Alternative History
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Timeline: 1983: Doomsday
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of
Location of
(and largest city)
Griekwastad (Griqua Town)
Language Afrikaans, English
Currency Union Rand

Waterboersland is a breakaway state created by New Republic Party members and strongly identified with the Griqua ethnic group. It is part of the modern New Union of South Africa. The nation's name in Afrikaans means Waterboer Country, named for Andries Waterboer and his son Nicolaas, who led the western Griqua during their period of independence in the nineteenth century.



The areas comprising of modern day Waterboersland suffered the same chaos the rest of the nation did. South Africa soon had reached the verge of collapse due to loss of all international trade and the siphoning of supplies to majority white areas. This did not sit well with the rest of the population who were discontent with apartheid and the actions of the government and the nation soon collapsed into chaos and civil war.

The villages in the northeastern Cape Province banded together in the tough times and decided to try to support each other while trying to defend themselves from both the South African army and armed groups seizing power elsewhere. For the next 5 or so years, the villages would face tough conditions and harsh fights to survive. However, they pulled through and made it in the end. By 1988, when the last remnant of South Africa was reconstituted as the Republic of the Cape and White rule came to an end, the future core of Waterboersland was functioning as an independent republic.

In 1987-88, groups of English-speaking Whites arrived from Natal province, which had recently fallen to KwaZulu.

In they Come[]


The Cape Civil War[]

The Republic of the Cape exploded into civil war in 2003 and much of the region was left without effective government. In 2006, international forces from South America and Oceania intervened to establish the provisional RZA in Cape Town, tacitly allowing the other neighboring republics to carve up the rest of the former Republic.

In the ensuing chaos, Waterboersland had no choice but to avoid any direct confrontation with its larger neighbor, the Orange Free State. Orange quickly occupied the town of Kimberly and its valuable diamond mines. Waterboersland was left to take less-valuable areas near its own borders. This new territory nevertheless represented a valuable addition to its agricultural land.

Joining the New Union[]


See also[]
