Alternative History

An Alternate History where a Korean Republic has become a superpower in the East, and where the United States has united North America. The Revolutions of 1848 succeeded in Germany, and united itself as the German Empire.

Timeline Of Vow of Revolution.

The Americas[]

1805- Americas-With war in Europe raging and the British taxing its Canadian subjects, there are grumbles of "no taxation without representation", but the local garrisons prevented them from being too loud. Thus, tax rates skyrocketed in the British Canadian territories. The British believed that its Canadian subjects would be loyal and would not rebel.

1812- Americas- The United States declares war on Great Britain. The American Congress saw that the British where deeply entrenched in a war with Napoleon in Europe. Some of the local elites of the British northern territories made secret contacts with the United States, and told them that they would welcome a chance for their country to become a part of the United States. America declared war on Great Britain, with the kidnapping of American sailors in the Atlantic as an excuse. The American military went into Canada, aided by Canadian partisans, and they eliminated the British garrisons. The British were livid and launched an attack against America. The British were unable to fight a war against America and fight Napoleon at the same time. When 1815 came, the British finally surrendered and reluctantly gave up their claims to North America. The new states were welcomed into the Union. The fact that their entrance into the Union now meant that free states outnumbered slave states, though it went unnoticed.

1846- Americas- After Texas had been allowed to enter the union Mexico declared war on the United States. The Young Mexican government was riddled with corruption and instability. Its untrained and badly equipped army was obliterated by American forces. America for its part overestimated Mexico’s strength and pushed too far. After Capturing Mexico City in 1848 Mexico collapsed. The collapse of Mexico was greeted with great joy by the outnumbered slave states, where slavery had been limited to Texas when it was allowed into the union. The slave states rallied for the US to conquer Mexico.

1847- Americas- Mexico ceased to exist as a country. It was separated into nine different states and a disorganized northern territory, and there were welcomed into the Union. Each of the new states were given an option to vote for whether they would be free or slave states. To the Slave states horror all of them voted to be Free states. The balance of free and slave states had tilted overwhelmingly toward the free states.

1848- Americas- The Gold Rush brings a huge amount of immigrants to California and other western states. This starts a series of gold rushes through out the Americas. A proportion of the money collected in taxes is used to buy the Alaskan territory from Russia.

1850- Americas- California is admitted into the Union as yet another free state. America's growing population, size, and large amount of resources and growing industrial might slowly transforms America into an economic power house.

1861-Americas- The slave states ever shrinking power in both the Senate and Congress boils over. The Republican overwhelming victory in the election of 1860 convinces them it is time to secede from the Union. President Abraham Lincoln and Vice President Benito Juárez found themselves coping with a full civil war. Great Britain, France, and Spain allied themselves with the slave states. Abraham Lincoln writes a letter begging General Robert E. Lee to save the union. The letter failed, but fortunately, Lee caught his wife cheating on him with a Confederate politician. A infuriated Lee rode into Washington, D.C. and commanded the Union army. 1861-1865 Americas- The Civil War was a bloody affair. A combined French British assault on the former Mexican territories gave them free reign over the southern states. Fortunately, the combined force lived off the land, stealing supplies and looting from the Spanish-speaking areas of the country. Any thought of declaring their own independence was replaced by unwavering hate of the allied force that looted at will. The poor discipline of the French and British armies would eventually lead to their downfalls. The local populace joined the military in record numbers, and the war was able to bring America together into a cohesive whole. When the war ended, Washington DC had been burned to the ground, and the capital of the United States had been moved to Chicago. The country had also seen a lot of its countryside demolished. Still, America had been victorious and had maintained its integrity. Sadly, Lincoln died of tuberculosis, and in March, it would be up to President Benito Juárez to get America through its reconstruction era.

1865-1877 Americas- President Benito Juárez gave his famous Freedom and Unity speech, where he told Americans the only way to advoid European Imperialism and maintaining the United States was to maintain unity in the United States. To this end, he engaged in numerous reforms. The 13th Amendment ended slavery. The 14th Amendment gave all Americans regardless of race, religion, and sex, the right to vote. The 14th Amendment was controversial, but Benito Juárez shamelessly used Lincoln's name to push it through. President Benito Juárez set up organizations to help the freed slaves. He opened up free territory for settlement and encouraged economic growth. Under Benito Juárez, English became America's official language. This was one of his more unpopular policies, but thankfully President Juarez planned a slow and steady approach. Elementary school was made mandatory for all Americans and children work laws were enacted to make sure children went to school. The school system enacted through out the country was based on the New England model, because it had shown the most promise. The universal educational system became a important cultural institution. The school system helped to slowly make English the predominate language in America, and educated America's growing work force. This educated work force was able to cause a explosive amount of growth in American prosperity. President Juarez ended his term with an America that was wealthier and more prosperous.

1885-1887 Americas- The Spanish American War started. A trade dispute over America's smuggling of goods into Spain's South American colonies' broke out into open warfare. America's newly built iron clad armada easily defeated the Spanish Navy. Rebellions throughout South America and the Caribbean create numerous new republics. The last strong hold of Spanish power in Cuba is taken in 1887. America adds Panama as a new state, and at great expense, starts the process of building a canal, but the United States was puzzled with what to do with Cuba. Cuba was filled with Spanish loyalists and making it into a new state would upset their new Latin American allies, especially in Colombia. It was eventually decided to hold a plebiscite on Cuba. An overwhelming majority votes for statehood. By now, the USA encompassed an entire continent, and is one of the most powerful nations on earth.


1860. Korea is eagerly modernizing its infrastructure and military by adopting Western technologies and lifestyle. Korea plays Western powers one against another (Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the US) to gain advantages in importing Western military weapons and technologies. Eventually Korea hires German officers for its military, buys British arms and American technologies to set up factories. Japan begins modernizing its own country as well. In the meantime Qing dynasty China is still asleep not paying attention to what's going on outside the massive walls of China.

1875. Korea feels threatened by Japan's attempt to seize the Ryukyu Islands (the Okinawas) and declare war on Japan. Korea successfully allies with China in attacking Japan together because China wants the Ryukyus to remain as her "tributary" state. Korea and China combined forces defeat Japan at sea. Korea is not satisfied at this and further invades Japanese main islands and occupies all of Japan in a year.


First person accounts
