Alternative History

1911: World War One breaks out. The complicated alliances between the powers lead to the following events:

First six weeks[]

June 14th: Novorossiya declares war on Canada.

June 15th: First skirmishes between Russian and Canadian soldiers in the Yukon valley. In the gold mining cities of Alyeska, Russians lynch Canadians and Germans - and vice versa.

June 18th: Atlantean Germany declares war on Novorossiya, together with its satellite North California (now more often called Kalifornien); Old Germany follows suit. The two Germanies and Canada form the Bündnis (German for alliance).

June 19th: German-Canadian armies unite to attack Russians in OTL Whatcom county, Washington state. Russians start shipping troops there, hoping not to come too late. Many civilians flee via the Pacific from the Germans.

German army attacks Novorossiya in Estonia.

June 20th: South Russia declares war on Old Germany; Poland, Greater Bohemia and Hungary also mobilize troops against the Russians.

June 22th-27th: Balcan states allied to South Russia (Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Vlachia, Moldavia, Transsylvania) declare war on the Bündnis.

June 24th: Bündnis attack against Serbia throws them back behind the Danube, except for Belgrade.

June 25th: German-Polish attack starts in Galicia. They conquer the SW corner of South Russia, but then the big armies clash and freeze along the line Daugavpils-Chernovcy (Bukovina).

June 26th: One Hungarian and one German army cross the Transsylvanian border, going around the Apuseni mountains to unite. Serbia is left alone for the moment.

June 27th: First Transsylvanian city Cluj conquered by Hungarians.

June 28th: Argentinien declares war on the Russias - for the beginning, only symbolically.

June 29th: Most of Russian Cascadia in German hands, except for OTL Cape Flattery and some fortresses at the coast.

June 30th: After Canada uses some diplomacy, China declares war on Novorossiya, as does Nippon.

July 1911: Chinese uprisings against Russians in Beijing and other occupied cities start.

July 2nd: Germans defeat Russians in the battle of Kohtla-Järve, Estonia. Except for the capital Tallinn and the islands, the whole province is under German control.

July 3rd: First sea battle between Nippon and Novorossiya. Despite of severe losses, the Nipponese can open a way to Ezo (Hokkaido).

July 5th: Germans and Hungarians control the whole Mures valley in Transsylvania, approach the Carpathians, besiege Hermannstadt / Sibiu.

July 6th: After heated discussions behind the scenes, New Rome decides to declare war on the Bündnis. The two Russias and New Rome now form the Imperial Pact (the name is incorrect, since Novorossiya is still a republic, but it sticks).

Nipponese land on Ezo, manage to establish a bridgehead after hard fighting.

July 7th: German satellite Lothringen declares war on New Rome.

July 8th: Sea battle of Saaremaa. German-Scandinavian navies defeat Russian Baltic fleet, land on the Estonian islands.

July 9th-20th: German Atlantis pushes the New Romans behind the Ohio, conquer OTL south tip of Illinois.

July 10th: New Rome starts a short raid into Argentinien from Peru. Although not unsuccessful, they have to retreat after the Argentinian army is fully mobilized.

July 11th: Netherlands and Switzerland declare war on New Rome.

July 12th (Tammuz 17th 5671): Judea solidarizes with New Rome, declares war on the Bündnis.

July 14th: Braseal declares war on New Rome.

July 17th: Tallinn capitulates.

July 18th: Siam declares war on the Pact, also moved by Canada to do this step. Canada starts rising two native armies from their colonies and protectorates in SE Asia.

July 26th: Ethiopia declares war on the Bündnis.

The only states now still staying neutral are Socialist Britain, the small native state of Aymaria (south tip of Atlantis), the Muslim states (Persia, the rump Seljuk state, Hejaz, Oman, Arabia and Mahdi Sudan), the central Asian states of Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Tibet, finally Tir Tairngire and New Albion.

