Alternative History
Alternative History
Timeline: Origo Mundi (Map Game)
    c. 232 - 260 Flag of Sephimora OM
CapitalDascelos (232-235)

Nerimos (235-259)
Leviea (259-)

Official languages Old Messalian
Regional languages Edomian
Religion Xaresian Ulmism
Demonym Xaresian
Government Theocratic monarchy
 -  King Xares (232-259)
 -  Establishment c. 232 
 -  Fall of the Temple c. 259 
 -  Southern Exodus c. 260 

The nation of Ulmaxares (from the Mesallian for "Ulm according to Xares") was a theocratic Ulmian-Mesallian kingdom that existed in the Second Century (according to the Ulmian calendar) in the region east of Edom and south of Mesallas. The nation was founded as an Ulmian theocracy, in which to some degree Ulmian doctrine was considered law. At this time the Ulm religion was a new religion, with footholds in Mesallas and other nearby areas. The nation's creation occurred after the Nykosian War between the states of Mesallas and the Yannis Empire, which sparked the migration of a large number of Ulmian refugees from the Mesallian cities into the territory that would become Ulmaxares.

During this migration of people into the region a king or noble named Xares converted to Ulmism, changing his name to Levian, and managed to unite the Ulmian refugees and the surrounding native lands as well. Xares consolidated his power in the city of Dascelos, but proceeded south to found the city of Nerimos, which became home to the largest Ulmian temple at that time. Reportedly this sprawling complex included an extensive chamber within the temple where the True God, himself, dwelt within, allowing the highest priests to communicate with the divine directly.

The expansion of Ulmaxares came as a great alarm to the nations around it, including Edom and Yannis, and within a few decades Ulmaxares had succumbed to invasion. The great temple at Nerimos was destroyed by invaders and Xares was killed, but not before his son, Vedun, managed to lead a group of survivors in possession of the True God's dwelling out of the city. Vedun first fled to Leviea, which was believed to be an impenetrable fortress in the desert to the south. As the city was never captured by the invaders, it soon developed into its own city-state remnant of the former kingdom. Likewise, the Xaresians fled south from the city on the "Southern Exodus", eventually forming other communities across the southern desert.


Xaresian Ulmism[]


Enulmism (name pending) is an ancient Nelrimic (Ulmian-derived), monotheistic religion that arose around the 270's south of Mesallas. Its adherents, known as Enulmians, believe in the existence of the Ulmian “True God” as a single supreme being, which they refer to as Enyeas (from the phrase “Enyeas ris tos”, or “Sole Being”).

The religion began as a post-Xaresian, Mesallian sect of the Ulm Religion of Azoz. Traditionally Ulmians believe in a duotheistic divinity between the True God and Drokksid, as well as the teachings of the Prophet Nelrim, who is prophesied to return during the end times and conquer death. Enulmians instead believe that the fulfillment of Nelrim’s prophecy has already taken place and he has returned via a spiritual rebirth process, in which his soul has returned to the mortal world through the body of a living descendant. As such Enulmians seek to establish a clear line of “rightly guided successors” who are the physical and spiritual reincarnation of the prophet(s) before them, with Nelrim only being the first.


Rulers of the Three Cities region

      Unaffiliated        House of Xares        Azozian Vassals        House of Cassander        Ioxemandereans 

 Ruler of Democratos  Ruler of Sephimora Leader of Leviea Leader of Ulmaxares  Ruler of Nerimos  Ruler of Dascelos  Ruler of Ghanis  Ruler of Ephenus
Xares I Levian
(232 - 259)
Vedun I
(259 - 260, 282)
Nelrim II Jesiphim
(282 - 285)
Vedun I / Seven Apostles
(285 - 287)
(285 - 305)
(287 - 313)
Adranates I
(291 - 305)
Vedun II Nicantis
(313 - 321)
Adranates II Letos
(305 - 319)
Levian I Milodus
(321 - 329)
Garus I Disamus
(319 - 330)
Vedun III Pyramus
(329 - 347)
Cassius I
(330 - 334)
Mesandrius Caro
(334 - 346)
Erenus II Emedus
(347 - 366)
Adranates III Philomus
(346 - 380)
Levian II
(366 - 375)
(380 - 387)
Vedun IV Nelamus
(375 - Present)
Garus II
(387 - 393)
Xares II
(393 - 400)
Cassander I Nerimanus
(400 - 408)
(408 - 420)
(420 - 428)
Zolius II
(420 - )
Adranates IV
(420 - )
Vedun V Sotiras
(428 - 430)
Xares III
(428 - 431)
Adranates IV
(420 - 461)
Erisander I Levian
(431 - 477)
Erenus III Levian
(477 - 494)
Ichabon II
(494 - 502)
(502 - 550)
Ichabon III
(550 - 602)
Start of civil war
Erisander II
Vedun VI
Adranates V
(602 - 607)
(602 - 614)
(602 - 609)
Erisander II
Vedun VI
(602 - 609)
Leto Agenandes
(602 - 612)
Erisander II
-- Sarnon
(607 - 609)
(602 - 614)
Vedun VI
(609 - 615)
Vedun VI
(609 - 615)
Ichabon IV
(612 - 617)
Vedun VI
(609 - 615)
(614 - 628)
Ichabon IV
(612 - 617)
(614 - 628)
Levian III
(617 - 618)
Vedun VII
(618 - 636)
Levian IV
(636 - 660)
Haliecles III
(628 - 639)
Levian V
(660 - 672)
(639 - 642)
(639 - Present)
(639 - Present)
(672 - 677)
-- Yeseculecus
(672 - 677)
(677 - 681)
Xares IV
(681 - 681)
Haliecles IV
(681 - 681)
