Alternative History

Canuck2012 Canuck2012 13 August 2013

On Hiatus

This summer was meant to be the one where I'd force myself to sit down, get my book started, and do lots of artwork.

Like many things I've intended, this has not been the case. 

While my timeline is on the backburner right now until I have a map made, or learn the skills to make a high-quality map, I've been spending a lot of my free time here and on another site pondering alternate histories, and discussing future developments in my timeline with others. That way I've gotten sidetracked from my goal.

So, to make up for it, I've decided to go on hiatus for the time missed, until maybe October. That being said, I probably will pop in now and again.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your summers everyone!

Canuck2012 (talk) 18:28, August 13, 2013 (UTC)Can…

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