Relative strengths of the powers[]

The situation at the beginning of the war, for each continent:

  • North Atlantis: Novorossiya has a presence in Alyeska and OTL Cascadia, but these areas are hopelessly outnumbered even by Canada alone. Otherwise, the northern half of the continent belongs to Canada and German Atlantis, while the South is New Roman, as is the whole Caribbean.
  • South Atlantis: The north and the Andes are New Roman, while the rest is divided between German Argentinien and Braseal.
  • Europe: The center and the north are under control of Germany or its satellites, while the west and south belong to New Rome, and the east and south-east to the Russias.
  • Africa: The Maghreb is New Roman, the sub-saharan areas German. The Sahara desert, Mahdi Sudan and independent Ethiopia separate the powers.
  • Asia: The North belongs to Novorossiya, the Indian subcontinent to New Rome, the south-west to independent Muslim states (except for Judea), the east and south-east to Canada or independent Asian states which are allied with the Bündnis.
  • Oceania: Almost exclusively controlled by the Canadians, except for the neutral states in the south.

And in the oceans:

  • Atlantic: The north and the south more under control of the Bündnis, the center under control of New Rome.
  • Indian Ocean: The west under German, the east (incl. the Malacca Straits) under Canadian, the rest under New Roman control.
  • Pacific: Strong pact powers in the east and the northwest; rest mostly under comparably weak Canadian control (their forces are scattered).
  • North Sea: A German lake.
  • The Channel: Under New Roman control, although the Germans and Dutch can blockade the east.
  • Baltic: German-Scandinavian superiority.
  • Mediterranean: A New Roman lake.
  • Black Sea: A Russian lake.
  • Red Sea: Both ends controlled by New Romans.
  • Yellow Sea: Domain of the Chinese and Nipponese.

The fronts[]

After the declarations of war and the mobilizing of the armies, these fronts form:

North Atlantis:

  • Alyeska front (Novorossiya vs Canada)
  • for short time: Cascadian front (Novorossiya vs. German Atlantis)
  • Californian front (Kalifornien + German Atlantis vs New Rome)
  • Desert front (German Atlantis vs New Rome)
  • Missouri front (German Atlantis vs New Rome)
  • Ohion front (German Atlantis vs New Rome)
  • Appalachian front (German Atlantis vs New Rome)

South Atlantis:

  • Guayanan front (Braseal vs New Rome)
  • Amazonas front (Braseal vs New Rome)
  • Andes front (Argentinien vs New Rome)



  • Senegalese front
  • Ethiopian front


  • Siamese (later Bengali) front
  • Steppe front
  • Chinese front
  • Corea front
  • Ezo front

The strategies[]

The German general staff is quite shocked. A war against the Russias is one thing; but a war against the Russias AND the superpower New Rome, which is undefeated in war yet, if you don't count the guerrilla war of Braseal? Especially European Germany seems to be hopelessly outnumbered. The governments in Martinsburg (OTL Philadelphia) and Neu-Hamburg (OTL Buenos Aires) are contacted. Both are somewhat hesitating to send their men over the Atlantic, which is to a good part controlled by the Imperial Navy; finally, Argentinian promises to send some troops to German Africa, and Atlantis promises help for the time after they win in Russian Cascadia. An invasion of the Russian Pacific coast that was considered before New Rome entered the war is cancelled, since the Russian and Imperial navies control most of the Pacific, and the Germans and Canadians have to take care not to be invaded themselves.

But even the pact isn't in such a rosy situation. The New Roman empire, especially in Europe, suffers under the language problem: Every non-Italian speaking soldier is only taught 200 words Italian, which leads to difficulties in communication. The Russians face similar problems with their Balcan allies, of whom only the officers speak Russian fluently. And more important: There are no experiences in leading a comparable war - even the anti-Russian and anti-British wars were more local in comparison.

Of course the Italians and Russians would make jokes about the "wurst/kraut-eating surrender monkeys", but in the summer of 1911, these jokes almost became reality. No one in European Germany had really wanted a war with both the Russias and the New Roman superpower. The German ministry of Exterior continually contacted its counterpart in Rome, frantically trying to make a separate peace. They offered Lothringen and Hungary for a peace, and some members of the government even thought about European Germany leaving the war completely, sacrificing Poland if necessary. But the pact powers declined, sure they could get an even better peace in a few weeks anyway.

So, born out of necessity, the German military leadership decided to make a victory as costly as possible for the pact. "Die Front muss gehalten werden, auf Biegen und Brechen!" ("You've got to hold the line, that it neither bends nor breaks!") The cavalry troops are unmounted, and the soldiers dug trenches all along the borders. Then they waited for the New Romans and Russians to attack, praying that their German brothers and their allies at the other fronts might save the day.

