Alternative History

Note: All misspeling are due to the fact that the autor had rumatic feaver as a youth and missed several spelling lessions. At the outbreak of war some countries chose sides. As time went on and distruction continued some began to have misgivings. Britian and Lower Canada made the first inquireys. At first neither county listened. As time went on both sides became more receptive. The Empire of New York was in contact with Lower Canada. With Calafornia moveing foreward there was an opening for peace. The Confederate States both negoated and threatened to invade New York. France had at first backed Quebeec. They now sugasted recalling their volenteers as a step towar peace. This went no were in Quebeec. Since their side was winning they saw no reason to stop now. Canada West sent releaf supplys to Calafornia. They were distibuted to millatary familys. Some of them were poor to start with. Sons inlistments brought a sudden windfall. Gifts from places they found on the map were a plesent surprise. Wile Mexican troops were moveing north east to cut Arizona off they stoped to claim the land in the name of Mexico. They name it New Mexico. This caused a diplomatic problem. Wile Mexico claimed that and lands further north, some were offended that Mexico was deciding post was terratorial claims. New York came out infavor of retaining prewar boundrys with a provisional government. England and Lower Canada kept up their diplomatic contacts..
