Alternative History
Preserved World2

Updated Map (Green line represents that all islands within it are protected areas.

Whats your opinion on this Coopertive TL idea I have?? A Enviormentlism is created in a diffrent way in Asia and also spreads quickly to the rest of the world. North America is made up of diffrent tribe nations, Ming Empire, Colonys controlled by Britannia and Saxon-Hannover Republic, and Reservations (some are for indians but the main purpose of them is to protect the wildlife and enviorment). The World would seem very diffrent due to all of this.


Light Green: Preserved Areas.

Nations: Muscovite Empire, Kingdom of Japan, Ming Empire/Dynasty, Byzantium Empire, Arabia, Confderation of Martha, Britannia, Republic of Florence, Papal States, The Holy Kingdom/ Kingdom of Israel, Various Indian nations, (some are shown on the map while others are not) Inka Empire, (joint Indian-Chinese nation) Scandavian Kingdom, Saxon-Hannover Republic, Cheyenne Confederation, Persia, Sudan Tribe Nation, Ethopia, United Tribes of Afrika (UTA, not shown),
