Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn ("The Red Dragon Shall Roar") | |||||
Anthem | "Lawes Glas (Greensleves)" | ||||
Capital | Avalon | ||||
Largest city | Cardiff | ||||
Other cities | London, Birmingham, Devon, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Belfast, Galway | ||||
Language official |
Welsh | ||||
others | English, Celtic | ||||
Religion | Christianity | ||||
Demonym | Welsh | ||||
Government | Parliamentary Kingdom | ||||
Legislature | Brythonic Royal Parliament | ||||
King | Evan II | ||||
Population | 14,500,000 | ||||
Independence | from England | ||||
declared | 1450 | ||||
recognized | 1559 |
Wales is a state in the south of Great Brython. The Kingdom of Wales, as it is formally known, has influence over Welsh, English, Scottish, and Irish nations in Alban (or Britain), as well as the Kingdom of Brittany, in Europe. Wales is located in south Alban, with England to its north, and Scotland north of England. Wales has a northern, temperate maritime climate.
In 1450, following England's defeat in the Hundred Year's War, Wales declared independence from England. The Welsh were successful, but in 1455, when the King died, it was absorbed back into England. It was then ruled by various British Dukes, with relative calm until 1559, when the last King of England died without a child. Wales fell under the rule of the Pugh family, which still rules today under Evan II.

Royal Palace, Avalon
The government of Wales is a parliamentary monarchy. The old government was an absolute monarchy, but older Kings had to share a good deal of power with the Kings of the regional vassal states, so Gavin III created the Parliament.
National Government[]
The National Government of Wales has its capital in Avalon, and is ruled by King Evan II. The King co-rules with the Welsh Parliament, which is comprised of the People's House and Lord's House.
King of Wales[]

Pugh Coat of Arms
See: List of Kings of Wales (Principia Moderni II Map Game)
The current monarch of Wales is King Evan II, son of Arthur II, grandson of King Gavin III of Wales and Queen Agnes of Scotland, and great-grandson of King Gavin II. He is of the Pugh line.

House of Parliament, Avalon
The Parliament is organized into two houses, the Lord's House and the People's House.
The Lord's House is made up of the various Kings of the Welsh vassal states. They may also appoint a lord to stand in for them at times where the King is ruling his home nation. Each King has a certain amount of votes, depending upon the status of their Kingdom. Wales gets six votes, each dynastic union gets four votes, each personal union gets three votes, each vassal gets two votes, and each puppet state gets one vote. There are currently 22 votes cast in the Lord's House.
The People's House is made up of representatives of districts within the Kingdom of Wales and its vassals (not puppet states, however). Every 100,000 citizens has their own Delegate to the People's House, and each Delegate has one vote.
Local Governments[]
These are the local governments in each of the Welsh vassals.
Scotland is the largest Welsh vassal, and is united by Royal Marriage. Queen Agnes of Scotland married King Gavin III of Wales to unite the two powerhouse nations of Alban, The future of Scotland in the Welsh Kingdom is yet undecided, but it will definitely remain under Welsh control. They are in a Dynastic Union.
England is the only non-Celtic Welsh vassal, and is the remnant of the once great Anglo-Saxon dominance on Alban. They were formerly divided into Lincoln and York, but with the fall of York as a world power, the King of Lincoln, who descended from the King of England, was crowned King of England. They are in a Personal Union.
Belfast is an Irish state, ruled by the official King of Eire. He was originally King of Ulster, but also gained the Kingdom of Connacht. He later chose to unify the two nations and consolidate his Kingdom. They are in a Personal Union.
Cork is an Irish state, which is ruled by the King of Cork. He was formerly the King of Munster, but when Leinster was taken, he became King of Munster and Leinster. He opted to combine them as Cork following the unification of Belfast. They are a Vassal.
Brittany is a Celtic state that was formerly subjugated by Norman kings. Following the Great War of 1700 and the Treaty of Nantes between Normandy and Wales, Brittany is now a Welsh state. They are a Vassal.
New South Wales[]
New South Wales
Welsh Royal Coast[]
The Welsh Royal Coast (formerly known as Fulani or Wodaabe) is a semi-tribal African state that is located on western coast of Africa. It became a part of Wales following a successful rebellion of the Wodaabe against the Fulani overlords. They are a Puppet State.
Foreign Relations[]
- Venice
- France
- Brandenburg
- Selk'nam
- Mayans
Trade Deals[]
- Netherlands
- Aquitaine
- Carthage
- Republic of Comchellak
- Normandy
Welsh culture is very Celtic and traditional in nature, but modern features have changed this in recent times as Wales has become a regional power.
Mervyn Gwilym was a famous author and playwright, who has become a cultural icon. He was born 1685 and died in 1720 of pneumonia. Notably, he was only 35 when he died. He wrote internationally recognizable plays:
- Jørgen - OTL Hamlet - 1715
- Giovanni and Maria - OTL Romeo and Juliet - 1716
- MacDougall - OTL MacBeth - 1717
- Caesar Augustus - OTL Julius Caesar - 1718
After his death, he grew in fame, and came to be buried in Avalon Cathedral.