Alternative History

The war started as it is, with Germany, and USSR invading Poland. The war changed when Germany unexpectedly bombed Britain from Norway and France, which forced Britain to surrender, after the major loss in the Battle of the English Channel. The RAF lost in the Battle of Britain too, and Germany sent ground forces to the Eastern Coast. After Britain, Hitler concentrated his forces in the Soviet Union, but was held back in Stalingrad.

Sowjetische Kampagne[]

The Sowjetische Kampagne, or Soviet Campaign was the road to invading British India, but the planned 5 months of the campaign was extended to 7 months. because of the stubborn defense of the Red Army in Stalingrad. The Russian victory in our timeline, is replaced by the German victory in October 1941. Hitler quickly invaded today's Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and crossed the Indian border in December 1941. While the battle in India was raging, Hitler planned the invasion of Siberia.

Imperial Japan and the USA[]

Main Article: The Eastern Campaign[]

Pearl harbor

Pearl harbor in October, 2 months before attack.

The war in the Far-East started in December 8 1941, after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Japan and Italy, leading to the USA declaring war on both Germany and Japan. The attack in Pearl Harbor crippled the USAFFE, but it impressively held its ground in the Philippines, and Hawaii. For 5 months, the USAFFE in Hawaii did not do anything offensively, because of lack of resources, while the ones in the Philippines fled to Corregidor and held until June 2, when a fleet of US warships rescued them and brought them to Australia. The USA then focused on the war in the east, and quickly captured Japanese territory up until November 1941. Okinawa was captured in the 27th of November 1941. The USA then shifted its focus to knocking out Germany out of the war.


Border clashes between China and Nazi Germany occurred near Kyrgyzstan with minimal casualties, but German soldiers were told not to engage in combat against Chinese forces, as the two nations were not at war. China instead focused on Japan, and Germany on India. After minor skirmishes between China and Germany in November, the Wehrmacht officially crossed the Indian Border, in December, in the border of today's Pakistan and Afghanistan. Hitler had anticipated a short invasion, so he could proceed and shift focus towards North Africa, where Italian forces were losing. Instead, the Indian campaign dragged on until 1944, when Hitler captured Calcutta.

