East Asia[]
1776: Italy sends diplomats to Pegu (S Burma), makes a trading treaty.
1779: Italy makes a trading treaty with Bengal.
1780s: Champa (S Vietnam), Thailand and Pegu invade the sinicized nations of Laos, Vietnam and Ava (N Burma) and even the South of China, including the former kingdom of Dali. It is quite obvious that the emperor has lost the Mandate of Heaven.
1782: Tsunami in the South China Sea kills ~40,000.
1783: Italy makes a trading treaty with Melaka.
1784: Italy makes a trading treaty with Thailand.
1787: Italy makes a trading treaty with Khmer.
1789: General Lin Xiaolong ("Little Dragon"), commander of the troops in the province of Beijing, declares himself new emperor. Without anyone realizing the situation, because everything happens so fast, he soon reigns the whole north-east of China. Novorossiya supports him too.
1790: Italy clashes with Britain at Java, makes a retreat.
1792: Italy makes a trading treaty with Champa.
Brits take Swedish Ceylon, as a revenge for Sweden fighting along France's side.
Mt Unzen in Nippon erupts, killing several thousand people - the deadliest eruption in Nippon's history.
1794: General Lin Xiaolong crosses the Yangtse.
1795: "The great catch": Italy makes a trading treaty with Vijayanagar.
(At the moment, the Italians have to send their ships around Africa to trade with India and SE Asia, but king Gioacchino already thinks about shortening the way somehow.)
1797: Nanjing besieged by Lin Xiaolong.
1798: After the fall of Spain, Christianity in Nippon takes a new way - the king (he's not called emperor ITTL by foreigners) is accepted as the spiritual head of the country and church. Nipponese Christianity is still more the radical kind.
1800: Hong emperor flees to Tungning (OTL Taiwan), which is governed together with the Philippines by him - the rest of his empire. Since he takes most of the navy with him, Lin Xiaolong can't do anything. Lin Xiaolong starts the new dynasty Ming ("brightness"), takes the throne name Yongzhi ??, "Everlasting Wisdom".
Muslim world[]
1778: Choresm occupies OTL Sinkiang.
1781-88: After the Rum-Seljuks try to reimpose their rule over Serbia and Bosnia, South Russia interferes on their side. Moldavia, Vlachia invaded. In the peace of Odessa, both become Russian tributaries.
1789: After the lost war, sultan Kilij Arslan VII is replaced by Kay Qubadh VI, who has to leave most power to the parliament.
1790s: Shi'ite refugees from Seljuk sultanate and North Africa arrive in Persia.
1798-1800: Conquest of Algeria by Italy, with silent support by the French republic.
Russian lands[]
1777: Orthodox Serbians and Bosnians raise against Hungarian rule, become independent again.
1779: After their division of Vladimir-Suzdal, the two Russias make an "everlasting pact".
1780s: Many old Russian cities get representation in the Central Vyetye of Novorossiya.
1785-87: Novorossiya attacks weakened Sweden, conquers Finland, Estonia.
1786: After the death of duke Balthasar V of Prussia (and claimant for dukedom of Thuringia), his three sons struggle for power in Prussia. Pomerania-Mecklenburg, Brandenburg-Silesia, Poland, Sweden-Norway and the two Russias all support various sides in the war.
1794: Novorossiya interferes in Prussian Civil War, destroys Prussian fleet. Prussia comes under Russian occupation.
1770s: Denmark-Braunschweig, Britain and Spain build their first telegraph lines, being the last European nations to do so.
Late 1770s: After the downfall of the French Indochinese Compagnie, France is struck by a severe financial crisis. General Boulanger takes "temporal power" (which has to be accepted by plebiscites once per five years).
1779: Last duke of Savoy dies. His country goes to Italy, due to a contract he made with king Gioacchino.
War between republican France and the British-Spanish-German-Polish-Hungarian-Danish-Swedish coalition breaks out again.
1780: War starts promising for the coalition when the Spaniards retake Catalonia and the German-British-Dutch armies cross the Rhine and invade the Palatinate.
1781: Tide of war turns again for France, when Boulanger defeats the coalition armies at the battles of Worms (June) and Weissenburg (September) and the Spaniards have to retreat behind the Ebro too.
1782: French assembly proclaims to liberate all the people in Europe from their royal yoke.
1783: "The thrust through Germany". General Boulanger crosses the Rhine, marches through South Hesse, Württemberg, Franconia, Thuringia until arriving in Dresden at christmas.
1783/84: Eruption of Laki in Iceland. Half of the population dies or emigrates, to Atlantis or Australia (OTL South Africa). This seems like a footnote of history, but descendants of said Icelanders often claim that they helped spreading the idea of radical democracy in German Atlantis, Canada and Australia.