And to everyone's surprise, it worked. The proud Russian steppe riders and the New Roman cavalry, even the New Roman motorized corps (the New Romans had twice as many cars available than all other European powers taken together!), attacked the German trenches in vain. The new weapon, the machine gun, much improved since the last war, simply favored the defender too much. July, August and September went by, but at the end, the fronts had barely moved if at all, and the cavalrists and the drivers joined their comrades in the trenches.

After the first months of the war it becomes apparent that the war will take longer - and New Rome faces the first problem, because their material is running low. Before the war, they received lots of steel and coal (not to mention finished products) from Germany, especially the Krafft corporation from the Ruhrgebiet; now, their own reserves of iron and coal aren't sufficient, and they have to import their stuff from South Russia or the Urals instead - the latter being four times as far from Italy than the Ruhr, and transport takes six times longer, at best. The fact that the Germans can easily replace their lost ships, while the Imperial navy can't, is another problem. Until a solution is found, the New Romans have to use up the stockpiles of Castille and North Africa, which aren't threatened.

Both sides also start to use submarines. This part of the war is even costlier than IOTL, since the Germans don't have to fear another great power entering the war. OTOH, it's also less one-sided, and thus, the Germans and Canadians suffer under New Roman and Russian subs as well.

1911 (August to December)[]

North Atlantis: California and the lands east of the Appalachians see a lot of battles in which the fronts barely move. The Ohio front is almost quiet in comparison - it's too hard to cross the river, although in August, the 4th New Roman army tries to invade Ohio and cut German Atlantis in two. They destroy some railroads, which are later repaired. The western desert isn't that interesting for both parties either. Between Rockies and Mississippi however, the German-Canadian armies advance into the province of Montana (OTL east Colorado), take its capital Metara Nova. The Russian troops in Cascadia have to capitulate, after supporting them via the ocean proves to be impossible.

South Atlantis: In the Amazon jungle, Brasealian "amazon warriors" advance against New Rome. Former black slaves who're unemployed since slavery was abolished join the army, later become famous as the "Black Panthers". Along the Andes, the fronts don't move either - the Argentinians have the superior forces, but New Rome has the far better terrain for defense.

Europe: The situation in Atlantis forces New Rome to make its protectorate kingdoms of Portugal, Brittany and the Basque country enter the war. Their troops are sent to North Atlantis, to help defend Italia Nuova. Otherwise, the fronts still don't move much: The Germans don't want to attack, and the Pact powers can't break through. Both sides start to try psychological warfare. After the kingdom of Occitania (OTL South France and Catalonia) also mobilizes troops against the Germans, the latter have to conscript another army to be able to defend in France (it won't be the last one).

Africa: New Roman advances into Senegal and Kenya, until they're stopped by Brasealian and Argentinian reinforcements. During the winter, "Black Panther" troops arrived from Braseal help the Germans to drive the Ethiopians and New Romans back into Ethiopia.

Asia: The Nipponese fight with the Russians on Ezo, not willing to give up. North China becomes a chaos, as the Russians are confronted with partisans all over the place. Their armies are constantly threatened to be cut off; new armies conscripted in Novorossiya have to be sent east instead being used against Germany. The Chinese emperor starts to reclaim the once lost territories in North China, and his new subjects welcome him.

In the South, New Rome has occupied Ava (OTL North Birma). The united Bündnis armies (China, Canada, Siam) occupy Lan Xang (OTL Laos), after which the fronts freeze too.

Oceania: The Pact powers decide to bring the Pacific under their control, attack from both sides. New Roman ships coming from South Atlantis attack the Canadians on OTL Pitcairn and Polynesia, Novorossiya attacks from the North towards the Marianas and Marshall islands. Both are quite successful, since the Canadians lack ships.

Atlantic: Several big sea battles happen - at Stefor (OTL Recife), Cabo Verde and Jersey in the Channel, the Imperial Navy can defeat German, Canadian and Brasealian fleets, while the battle of Haraldsborg (OTL New York) is a draw. The Russians try to conquer Svalbard by sea, but are fought back.

Indian Ocean: After two won sea battles of Madagascar and Sumatra, New Romans land troops on both islands.

Pacific: Early in the war, the Canadians defeat the Novorussian coastal fleet of Alyeska, but later, the Pact powers have several successes, driving the Canadian navy back to Hawaii and the Indies respectively - the Central Pacific is under their control now.

