The author(s) of this timeline are openly seeking contributions to this work.
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Feel free to add to edit to your heart's content. Thank you.
NOTE: This timeline will still be worked on! It is not abandoned! UoN is just a more unstable world with multiple differences from OTL inspired by Differently.
Points of Divergences[]
- Egypt was never conquered by the Roman Empire, but became a vassal state of the Roman Empire. However, the Arabs and Ottoman Turks still conquered Egypt, and it was not until Napoleon's second expedition to Egypt that Egypt gained independence.
- Congolese Prime Minister Lumumba was never killed.
- South Africa abolished its racial discrimination policy in the 1980s.
- Mandela became leader of South Africa in 1984.
- The Libyan civil war ended with the victory of the socialists. Gaddafi is never assassinated.
- In 1948, the State of Israel was established in Madagascar.
- 1851 - The Taiping Rebellion was a complete victory and China was reunified.
- 1905 - The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was replaced by the Republic of China after a revolution.
- 1927 - Chiang Kai-shek failed to launch a counter-revolutionary coup, which led to the unification of the whole of China by the left wing of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.
- 1912 - Korea was never a colony of Japan, Korea which was overthrown by republicans in 1912.
- 1868 - The Japanese shogunate was victorious over the Meiji Emperor, and the Japanese shogunate continued, eventually being replaced by the Republic of Japan and the People's Republic of Japan.
- 1870s - Japan did not annex Ryukyu, and Ryukyu is still an independent country today.
- 1945 - After World War II, Japan was divided into two countries.
- 1979 - Park Chung-hee's rule in the Republic of Japan collapsed.
- 1995 - The Tokyo subway gas attack did not occur in this timeline, as Tokyo is part of the People's Republic of Japan.
- 2000 - On New Year's Day, the People's Republic of Japan is reincorporated into the Republic of Japan. The Japanese monarch is later reinstalled after a nationwide referendum is held five years later.
South Asia[]
- 1857 - The Indian National Uprising achieved further success, which led to the withdrawal of British colonists from India.
- 1925 - Revolution broke out in the South Asian subcontinent, leading to the establishment of the Bharat Republic.
Southeast Asia[]
- 1884 - France never considered Vietnam as its colony, and Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia became China's sphere of influence.
- 1898 - The Republic of the Philippines was established and the United States did not regard the Philippines as its colony.
- 1947 - Myanmar abolished the monarchy and became a republic.
- 1955-1968 - The Vietnam War ended with Ho Chi Minh unifying Vietnam.
- 1965 - A military coup in Indonesia was averted and East Timor gained independence from Indonesian rule.
Western Asia[]
- 1821 - Ottoman rule in Europe collapsed as the French Empire intervened in the Greek uprising, leading to Napoleon's second expedition to Egypt and the Ottoman retreat to Asia.
- 1919 - The further expansion of the Arab uprising led to the Arabs and some Kurds breaking away from Ottoman rule, resulting in the independence of Arab countries such as Iraq and avoiding Western colonial rule.
- 1979 - The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan never happened. As a result, Bin Laden was not active in Afghanistan and became a businessman. This means that Al-Qaeda and 9/11 do not exist in this timeline. Afghanistan is still a democratic Kingdom.
- 1990 - Yemen has never been unified.
- 1979 - Iran's Islamic Revolution never happened, and the Iranian monarchy was not abolished until the 1980s when the Soviet Union invaded the country. However the monarchy was restored in 1990.
- 2011 - The Arab Spring continued, and Saddam Hussein was eventually overthrown by the Iraqi people.
- 2015 - There is constant conflict between South Yemen and North Yemen.
Central Asia[]
- The other Central Asian countries in OTL (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan) form the Turkestan Soviet Republic in this timeline.
- Omar died in the Afghan civil war, and the Afghan Northern Alliance won in 2001, King Mohammad Zahir Shah of Afghanistan was restored as King.
- Kazakhstan remains socialist.
- Australia became independent after 1812 and became an independent republic.
- Hawaii was never annexed by the United States and it remained a Kingdom ruled by its royal family.
New Zealand[]
- New Zealand officially gained independence from British rule in 1812 and it became a Kingdom ruled by the Maori Chieftains as Kings.
- The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth survived, but after the two world wars was replaced by the Polish Socialist Republic and the Soviet republics of Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine.
- The Polish Socialist Republic continues to exist to this day.
- Lithuania becomes a Kingdom ruled by Carl, Duke of Wuttemburg
- Belarus remains a Socialist Republic.
- After Hoxha stepped down in the late 1980s, relations between Albania and Yugoslavia normalized.
- Kosovo becomes part of Albania.
- Napoleon wins (not a larp!).
- In 1932, Napoleon's rule was overthrown by the French, and France became a fascist country. After World War II, it became a republic led by Charles de Gaulle. In 1958, Napoleon's Empire was restored.
Germany and Austria[]
- 1848 - After the European Revolution, the German Empire was established (except for Prussia and Bavaria). The Austrian Empire collapsed, and Austria was eventually incorporated into Germany along with Bavaria in 1868.
- Within the same year of Bavaria's incorporation, Wilhelm I announced his intentions on joining the German Empire. He is subsequently deposed by Prince Charles of Prussia and installed as king of Germany. Germany invades Charles's Prussia afterward.
- 1870 - After defeating Prussia, Germany was reunited.
- 1910 - Hitler remained in Austria, not Germany.