1784: Winter battle of Aussig. French republican armies invade Bohemia.
1784: Peace of Basel. Bohemia, Hesse, Franconia and Thuringia-Meissen (OTL Thuringia and Saxony) become officially French satellite republics. The remaining Netherlands become part of France itself. Württemberg proper becomes a part of the Swiss republic, which is another French satellite. Sweden-Norway also has to cede Mecklenburg to the duke of Pomerania, which causes king Johan II of Sweden to doubt the cause of the Royalists. The HRE is dissolved. South Aragon (Valencia) is also ceded to France, Portugal becomes an independent republic.
1788: After the heirless death of Kristian V, last Welf king of Denmark-Braunschweig, Polish king and former HREmperor Stanislaw III starts regency.
1790: France and Sweden make a secret alliance against Denmark-Braunschweig.
1791: After the death of king Francisco I of Spain, his hot-headed grandson becomes king instead. He pressures for war against France, which breaks out again. This is despite the fact that this coalition is even weaker than ever before. Nassau, one of the strongest German states, stays neutral, Sweden-Norway sides with France.
1791, July: Battle of Ingolstadt. French-German armies cross the Danube.
1793: Peace of Frankfurt. Bavaria, Brandenburg-Silesia, Pomerania and Braunschweig (incl. Schleswig-Holstein) are turned into republics too. Denmark proper goes to Sweden. Spain is occupied by France (except Galicia, which goes to Portugal) and divided into the republics of Castille, Asturia and Andalusia. The Spanish royal family goes to Morocco, the pope flees to Canterbury, Britain, which swears to continue the fight. This leads to a costly "perpetual war" when Britain continually tries to attack French coasts and support uprisings in Spain and Germany. Hungary has to cede the lands of the Czechs and Slovaks, which become the Moravian Republic.
The only monarchist states remaining in Western Europe are Britain, Italy, Sweden-Norway-Denmark, Hungary, Poland, and the German states of Austria and Nassau - less than ten, for the first time.
1797: Royalist (French-Spanish) fleet of the Mediterranean destroyed by Italians. Baleares held by them become Italian.
1799: General Boulanger puts power down (deliberately!), regular elections are held again.
Since 1790s: Many nobles and other opponents of the French republic flee from their sphere of influence. Germans use to go to Atlantis, Nassau or Hungarian Austria, all others go to Britain or their colonies of Braseal and Argentine, where many get land from the British state. Many Spaniards also flee to Morocco.
1776: A canal connecting Ohio and Mississippi built in German Atlantis. (South tip of Illinois is part of Italia Nuova.)
1780: Great Hurricane of the Caribbean. More than 20,000 people die.
1782: Louisiane conquered by Italy, which now rules all the former French colonies.
1791: The first transoceanic telegraph cable (so to speak - it connects OTL Siberia and Alaska) built.
1793: East of OTL Hispaniola occupied by Italy.
1794: Smaller islands in the Caribbean occupied by Italy, before Britain can get them. Britain tries to take advantage of Denmark's fall and retake the latter's part of Atlantis, at least New England.
Cuba, Florida, Texas, California, Mexico and Spanish South Atlantis declare independence.
1795: The "Schulzenaufstand" (Mayors' Uprising - yes, "Schulze" is an old German term for "Bürgermeister" / Mayor) in German Atlantis. After the end of Denmark-Braunschweig as a state, they declare themselves independent, form a confederation similar to Switzerland. Italy accepts the new situation, leaders of Britain and the former Spanish colonies foam at the mouth.
~1800: British, German and Italian settlements have reached the Rocky Mountains, where they make contact with Novorussian settlers. Germans found Silberstadt in OTL Montana; Italians form the new province of TTL Montana (roughly OTL East Colorado).
1776: Temne conquer Kono.
1778: Baoule conquers Senoufo.
1781: Songhay conquers Gwari.
1782: Songhay attacks Igbira, besieges Lokoja. Idoma become independent again.
1783: Songhay retreats, when uprisings in other provinces begin.
1786: Igbira reconquers Idoma.
1787: Independent Portugal tries to reclaim its former colonies in Guinea, where meanwhile a Portuguese-speaking Mulatto upper class rules. The trial is not successful, but trade is reopened (no slave trade with Europe, though).
1788: Jukun and Songhay divide Bauchi.
1792: British troops land in Australia (OTL South Africa). They storm several cities and fortresses of the Söderlinger, but have to give them back after the end of the war.
Kamsar attacks Temne, but are beaten back.
1795-97: Yoruba make war against Igbira, but the latter again defend successfully. Uprisings of Idoma defeated.
1796: Temne conquer Limba.
1800: Dioula conquered by Baoule.
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