolia and China - to whom the Mongols have a sister, Old Mongolic as their liturgical language. Tengri is the main God of the Turkic people, although as a result of Russian influence, the three other Gods have been added to their Pantheon.
The Pyramids of Karakoroum, Almaty and Astana are the main contact points between the Gods and the Chagatayans.