Alternative History

The United Nations Building in Lasuen Square, before its destruction in the Battle of New Munich (1981)

The United Nations is an organization involving most states on Earth. It's purpose is to settle issues and concerns involving international concern. 

It was founded by the Union of Borealia in 1952 in the city of New Munich. 

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The new United Nations building after New Munich's reconstruction

Organization and Function[]

Teams of embassadors from each of the participating nations gather in the UN building each year to discuss current issues. Any nation may propose a new topic for consideration at the UN, which will then be voted on. The security council of 12 rotating nations have higher weight in their vote than any other nation. Of these, the seven permament members have unilateral veto power. Smaller committies comprised of sets of embassadors work on ongoing issues of limited concern. A voluntary peacekeeping force is organized by the UN to handle disastors that require emergency action. The executive of the UN is the Secretary-General, who is elected among the embassadors for 10-year terms unless there is a vote of no confidence. 

World Health Organization[]

A committee of several nations dedicated to the purpose of ensuring general health and prosperity in the world. Headquarters in Athens, Roman Empire. 

International Court[]

A committee of nations dedicated to settle disputes over international law, violation of human rights, and war crimes. A police force of Interpol is used to enforce its decisions. Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Intergovernmental Panel on Energy[]

A committee of several nations dedicated to ensure energy stability in the world, and the proper distribution of new science and technology. Headquarters in Helinski, UNR. 

Office of Outer Space Affairs[]

A committee of several nations dedicated to organizing the exploration and colonization of space, preventing any unnecessary exploitation or violation of international law. Headquarters in Madrid, Spain.

International Atomic Energy Agency[]

A committee of nations dedicated to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in any nations outside of those involved in the Fransicene project in the Second World War. Headquarters in Buenos Nochas, Andea.

Goals and Purpose[]

  • To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind
  • To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small
  • To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained
  • To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom

Members (Majorly Subject to Revision)[]

Secutity Council[]

Permament Members[]

Rotating Members[]

  • United Nordic Republics - 
  • Reman Empire - Saturn120 16:44, August 30, 2015 (UTC)
  • Empire of Japan - 
  • Kingdom of France - 
  • Bajonate of Croatia - 
  • Empire of the Tartary - 
  • Union of Australia - Awesome history 28 (talk) 12:54, August 10, 2015 (UTC)

Other Members[]

  • United Britannic Socialist Republics aka UBSR -
  • Empire of Lanka - 
  • Duchy of Emeraldie - 
  • Algonquian Sachemate - 
  • Empire of Mexeca - 
  • Republic of China - 
  • Mognolian Khanate - 
  • KIngdom of Lombardy -  Scarlet Outlaw
  • Kingdom of Guiana - 
  • Principate of Mesopotamia - 
  • Republic of the Netherlands -  Tao64
  • Union of Poland - 
  • Republic of Russia - 
  • Duchy of Ruthenia - 
  • Empire of Ethiopia - 
  • Commonwealth of Oceana - 
  • Sultanate of Timor - 
  • Kingdom of Hawaii - 
  • Kingdom of Ayuttaya - 
  • Kingdom of Tibet - 
  • Republic of Burma (territory of Borealia) -
  • Principality of Mangut Nivkhgu (vassal of Japan) -
  • Kingdom of Korea (vassal of Japan) -
  • Moroccan Principality - 
  • Kingdom of Algeria - 
  • Malayan Federation -
  • Principality of Transylvania - 
  • Kingdom of Vlachia - 
  • Kingdom of Georgia - 
  • Kingdom of Mesopotamia - 
  • Duchy of Neu Norderney - 
  • Duchy of Belize - 

Pending Memberships[]

  • United Kingdom of Germany
  • Sultanate of Arabia
  • Empire of Iran
  • Kingdom of Punjab
  • Republic of Dravidia
  • Empire of India
  • Kingdom of Kuba
  • Principate of Somalia

Security Council Resolutions[]

001: Kuba-Belize Independence[]

Following the defeat of Germany during the Second World War, a member of the German royal family attempted to create an independent kingdom from the former German state of Kuba and various Imperial Sea territories, such as the colony of Belize. This is in direct violation of the Treaty of Constantinople, which the nation of Germany was forced to abide by, and as such we view Kuba's insistence on being an exception to the treaty as counter to peace and stability following the war. As such we call upon Kuba to release Belize and its dependencies, to adopt a democratic government independent of any German royal family, and agree to any treaty binding the nation of Germany, or the United Nations will be forced to take immediate actions.


  • Union of Borealia -
  • Andean Monarchy -
  • United Kingdom of Spain -
  • Roman Empire -
  • Empire of Brazil - Yes Fritzmet (talk) 00:26, August 13, 2015 (UTC)
  • United Nordic Republics -
  • Reman Empire -
  • Empire of Japan -
  • Republic of France -
  • Bajonate of Croatia -
  • Republic of Tartaria -
  • Union of Australia