East Asia[]
1820s: King Gioacchino starts hiring Indian soldiers to improve control over his vast empire.
1826: More than 20,000 killed in Nippon by Tsunami.
1827: A New Roman expedition returns from India, further spurning the interest in the subcontinent. Having learned that there exists cults in India which use to murder for their gods, like Kali, emperor Alessandro I starts thinking about using them for his purposes.
1829: Tibet accepts China's authority again.
1832: Formal conversion of the tenno to the version of Christianity adapted by the Nipponese. Christianity made state religion.
1830s: Chinese population starts to grow rapidly, and the authorities don't know what to do.
1839: Cyclone in Coringa, India. 300,000 dead.
Muslim world[]
1820s: An independence movement develops in rural Greece (supported by Russians, often via the Orthodox church). The cities, however, stay firmly in Seljuk hand - 250 years with a printing press have assimilated most of the upper and upper middle class.
1824: Dawudid dynasty of Choresm dies out. A council temporarily takes over the reign - but not for long.
1827: After committing a scandalous act, sultan Kay Khusrau XI is deposed by the Wali (prime minister) and beheaded. This act strengthens the Jumhuriya movement (which proposes an Islamic republic, and connects political Islam with Seljuk nationalism).
1828-34: After a payment of tribute was missed, Novorossiya conquers and subjugates Choresm.
1832-39: Suez Canal built.
1835: After anti-Jewish pogroms in North Africa, a delegation of rabbis approaches the emperor. He offers the Jews a home at the Sinai, as close to biblical Israel as possible without moving right in, to form a buffer against the Persian empire and to guard the Suez canal. This marks the beginning of the Jewish state. (This is not completely un-selfish: The Jewish traders can be replaced by Italians, thus strengthening their influence.)
1838-40: Morocco conquered by New Rome after Muslim uprising. (Fled) Spanish royal family exiled to Braseal. Emperor Alessandro has the old Holy City of Kairouan (Tunisia) re-secrated for the Muslim pilgrims.
1839: Shah Inayatullah IV of Persia toppled by his son Inayatullah V.
Russian lands[]
1820s: Reforms in South Russia. Cities, middle class get more rights, like representation in the Duma. The Southern Slavs from Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria and Karvuna (OTL Dobruja) are also included, as are Vlachia and Moldavia.
1824: After a Pontic Greek uprising, South Russia fights the Seljuks, makes Trapezunt / Trebizond their protectorate. Greek and Russian Orthodox churches start to approximate.
Flood at the area of OTL Leningrad, kills many people in the cities there which I didn't work out.
1834: When Russia diplomatically clashes with Hungary, emperor Alessandro fears Russia invading Hungary at the wrong time. So he suggests the Hungarian Division: Austria goes to Germany, Croatia to New Rome, Transsylvania becomes a Russian protectorate. New Rome also acquires most of OTL Slovenia (which was once Austrian, until Austria was inherited by Hungary in 1816), so Germany is cut off from the Adria.
1838/39: After Poles rise up against Russian occupation, Novorossiya attacks and conquers all of Poland. The last king flees to Sweden, later to Britain.
1820: German parliament decides that Walter Meier mustn't return to Germany. The German politicians criticize that he worked as a tribute collector for the French, that he didn't manage to include Nassau, Switzerland, the Rhineland, Prussia, Austria and the Dutch into Germany, and many are simply envious.
1823: Alessandro Napoleoni who was appointed successor of king Gioacchino, declares himself New Roman emperor. He plans to unite the lands of the old Roman empire (in Western Europe at least), but also thinks about new colonies.
Germany gives itself the first constitution, after having discussed it for years.
1824: Imperial-Catholic church founded. The New Roman emperor is the head of it. He uses the church as a tool to bring the former French and Spanish colonies better under his heel. Priests who deny the oath are expelled or incarcerated.
Switzerland leaves the French sphere of influence after an uprising. Germans invite them to join Germany, but they decline.
Germany and New Rome make a treaty of friendship.
1825: Flood around Hamburg. Water measured to be about five meters higher than usual.
1825-27: Rhenish War. Germany and Switzerland defeat France; Rhineland, Alsace-Lorraine, German-speaking Luxemburg, western Switzerland ceded by France. The long (more than 50 years!) French influence still proves to be hard to overcome, and many people decide to emigrate from the "liberated" lands to France.
1827: After the Rhenish War, France has to give Western and Eastern Frisia independence. Frisia becomes part of Germany and a refugium for Dutch nationalists fleeing from the French. In 1840, Frisia becomes part of the Netherlands again after they become independent.
1830: Death of grand duke Adolf Ignaz II of Nassau. (In his Bohemian exile, Walter Meier triumphs: "Adolf Nazi [1] is dead!") A plebiscite about the future in the country makes Nassau a republic, which is soon united with Germany (thus gaining the important Ruhr area). Britain protests, since the king now holds (thanks to various marriages of the Royal Family with expelled German princes and princesses) claims to Nassau (and other German states).
[1] No kidding - "Nazi" was once used as a short form of Ignaz.
1830s: "Railroad mania" starts in Britain.
1833: Death of last Bourbon king Sigismond / Zsigmond III of Hungary.
1835: Emperor Alessandro introduces the French calendar (equivalent to OTL World Calendar), metric lengths and weights in the New Roman Empire. The Germans soon follow suit.
1838: English revolution, king Philip killed. Revolutionaries declare the British republic. Royal family under his successor George I flees to New Albion (OTL New Zealand). The pope goes with them.
1840: Dutch uprising. France is unable to suppress them, has to grant Netherlands and Flanders independence on German and Roman pressure.
1822: With some help from German Atlantis, Canada can win independence. Only Haraldsland stays British. British loyalists flee to Braseal.
Joseph B. Franklin elected first president of Canada.
1825:Spanish lands in South Atlantis occupied by New Rome.
1826-29:Lacking money, emperor Alessandro attacks and conquers Tawantinsuyu (the Inca empire). Their gold and silver mines now work for the New Roman Empire.
1832-36:Anti-British War of allied New Rome, Germany, German Atlantis and Canada. Unexpectedly, the Imperial Navy proves to be stronger than the Royal Navy, thanks to the numerous fights against Spanish Navy-in-exile. In the peace of Roma Nuova, Britain has to cede Newfoundland to Canada and its lands in South Atlantis, which are divided along the Tropic of Capricorn: Braseal goes to New Rome, the Germans receive Argentine as a place for settlement (from now on, more often called Argentinien). Patagonia, being uninteresting for the victors, becomes independent Aymaria.
1837: Texas added to New Rome.
First German settlers arrive in Argentinien. The British upper class is kicked out, while the ordinary Brits are assimilated with time.
1824: Igbira conquer Tiv, with help by Douala, which gets Bamenda.
1827: Baoule conquer Dida, get a harbor.
1830: A Swedish ship coming from Australia (OTL South Africa) discovers Antarctica.
1831/32: Ashanti attack Accra, reduce it to the area around the capital.
1836: Douala conquers Yaoundé.
1839: After king George I arrived in New Albion, his admiral Carleton swears to retake Britain for the monarchy. The admiral collects the British navy in the Pacific, goes to the North Sea, prepares for a strike against London.
1839/40: Igbira conquer Gwari and Borim.
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1820-1840 |
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