Novorussian ships fight Chinese and Nipponese ships in the Chinese Sea; their young navies lose many ships, and Shanghai and many Nipponese cities are bombarded by Novorussian ships.


For this year, Olympic Games were planned to happen in Delhi, but are cancelled due to the war.

During the winter, the 1st (German) Atlantean army is transported via Greenland, Iceland and the Faroers to Europe. Thanks to the ice storms, which the Imperial Navy isn't exactly accustomed to, this happens without high losses. On the other side, the New Romans transport two more armies to Italia Nuova, which is in a difficult situation. New Rome is even forced to trade with the British Socialists for iron and coal. The Brits happily demand prices several times higher than before the war, but the anti-Socialist Germans are furious, and those demanding a compromise peace are silenced because of this.

North Atlantis: After both sides brought reinforcements, the fronts are frozen even at the Missouri front. Atlantean chancellor Kleiber knows that only "his" Germany can decide the war, but he needs a real victory for that. After talking with the commander Friedrich-Paul Halbe, they decide to use a new, untested weapon: The tank (ITTL called Walze, German for roller, as in steamroller) - a big armored vehicle, driven by steam - essentially a crossbreed between a locomotive and an OTL WW1 tank. The Walzen are horribly slow, but perfectly fit for crushing resistance in a battlefield full of barbed wire and trenches. The following strike(s) towards south leads them almost towards Texan city Trinidad (OTL Amarillo), when a New Roman counter-attack throws them back to OTL Kansas. (New Rome had to bring reinforcements from Spain and even India to stop the Germans.)

South Atlantis: Braseal has conquered OTL Guayana and entered OTL Venezuela from the South. The Argentinian army under general Bauernfeind tries to enter New Roman territory in the Andes, but is fought back and has severe losses.

Europe: In the spring, after Atlantean reinforcements have arrived, the Germans start a major offensive against New Rome in Burgundy, which has them win 30 km land east of Saone (in the south) and between Bar-le-Duc and Langres further north. Then, the offensive stops, after new Occitan troops and a Judean legion have arrived at the New Roman front.

After neither a crossing of the Danube (by the New Romans) nor an attack through the Carpathians (by the Russians and allies) was successful, South Russia moves its troops further north, starts the Sechin offensive against Poland. This time, they're successful: The German east front is crushed, Volhynia is overrun. The Germans only manage to stop the Russians by using poison gas, for the first time in the war. The Pact powers start using gas too, and later in the year, after using shocktroopers, East Poland is conquered too; only behind the rivers Narev and Vistula, a successful defense can be established again. Lots of Poles (more than a million) flee from the Russians to Germany, where they're... not exactly welcomed with open arms, but at least provided with food and provisional housing (well, huts). The refugees cause some unrest in the country, many people doubt they can still win the war. The government needs a scapegoat and has the Jewish civilians arrested and interned (similar to the Nipponese-Americans in OTL WW2 USA), because Judea is fighting Germany. Just to survive, European Germany has to use every measure: Women have to work in the factories, anti-New Roman legions are made by recruiting French and Arab POWs, and every last man is drafted. It becomes apparent that this can't last forever.

Africa: After the Germans conscript an army in Australia (OTL South Africa) and transport it north, they defeat Ethiopia and occupy it; the king is deposed, flees to New Roman Egypt. Now Germany starts to contact the Arab states, trying to make them enter the war against New Rome. After placing strong artillery in Djibouti, the New Roman navy in the Red Sea is practically trapped, which puts India into a difficult situation. In the second half of the year, troops from Egypt are brought to Aden and make a landing in Eritrea, which are later defeated, though.

Asia: While the Russians keep firm control in Manchuria and Mongolia and also keep Beijing, their armies heavily suffer under the partisan war. In September, the 6th Novorussian army is cut off and destroyed in the province of Henan. In the South, the Imperial Indian army fights the Bündnis armies in Yunnan and North Birma. Nipponese slowly advance north in Ezo, approach Vladivostok (OTL Sapporo).

Oceania: The Novorussian fleet manages to confuse the Canadians and occupies parts of Mindanao, until they retreat again.

