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10 Resolutions |
United Nations |
Headquarters | International territory in Zurich, Switzerland | |
Official languages | English, French, Russian, Japanese | |
Membership | Member states of the United Nations | |
Leaders | ||
- | Secretary-General of the United Nations | TBD |
- | Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations | TBD |
- | President of the United Nations General Assembly | TBD |
- | President of the United Nations Security Council | TBD |
Establishment | ||
- | United Nations Charter signed | June 26, 1950 |
- | Entry into force of Charter | October 24, 1950 |
Website |
The United Nations, informally called the UN, is an international organization devoted to cooperation between world powers in law, security, economy, and politics. The United Nations was founded on December 5, 1950 by the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. The United Nations has a Permanent Security Council where the members are never rotated, while there is an Impermanent Security Council where the members are rotated every 3.5 years, on a Monday.
Security Council[]
Permanent Security Council[]
Impermanent Security Council[]
Mexico NPO
Poland NPO
Former Impermanent Security Council[]
General Assembly[]
Poland (NPO)
Belgium (NPO)
Austria (NPO)
Hungary (NPO)
Netherlands (NPO)
Liechtenstein (NPO)
The North Republic
Finland (NPO)
Romania (NPO)
Czechoslovakia (NPO)
North America[]
Central America[]
South America[]
United Arab Republic (NPO)
Libya (NPO)
Central African Republic (NPO)
- Zaire (NPO)
- Equatorial Guinea
- Chad
- Cameroon
- Rwanda
- Burundi
- Angola
- Zambia
- Kenya
- Tazania
- Nigeria
- Morocco
- Algeria
- Tunisia
Middle East[]
Australia (NPO)
Manchuria (NPO)
Indochina (NPO)
Indonesia (NPO)
Persia (NPO)
United Nations Resolution 0008[]
- Filed by:
- Open to: Security Council, General Assembly
- Topic: Creation of the United Nations Peacekeeping Corps (UNPC)
NOTING the lack of a formal peacekeeping force for the United Nations.
FURTHER NOTING the need for such peacekeeping force to enforce UN resolutions.
REQUESTING the creation of the United Nations Peacekeeping Corps.
Belgium (NPO)
Spain (NPO)
Denmark (NPO)
Sweden (NPO)
Austria (NPO)
Hungary (NPO)
Netherlands (NPO)
Liechtenstein (NPO)
Finland (NPO)
Czechoslovakia (NPO)
Norway (NPO)
Canada (NPO)
Mexico (NPO) (With the amendment)
Quebec (NPO) (With the amendment)
Guatemala (NPO)
Honduras (NPO)
Nicaragua (NPO)
Costa Rica (NPO)
Panama (NPO)
Colombia (NPO)
Venezuela (NPO)
United Arab Republic (NPO)
Libya (NPO)
- File:Flag of Peru.png Peru (NPO)
Persia (NPO)
- Japan
- Manchuria (NPO)
- Indonesia (NPO)
- Indochina (NPO)
- US (with the amendment)
- West Germany (with amendment)
- Iceland (In principle, yes. But Japan's amendment?)
- Central African Republic
Suggested Amendments[]
Proposed by Japan : that five separate peace keeping forces be created for each of the major regions of the world lead by the following nations or alliances:
- East Asia and the Western Pacific; EATSP.
- North America and the Eastern Pacific; U.S.A.
- Central Asia and Eastern Europe; U.S.S.R.
- South America and Africa; joint U.S.A., Brazil, Argentina and GO COLD
- Western Europe; GO COLD
Iceland: Japan's suggestion does hold some merit. However, it opens the way for 'blocs' to form, like Pre-WW-I. We need one force, not centralised (too easy to take down) and ready to respond quickly. Cut the middlemen and do as ants do, whoever is there react.
United Nations Resolution 009[]
- Filed by:
Soviet Union
- Open to: Security Council, General Assembly
- Topic: Prohibition of Space Warfare
NOTING increase in space technology
FURTHER NOTING possibility of space weaponry and space warfare.
REQUESTING a protocol that keeps outer space and celestial bodies free of any weaponry.
- North Republic
- Central African Republic
- Japan
- Manchuria (NPO)
- Indonesia (NPO)
- Indochina (NPO)
- United States
- Mexico (NPO)
- West Germany (NPO)
- United Kingdom (NPO)
- Korea
Suggested Amendments[]
- Japan doesn't agree with the amendment on the grounds that whatever a nation does with their resources as long as it doesn't hurt other states should be subject to limits (of course, I have plans for space.) and Japan also believes that the restrictions on space could be expanded to other areas that aren't military - such as scientific and economic interests in space in the near future.
