Alternative History

East Asia[]

1880-94: Starting in the province of Anhui, a Chinese general starts to reunite the country and defeat the Society of Brotherly Love. He contacts New Rome and Germany, hoping to find allies, and finally decides for Germany, who sends advisors to build up China's industry. For this influence, he also decides to make China a republic. Lacking a strong navy, Tungning (OTL Taiwan) stays out of his reach, however; and worse, the Russians are too strong to let him take Beijing either.

1881: Cyclone in Haiphong, Vietnam. 300,000 dead.

1883: Krakatoa explosion.

Canada takes the sultanate of Melaka, storms the fortress of Fort Knox.

1887: Huang He flood. One million (possibly more) victims.

1888: Canada makes a pact with Thailand.

1890: New Rome conquers Bengal, uniting the whole Indian subcontinent for the first time in centuries.

1892: Canada conquers Champa (OTL South Vietnam).

1899: Canada forces Khmer king to accept Canadian protectorate.


1882: New Romans who have taken control of Puducherry decide to break down the kid gangs. Chandramoorthy is caught too, separated from his gang members, unsure about their fate; he manages to escape from prison, but has to leave the city.

1883: Chandramoorthy who went to Golkonda (near OTL Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) finds a job as a manservant in the house of an old Italian officer. His boss was a lover of history, philosophy (esp. that of Epicure) and arts (including erotic arts). Chandramoorthy learns Italian and later teaches himself a lot about diverse topics from the library of his boss.

1887: When his boss dies, Chandramoorthy is unemployed again. He finds another job, this time at the central library which the New Romans built meanwhile. In the next years, he'll study about all possible topics he can find.

1892: His first marriage. (Until his death, he'll marry twice again [while having a lot of extramarital affairs too], and father seven kids [not counting illegitimate ones].)

1896: Chandramoorthy decides to share his new acquired knowledge with his countrymen, becomes a teacher. Knowledge about modern science, economy, administration is "smuggled" out of the library, thanks to his extraordinary memory. As he says: "By this way, they lose nothing, but we gain a lot."

Muslim world[]

1881-85: Anti-Seljuk War of New Rome and Russia. Cyprus, Cilicia, Greece go to New Rome, the whole North Coast (incl. Constantinople / Czargrad) to Russia. The last Muslim power has fallen.

1890s: While the ruling classes are squabbling who's fault it was that the Christians could defeat them, among their people the wish for a Mahdi (Messiah) spreads.

1895: New Roman troops pushing south from Egypt to secure the land are unable to defeat the Muslim partisans. Sudan is declared "chaos" officially.

Russian lands[]

1883: Novorossiya finishes first transcontinental railroad in Eurasia.

1888: Emperor Ludovico hosts the first modern Olympic Games in Athens.

1891: Gold Rush in Lena Valley.

1896: Third modern Olympic Games in Kiev.


1882: Socialist uprisings in the industrial cities of Bohemia and Hungary, which soon spread to Vienna in Austria. Germany interferes again, makes Bohemia and Hungary full satellites.

1886/87: Third French-Roman War. Basque lands, Asturia (which become two grand duchies), Occitania (which is added to the kingdom of Catalonia) go to New Rome. French military reduced to 100,000 men standing.

1886: In the Third French-Roman War, the New Romans take France's last possessions on the Iberian peninsula, Asturia and the Basque country, with the help of the local population. Afterwards, their troops are stopped by the French machine-gunners - but since this happens along France's natural borders, the Alps and Pyrenees, this isn't fully understood by the strategists.

1887: After the Imperial Navy destroys the French ships, New Rome lands a big army in Aquitaine, which is mostly undefended, progressing rapidly.

1889/90: Socialists take power in Paris and other industrial cities of the French republic. Weak French military unable to suppress them. Germany and New Rome ally against them, invade France. Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands make a military alliance that will last even after the war. Burgundy and Wallonia become a German satellite (called Lothringen, which also joins the Mitteleuropäischer Zollverein), Brittany and Aquitaine become independent grand duchies (de facto New Roman satellites), New Rome may station troops in rest-France. Paris declared Third City of New Roman Empire.

People in Germany and New Rome now hope for peace after so many wars and uprisings in the last seventy years, and emperor Ludovico and German chancellor Hornung proclaim "everlasting peace in Europe".

1880s: Scandinavian, French and German Socialists arrive in Britain, bringing them valuable knowledge about new inventions, industrial innovations, thus rekindling the wrecked British industry.

1890: In London, the "House of Tomorrow" is founded. Essentially a technical university (although this old-fashioned term is avoided in Socialist Britain), it forms the center (in fact, the only place of importance) of British research. The Round decides that the HoT should research "how things can be done the best way", which is then to be implemented in the factories and on the acres of the country.

1892: Second modern Olympic Games in Rome.


1881-84: "The Northern War" ("La Gera d'Nor"): After having consolidated his rule, Lui Filip has the northern cities of Braseal attacked.

1884: Stefor (old Stafford City, OTL Recife) falls.

1885: New Rome and royal Braseal (now pronounced French: Bruh-SAY-uhl) make a contract about their common border after the end of Northern War.

1886: Earthquake in Charlesbourg (OTL Charleston).

1886-88: "The Southern War" ("La Gera d'Su"): Southern Braseal conquered by Lui Filip; the country is unified.

1894: Gold Rush in Braseal. Many people from Roman-controlled France and Iberia flee to the country. Many Germans immigrate, help create the new industry in the southern part of the country.

1897: Lui Filip of Braseal dies. Not having made a law of succession, people are disunited about who should become next monarch: His eldest child, princess Mari Isabel, or his eldest son Migel?

1897-1900: Civil War in Braseal (more often called "Slavery War"). The Southern provinces under Princess Mari Isabel, more German-influenced and industrialized, fight for an end of slavery, the northern provinces under prince Migel for keeping it. (German newspapers use to depict prince Migel as a human monster, describing him as icecold-hearted and merciless.)

1890s: New Roman linguists study the development of Braseal French (which has influences from many different languages and is very simplified - many claim that it could be called a distant variant of Occitan, Catalan, Italian or Spanish as well). The Empire uses their new insights to play out one Gaulish (the Empire proclaims that since the French are descended from the Gauls, there's no reason why they should name themselves after a German tribe) group against the other, creating many different, mutually unintelligible dialects in the place of the republic's unified French language.


1882: Germans make the Bafata kingdom (OTL W Guinea) a German protectorate. Until the end of the century, the same will happen to the other coastal West African states. The Germans introduce some new crops, fight slavery, spread christianity and start trade - industrial products for exotic goods.

1884: Gold Rush in Australia (OTL South Africa). Many Germans, Swiss and Dutch come to the country, definitely changing the ethnic makeup of the country's white population, which was until then Swedish-dominated.

1887: Atlantean Germans who conquered Guinea, proclaim the country "Liberia" (or German: Liberien), start to invite liberated slaves to go there.

1889: First successful expedition from the African west to the East coast via the Congo jungle.

1891-94: War against the Temne, who fight back aggressively.

1892-99: Germans take control of the Congo kingdoms.

1896: Gold Rush in Antipodia / Tir Tairngire (OTL Australia). The pope decides that the money donated to the church (10% of all founds, plus additional givings by the government and other sources of income) is to be used to adorn the country's churches (like the famous Golden Cathedral of New Dublin, OTL Sydney) and missionarizing in Africa, Asia and later even other parts of the world. The "time of humbleness" certainly has ended.

Germans bring the fortress of Igbira under control, with the help of some bribe-influenced treachery.

Chaos TL in blocks
Earlier in time:

World 1860-1880



Later in time:

World 1900-1910