Atlantic: In the battle of Roma Nuova (OTL Norfolk, Virginia), the German-Canadian navy is defeated, and attacks become impossible for several months. However, New Rome has lost many ships too, and worse, can't replace them that easily. The later battles of the Azores and Puerto Rico already turn out better for the Germans. They also manage to send a new fleet from the North Sea around the British Isles south to Africa. An attack against the Russians in the North Polar Sea fails, however.

Indian Ocean: Germans try to help Madagascar, but are defeated in a battle before Pemba.

Pacific: In the first battle of Hawaii, the Canadian navy can fight back the Imperial fleets. Another Chinese fleet is defeated before Tsingdao.


In Europe, the Pact powers still have the advantage, or at least it seems so. This is overshadowed a bit by their defeats in Asia, Atlantis and Africa, though. Still everyone, including the Germans, believes that the war will be won in Europe.

North Atlantis: After building more walzen, the next German thrust goes first into and later through the province of Texas, cutting New Roman Atlantis in two. This gives Germany access to the Texan oil, and takes New Rome its biggest advantage - its motorized troops. Now New Rome starts to panick, even liberates and arms slaves and peons who promise to fight the Germans, with mixed successes.

South Atlantis: Brasealians storm Nueva Leon (OTL Caracas). Secretly, New Rome tries to contact them to make them leave the war, but to no avail. Some stories of the plunderings made spread through the empire.

Europe: After even more Atlantean and also Argentinian reinforcements arrive, the Germans try an attack in the west, hoping to hurt New Rome enough. Their attack is successful - during the year, all of France east of the Seine is conquered - but it hasn't the effect of New Rome leaving the war. Germany declares the republic of Free France, hoping to get more support from the French. The effort is not in vain: Many French serving for New Rome change sides.

A German-Scandinavian army manages to land in Finland, hoping to distract the Russians, who're threatening another offensive in Poland. During the winter, the Russians manage to conquer parts of the German province Littauen (Lithuania).

Africa: The army of Liberien marches into Senegal, taking it back. "Black Panther" troops liberate Madagascar.

Asia: Despite unbelievably high losses, the Chinese march north, recruit new armies among the former partisans and triumphally take Beijing at the end of the year. Nippon manages to land an army in Novorossiya's protectorate Corea. This leads to diplomatic clashes with China, and the Canadian diplomats have a lot of work to do to calm both parties down.

A Chinese-Canadian-Siamese army manages a break through to Assam.

After the Arab states declare war on New Rome, the Judean legion has to return home, and New Rome has to send troops from North Africa to Syria.

Oceania: Canadians force New Romans to leave Sumatra, start to reconquer their lost islands, with the help of fanatical Nipponese soldiers.

Atlantic: The battle of Saint-Malo gives the German and Dutch navies more control in the Channel. Meanwhile, they can mostly move free in the Atlantic; the convoi system makes encounters, and thus battles, less probable. Still, thanks to the Miskito canal (OTL it would be the Nicaragua canal), the New Romans can use their fleet in both Atlantic and Pacific. But in fact, New Rome is that desperate that they bribe the Socialist pirates of Britain to attack German ships. Which causes even more anger in Germany later...

Indian Ocean: Germany fights the battle of Sokotra, after which they manage to land troops in southern Arabia, start to cooperate with the Arab states, besiege New Roman fortress Aden. Germany starts to approach Persia.

Pacific: In the battle of the Kuriles, united Canadians, Chinese and Nipponese defeat the Novorussian fleet, which is on the defensive from now on. Scattered Novorussian ships are later fought and defeated in the second battle of Hawaii.


North Atlantis: Germany has decided to cut the New Roman empire into pieces and thus supports independence movements in Louisiana, California, Texas and Mexico. The New Roman authorities face difficulties to keep them under control.

South Atlantis: Braseal attacks further west, entering OTL Colombia.

Europe: Germany starts the year with another walzen attack, aiming at the whole territory between Seine and Loire. The growing Free French army helps them, although the declaration of the republic of Brittany in late spring angers the French somewhat.

A counter-attack against the Russians in Littauen gives the Germans some breathing space in the East.

In July, the Germans attack south from Austria, reaching the Adria and cutting the only railroad between Italy and the Balcans.

Finally, in August, Germans win the battle of Saint Etienne, making a link to the partisans of the Central Massive of France, rush to the west, reaching Limoges. This is the last straw.

