Alternative History
Union of South Africa
Unie van Suid-Afrika
Timeline: A Northern Wind

OTL equivalent: Union of South Africa
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Ex Uniate Vires
Anthem "The Call of South Africa"
Capital Pretoria
Largest city Cape Town
Other cities Johannesburg, Bleomfontein, East London, Salisbury
Language English, Afikaans
Protestant Christian
  others Atheist, Catholic Christian, folk religion
Ethnic Group Caucasian, sub Saharan African
Demonym South African
Government White Supremacist Democracy
  Legislature South African Parliament
Prime Minister Eugene Terra'Blanche
Deputy Prime Minister Pik Botha
Population 40,102,038 est. 2016 
Established 1910
Independence September 19th, 1948
Currency South African Rand

South Africa is the greatest power on the African Continent with the greatest economy despite the USA holding the state of Liberia on Africa's west coast. The Union was a combination between the British Cape Colony and the Boer republics, and they under the Afrikaner government had invaded and occupied Bechuanaland and Southern Rhodesia. South Africa since 1948 lives under the the rule of the racist government of the Afrikaner National Party since their first "true" Afrikaner Prime Minister François Malan.
