Alternative History

"Uchrony" is the name given in Transbellum to what is popularly known as an alternate or divergent Earth. First-hand geological and astronomical observations have proven that every one of them are at the exact same time period and that apart from changes due to historical divergence, they are the same world.

In the months following the event known as the Grand Unveiling, Scientists were hard at work trying to make some sense of what had happen. Lacking any other real sources, they turned to the uchronically displaced peoples that had been rounded up by the government.

While all seemed unable (or perhaps unwilling) to shed any light on the event itself, the nature of the other places (the uchronies) became clearer. Because of the small number of u-Transients for each given uchrony (eight each) as well as the apparent absence of academicians and in some cases, simple communication problems, the information is still pretty basic:

  • Based of the similarity of history between some, it is believed that all the uchronies are related to one another by a series of events that can best be represented by the uchronic tree.
  • Their number appears to be limited to eight.
  • Apart from those born before or around the time of any of the divergence, no doppelganger appears to have existed between worlds. Also, apart from some few events that are deemed as bound to have had happened, no real echos seem to exist.
  • The rough general technological level appears to be about equal although some specific areas could be decades or even centuries behind (or in advance) when compared to another uchrony.

The eight uchronies are:


Bourbon Victories:

  • Louis, the Grand Dauphin, becomes king of Spain with full rights to the throne of France.
  • Stuart restored to English throne. Ireland, Scotland and England are only in a personal union (each has its own parliament).
  • Spain keeps part of the Low Country, Italy and Gibraltar.
  • Bavaria, Cologne, Portugal and Savoy stay independent.
  • Spain and France eventually unite.


Hannover Victories:

  • Phillip, the Duc d'Anjou (junior line of Bourbon) becomes Spanish King but renounces his right to the French throne.
  • The notion of a United Europe takes a back place to the notion of the balance of powers.


Wittelsbach Victories:

  • Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria (Wittelsbach house) survived the smallpox to becomes Spanish King, compromise candidate (neither Habsburg nor Bourbon), favorite of Dutch and English.


German Habsburg victories:

  • Leopold I (Holy Roman Emperor and senior Habsburg) becomes Spanish King.


Swedish house victories:

  • Swedish King Charles XII serves as mediator to the conflict.
  • Spain is split into two new kingdoms between the Habsburg (Aragon, Valencia and Catalonia) and the Bourbon (the rest).
  • Russia loses its western provinces to Sweden and some of its Black Sea holdings to the Ottoman Empire.


Austrian Habsburg victories:

  • Archduke Charles (junior line of Habsburg) becomes king of Spain.
  • Austria receives Spain's Italian and low-countries' possessions.
  • Savoy stays Austrian.


Dutch victories:


Details unknown at this time.
