Alternative History
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Rìoghachd Aonaichte Bhreatainn is Èireann
(Scots Gaelic)
Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Éireann
Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Iwerddon
Timeline: Emancipation (Map Game)
OTL equivalent: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
1801 — present
Flag of the United Kingdom Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
Coat of arms
Dieu et mon droit (French)
God and my right
God and my right
God Save the Queen
Map of the United Kingdom and her Empire in 1865.
  •      United Kingdom
    •      England
    •      Wales
    •      Scotland
    •      Ireland
  •      Imperial holdings
Official languages English
Regional languages Scots • Ulster Scots • Welsh • Cornish • Scottish Gaelic • Irish
Demonym British
Religion Protestantism (Church of England, Church of Scotland)
Government Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
 -  Monarch Victoria
 -  Prime Minister 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Legislature Parliament
 -  Upper house House of Lords
 -  Lower house House of Commons
 -  Acts of Union 1 January 1801 

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was established on 1 January 1801 under the terms of the Acts of Union 1800, by which the nominally separate kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland were united. The United Kingdom is the core component of the Empire of Greater Britannia.

The period began with the newly formed United Kingdom defeating the French Empire in 1814 in the Napoleonic Wars. As a direct result of this, the British Empire became the foremost world power for the next century. Rapid industrialisation that begun in the decades prior to the state's formation continued up until the mid-19th century. In Ireland, this was focused along the eastern seaboard and north of the island, leading to deepening of economic and social disparities. A devastating famine, exacerbated by government inaction in the mid-19th century, led to demographic collapse in much of Ireland, and increased calls for Irish land reform and the devolution of executive power.