Grinding to a halt
Has anyone else noticed that almost every map game that was in progress when PMII began has almost completely stopped? Orbis Terrarum, Battle For Earth, and others ground to a halt. AvA is still going, but other than those two, I think we're out of map games.
I have an idea - it's not fully fleshed out, but I wanted some input before I started anything. In 1904, Japan and Russia went to war. Japan had an alliance with Great Britain, and France had an alliance with Russia (Russia also offered an alliance to Germany, but they were turned down). France wants to aid Russia, but can't, because that means war with Great Britain.
Here comes the fun part - what if France does aid Russia, and a war begins with Great Britain? Will Germany fight France and Russia, or stay neutral? Will the US be involved? What sides will other countries take?
Please leave all thoughts and comments below.
Radioactive Tide Revised - Albemarle
This blog is only for mods of the Radioactive Tide Revised Map Game.
Spread of Communism Revised - USSR
This blog is only for mods of the Spread of Communism Map Game.
Sneak Peek 2
I've been working a lot the past few days on my new timeline. I decided it would be called 'Remix' (for lack of a better name. I finally got names for the continents, shown below. I'm also working on present day countries. My biggest challenge has been creating the history, considering how important it is and how hard it is. Looking forward to the next update.