Alternative History
Alternative History
Bundesland Woiwodina (German)
Савезна држава Војводине (Serbian)
Federal State of Vojvodina
State of Greater Austria (1919-1952)
Ensign of Austro-Hungarian civil fleet (1869-1918)
1919–1952 Flag of Hungary
Flag of Serbian Vojvodina Coat of arms of Serbian Vojvodina
Flag Coat of arms
NGW Vojvodina
Vojvodina in Greater Austria, in 1930.
Capital Novi Sad
Official language German, Serbian
Religion Catholicism, Orthodox
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 - 1919-1929 Ferdinand II (First)
 - 1929-1933 Karl I
 - 1933-1952 Otto I(Last)
 - Established 1919
 - Disestablished 1952
Currency Krone (Kr)