Africa: A few attacks of the New Romans in the Sahara are fought back. German, Brasealian and African troops approach Morocco, but can't proceed further. OTOH, in Algeria and Egypt, native uprisings bring New Rome even more difficulties. The empire seems at the verge of collapse.

Asia: Persia decides to enter the war. In the Russian occupied north, uprisings start. Novorossiya has to move many armies south to counter this new threat. In Corea, their troops are caught between the Chinese in the north and the Nipponese in the south. German and Arab troops throw the New Romans out of Syria. Now the Seljuk state also enters the war, attacks Cilicia. South Russia has to send troops over the Black Sea to defend its lands there. And worst of all, the Chinese and Canadians have entered Bengal, threaten Calcutta.

Oceania: Canadians have reconquered their Pacific colonial empire, strike east to take OTL Easter Island.

Atlantic: The battle of Ceuta, which is victorious for the Germans, drives the Imperial navy back into the Mediterranean. Further west, they attack the Caribbean islands.

Indian Ocean: Germans and Canadians unite their navies, strike against the New Romans near the Maledives, threaten "the jewel in the crown", India.

Pacific: Canada strikes in the north, takes the Aleutes from Novorossiya.

In August, the situation seems hopeless for the New Roman empire: France is practically lost, Iberia also is in danger, the Atlantean lands are breaking away, as is North Africa, India is threatened, and there is no hope for relieve. Now the Council of Imperial provinces (the New Roman quasi-parliament, where representatives from all lands are attendant) demands from the emperor to make peace with Germany, if he doesn't want the empire to break apart. Emperor Alessandro II decides to step down, goes into exile in New Albion, together with his family.

August 28th: New Rome and Judea make an armistice with the Germanies, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, Braseal, Liberien, China, Siam, Hungary, Lothringen, Persia, the Seljuk state, and Free France and Arabs. All of France, the North Italian plain, the important fortress Ceuta, Slovenia and Croatia, Texas, the Caribbean islands, the Miskito and Suez canals, the Egyptian delta, and a part of India are occupied by troops of the Bündnis.

After the capitulation of New Rome, the Germans start sending as many troops as possible to the East, to turn the tables against the Russians. Moderated forces in Russia suggest making peace, but the more radical parties don't want to admit defeat - Russian troops are still standing deep in Poland, after all.

Rest of 1914[]

North Atlantis: Canada concentrates on the remaining Russian holds in Alyeska. In the winter, they have to capitulate.

Europe: A first attack against Russia, coming from OTL Latvia, gives the Germans Littauen (OTL Lithuania) back. From occupied Croatia, Germans and Hungarians advance into Bosnia. The Germans also try a landing on the Kallipolis peninsula, but the Russians can defend the place.

Asia: China and Nippon manage to conquer Corea, and since the German navy makes an evacuation impossible, two Russian armies are captured. The fights on Ezo (OTL Hokkaido) and in the steppes of Mongolia still go on, although the Chinese don't advance that far beyond their borders.

In the South, the Seljuks start a guerrilla war in the Russian-occupied Pontus. Orthodox Greeks leave the area, going for the more secure Trapezunt. The Persians, also supplied with German arms, also advance in the mountains of North Persia and Afghanistan.

Oceania: Canada sends its troops from SE Asia to reconquer the Russian-occupied islands. However, despite being cut off, the Russians fight hard. Nippon sends soldiers and takes some islands back too.

Atlantic, Indian Ocean are quiet now.

Pacific: In the battle of Dalian, the combined German-Canadian-Chinese-Nipponese navies defeat the remaining Novorussian fleet. From now on, the Russians just can defend their own waters, and Alyeska is practically cut off.

Other events[]

The many Indian soldiers who served in the different places of the New Roman empire have to put down their arms and return to India. Not all of them do, however; many stay in the breakaway states of the New Roman empire, serving for the new governments instead. The final transport will take as long as summer 1915.

The Germans and their allies start talking about how to divide the spoils of war. This proves to be very hard, however; some states have no territorial claims against New Rome, but want their fair share of the cake; and the war against the Russias is not over yet. Later, the Staatenkonferenz (conference of states) will emerge from these talks.

The German Jews who were interned during the war are released again; many however decide to leave the Germanies and emigrate to Judea, being fed up with Germany.