- 1914-1918 - Britain and Germany declared war on France. Eventually, Germany and Britain were defeated and Austria regained its independence. Germany became a socialist country.
- 1939-1945 - The Austrian Empire and French fascists launched World War II and were ultimately defeated.
- 1946 - Bavaria and Austria regained their independence, and the Socialist Republic of Hungary was established.
- 1989 - Regime changes occurred in some socialist countries in Europe, Yugoslavia disintegrated, and the German Socialist Republic and Poland became the surviving socialist countries.
- 2003 - A referendum would dissolve the G.S.C. and reform Germany into a federal republic, though socialism continues to hold major power to this day.
- 1848 - The Hungarian uprising was successful.
- 1938 - Hungary and Austria unite again
- 2012 - A revolution in Hungary would result in the deposition and death of Viktor Orban and the eventual restoration of the Hungarian monarchy, following a trend of a new era of monarchism in Europe that began after the Second World War.
- 1848 - In 1848, northern Italy was unified ahead of schedule, and southern Italy was unified in 1859.
- 1946 - Italy votes to retain its monarchy.
- 1905 - The first Russian Revolution was victorious and the Russian Republic was established, but the Russian Republic was replaced by Soviet Russia in 1917.
- 1991 - The Soviet Union still collapsed, but Kazakhstan never broke away from Soviet rule and became part of the Russian Federation.
- 1993 - The Second October Revolution in Russia ended with Yeltsin's failure. Rutskoi and Ryzhkov became the leaders of Russia.
- 1994 - The First Chechen War ended with a Russian victory.
- 2024 - Russia invades Ukraine in 2024, leaving Ukraine much more prepared.
- 1821 - With Napoleon's intervention, Greece officially became an independent country and took back Constantinople. Bulgaria also gained independence. The Ottoman Turks withdrew from Europe and were subsequently defeated by the Egyptians.
- 1832 - Karl, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg becomes King of Greece.
- 1936 - The Spanish Civil War ended with the victory of the Spanish Republic.
- 1975 - Spain decided to reinstate the monarchy.
- Zelensky's coming to power has been delayed.
United Kingdom[]
- 1916 - The Irish uprising further expanded to Ireland, resulting in the United Kingdom having to recognize the independence of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which led to Northern Ireland being incorporated into Ireland.
- 1981 - Lennon was not killed in an assassination attempt.
- 1997 - Princess Diana never died in a car accident.
- 2022 - Diana was officially crowned Queen-Consort of the United Kingdom.
- 2024 - Rishi Sunak is assassinated in a terrorist attack.
North America[]
- 1812 - During the Second American-British War, Quebec gained independence from Canada.
- After that, Canada became independent.
United States[]
- 1808 - Alexander Hamilton defeats James Madison by a slim margin.
- 1811 - George Washington dies in 1811, opposed to his death in 1799.
- 1815 - The US acquires New Brunswick and Nova Scotia after the War of 1812
- 1831 - Andrew Jackson installs a military dictatorship in the 1830s after Congress attempts to impeach him.
- 1832 - Martin Van Buren and Thomas Biddle overthrows Jackson's regime, leading to the First American Civil War. Jackson is assassinated in 1833 and is succeeded by Andrew Jackson Jr., who is deposed only a day after succeeding his father.
- 1843 - Opposed to dying in 1841, William Henry Harrison is assassinated by a Native American in 1843. He is succeeded by Winfield Scott, who was chosen as vice president instead of John Tyler.
- 1855 - Franklin Pierce dies in office.
- 1864 - The Treaty of Philadelphia ends the Second American Civil War, securing Southern independence.
- 1865 - Alaska was never sold to the United States, and after the Russian Revolution in 1905, it officially became a monarchy. The US would later acquire Alaska after World War I.
- 1866 - Lincoln dies a year later opposed to OTL.
- 1893 - Grover Cleveland wins his only term in office.
- 1898 - Hawaii was never annexed by the United States and remains independent. However, it grows close with the United States, becoming one of the United States' closest ally in the Pacific.
- Cuba became part of the Confederate States of America.
- 1914-1919 - During World War I, the Confederate States of America entered the war, but eventually collapsed due to massacres caused by black rebellions and military coups, and the American South was eventually reincorporated into the United States. And Cuba and Puerto Rico became part of the United States.
- 1941 - The Pacific War between the United States and Japan continued. But in the end, the United States landed on Japanese soil.
- 1955 - Eisenhower dies of a fatal heart attack, leading to Nixon becoming president earlier.
- 1956 - John F. Kennedy decides to run for president in the 1956 presidential election. He ends up defeating Nixon in a close election.
- 1961 - The Bay of Port-au-Prince is successful, leading to the toppling of the new government of Haiti along with Castro and Che Guevara's death. While being a major popularity boost for Kennedy, he's only assassinated seven days after the invasion's conclusion of a socialist sympathizers. Raul Castro established a socialist state in the Dominican Republic.
- 1965 - The United States never intervened in Vietnam because the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened.
- 1969 - Sharon Tate was never murdered.
- 1981 - Ronald Reagan was assassinated.
- 2001 - 9/11 never happened.
- Mexico remained an empire under French influence.
South America[]
- 1821 - Brazil has never been an empire.
- 1973 - Allende was never overthrown.
- 1982 - Argentina won the Falklands War and the dictatorship collapsed in the late 1980s.
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- Rose from this godforsaken place
- Stilllthinking
- Chunhui948
- Shroob12