Alternative History

United Nations Info[]

United Nations Members


Everyone is a member except if Unlisted Below.


North Korea

South Korea

Surcurity Council[]

Permanent Members[]

United States

Soviet Union

United Kingdom


Peoples Republic of China

Non-Permanent Members(As Selected by Swollow, 5 members)[]




East Germany

South Africa

Surcurity Council Proposals[]

Proposal 1-[]

South Africa proposes giving UN membrership to-

  • New England Republic
  • The Republic of Alaska
  • Ovanga Republic
  • Caprivi Republic
  • Oropa Republic
  • South Botswana

The Far Eastern Republic is a dicatorial monster and is to become a pariah state.Oxfordshire 1972 20:35, March 16, 2012 (UTC)

Proposal 2-[]

South Africa proposes trade sanctions on the Far Eastern Republic, whic is a dicatorial monster and is to become a become a pariah state.Oxfordshire 1972 03:12, March 18, 2012 (UTC)

General Assembly Proposals (Anyone)[]

  • Congo would like to raise a bill at the UN imposing sanctions on the FER and Somalia.UN peace keepers should also go to Somalia. The River Nile-2 07:22, March 19, 2012 (UTC)