- The United States agrees with the Empire of Japan. (I, too, have plans for space.)
United Nations Resolution 0010[]
Filed By: Northern Republic
Open To: All
Topic: Smallpox
NOTING the Destruction caused by this pathogen.
FURTHER NOTING that we could eradicate it if we act as one.
REQUESTING that we do so and eradicate smallpox forever.
- Japan
- Manchuria (NPO)
- Indonesia (NPO)
- Indochina (NPO)
- United States
- Mexico (NPO)
- West Germany (NPO)
- Quebec (NPO)
- United Kingdom (NPO)
- Korea
- Turkey
- Persia (NPO)
- Bulgaria (NPO)
- Central African Republic
Suggested Amendments[]
Japan will willingly provide medical knowledge to the projected eradication of the virus.
You have the thanks of the North Republic.
America will provide people and doctors who can vaccinate people.
The CAR welcomes moves to help health care in Africa.
United Nations Resolution 0011[]
Filed By: Japan
Open to: All
Topic: Recognition of States in Asia.
NOTING the existence of several new states.
FURTHER NOTING they are ruled by stable governments.
REQUESTING the international recognition of Malaysia, Burma, North China, and The Nanjing Regime (Southern China) and the various new states in Africa and the Middle East, and their entrances into the United Nations.
- Japan
- Manchuria (NPO)
- Indonesia (NPO)
- Indochina (NPO)
- The North Republic
- United States
- Mexico
- Panama
- West Germany
- Quebec
- France
- United Kingdom
Suggested Amendments[]
United Nations resolution 0012[]
Filed by: UK
Open to: all
Topic: forming a world wide coalition to liberate areas under Turkish control. Noting that the Turks be stopped.
France (NPO
West Germany NPO
Spain NPO
- North Republic
- Central African Republic
Suggested Amendments[]
Resolution passed
UN Resolution 0013[]
Filed By: North Republic
Open to: All
Topic: Climate change
Noting Research done by scientists at the Nuuk Institute of Polar Sciences.
Suggesting that:
A) The UN set up a body to deal with this potentially catastrophic event.
B) That all nations sign some sort of agreement to cut carbon emissions.
- Central African Republic
Indonesia Indochina
Suggested Amendments[]
UN Resolution 0014[]
Filed By: United Arab Republic
Open to: All
Topic: Turkish imperialism
Requesting that:
A) The UN deploy peacekeeping troops to stop the Turkish monster.
B) The UN temporarily suspends Turkey's rights within the organization.
- US
- West Germany
- Mexico
- France
- United Kingdom
- Quebec
- Sudan
- United Arab Republic
- Tunisia
- Argentina
- Japan
- Manchuria
- Indochina
- Indonesia
- North Republic
- Spain
- Korea
- Hungary
Suggested Amendments[]
UN Resolution 0015[]
Filed by: The North Republic
Open To: All
- Sanctions to be placed on Hungary, along with a boycott of all Hungarian goods.
- A UN force to land in Romania to repel the invasion and strengthen the country.
- The option of overthrowing the Hungarian government and putting in place a more peaceful, diplomatic one be kept open (Note: we are not asking for the overthrow, just that the option be kept open).
- North Republic
- Korea
- US and NPC IDU nations (ten total) (with amendments)
- Japan
- Indochina
- Indoasia
- Hungary
- Zaire and AEC nations (8 total)
Suggested Amendments[]
North Republic: Having heard Hungary's grievances we would wish this amendment:
- A UN peacekeeping force to be sent to establish the facts of the matter and bring peace.
- A cease fire to be agreed until the UN force can determine whether the Hungarians are within their rights.
- And that the ideas of the main resolution be enacted upon whomever is deemed guilty in the court. (Reference here (International Court of Justice section) for an idea of what I propose).
- As Hungary, we will bring up the fact that Hungarians are being tortured, raped and killed by Romanians all over Erdély, especially during the Romanian Civil War, when a number of leaders even reported invading Hungary after they took over. This is a war to defend our people, who have suffered under Romanian rule, before they make their own genocide. Hungarian Representative to the United Nations, Tomás Farkas. Stewdio333 (talk) 07:45, December 31, 2012 (UTC)