Alternative History

So, I was jumping around from timeline to timeline, collecting information on different divergences. Along the way, I picked these up. The problem is, I don't know what timeline they came from or what is going on in these maps. Here's what I've gathered:

Africa Anglosphere Countries

This appears to show two countries in Africa, roughly corresponding to the Anglosphere - the northern light blue nation encompasses the nations that have left the Commonwealth, and speak mainly Arabic. The southern dark blue nation includes the countries that remain in the Commonwealth, and speak mainly English.

Africa Anglosphere States

This appears to show the OTL divisions of the countries of Africa. Possibly states in the nations?

Africa Anglosphere War

This seems to be a border dispute or war of some sort between the two nations.

Africa Anglosphere Post-War

This appears to be the aftermath of the dispute. Notice that the area taken by the south seems to roughly correspond to the OTL nation of South Sudan, which speaks a mix of tribal languages.

Africa Anglosphere Post-War States

This looks like the state divisions again after the dispute.

These are the only samples I managed to take from that timeline, so if someone could help me fill in the details, their help would be much appreciated.

Cour *talk* 00:35, July 4, 2014 (UTC)