September: The loss of the emperor leaves the New Roman government in trouble. For a short time, the Council of Imperial provinces had hoped to keep the empire together, but now they find out that the people in the provinces think different than their representatives, who got their posts for their ability to work together with the emperor, who isn't anymore. Louisiane declares independence first; Central Atlantis and California follow, as does Algeria (still more French than Italian). Things in Europe aren't much better: The Basques declare an independent republic and topple the former grand duke. Germany, which has troops nearby, forbids to interfere.

Seeing Greece in danger being overrun by the Seljuks, the Russians and Bulgarians send troops to occupy the country.

New Roman officer Italo Malaparte flees via Greece and Bulgaria to the Russians, tells them about the importance of the German tank weapon.

Hoping to get more support from the Finns, the Germans proclaim the Finnish republic. Their Scandinavian collaborators aren't too happy about this, having hoped that they'd get Finland instead.

The Germans send their navy into the Mediterranean, occupy Greek islands, including Cyprus.

October: Catalonia (formerly part of the kingdom of Occitania and directly under the emperor) also becomes a republic; king Benedetto II of Andalusia seeks his future with the Germans, also leaves the empire; in Asturia, the twelve-year-old grand duke also is toppled and has to flee; and finally, even old king Alfonso XIII of Castille can't deny the wishes of the Spaniards and declares Castille independent.

In Atlantis, California (OTL South and Central California plus Baja) declares independence; the big province of Mexico follows, as does Florida. And in Africa, Morocco and Egypt declare independence.

Central Atlantis makes a treaty with German Atlantis, renting the Atlantic-Pacific canal to the latter.

November: The Castillian break with New Rome leads to the Portuguese protectorate declaring independence too. Internal struggles between a monarchist and a republican faction follow. Castillians who dream of a stronger Spain (including the heir Juan) aren't happy about this. OTOH, Asturia declares they're willing to join Castille again.

New Rome tries to re-occupy Egypt from the Cyrenaica, but Germany forbids it; when they feel the Italians don't comply, their battleships bombard Tobruq and Benghazi.

A German newspaper uses the term of "Southern Chaos" for the first time.

December: Castille and Portugal start a war.

In Nouvelle Orleans, the Socialist harbor workers rise against the government, which has to flee the city. Due to the breakdown of the New Roman empire, trade in the city is down, and the workers are unemployed. It takes some time until order is restored.


European theater: In several severe battles, Germans and allies drive the Russians out of Poland, cross the pre-war border. Finns and Scandinavians conquer the Finnish capital Turku and Vanhakaupunki (OTL Helsinki/Helsingfors).

Asian theater: With the troops returned from Corea, Nippon conquers the island Ezo. Afterwards, they also land on Sachalin and the Kuriles.

Seljuk and German troops take the various harbors of Pontus, reach the Asian side of Constantinople/Czargrad.

In Russian-occupied Choresm, people start protests and later uprisings, which weaken Novorossiya. Persians reach Azerbaijan, threaten Baku.

Other events[]

General: The post-war economical crisis and the unclear future of the new countries leads to many unrests. Often, this causes anti-semite reactions. Jews start leaving their countries for Judea.

The Italians, who until now were a privileged minority in the areas which became independent after the war (every Italian starting a plantage there was made "Padrone" by the empire, which was the lowest noble rank - under the baron), start leaving said areas for Italy proper, Italia Nuova or Italian North Africa (OTL Tunisia and Libya).

January: Uprisings in OTL Yucatan force the Mexican government to react.

February: Until now, the New Roman province of Caroline (OTL Carolinas and Georgia) has stayed loyal to the government. Now however, clashes between Italian- and French-descended people lead to uprisings of the latter. When the central government tries to put them down, German troops occupy Roma Nuova (OTL Richmond) and Charlesbourg (OTL Charleston), make sure Caroline becomes independent. This leads to even more bad blood.

March: In Besancon, the capital of Lothringen / Lorraine, the old and respected politician Daniel Legrand makes a speech in parliament (first in French, then in German). He speaks about how the people of Lorraine have fought at Germany's side; he also admits that the French occupation of Germany in the 18th and early 19th century was wrong; but finally, he points out that this was the 20th century, and asks the German governments for nothing but a reunification with France proper. The Germans don't want such trouble, try to get more time. But the French understood him, and from now on, in the (still German-occupied) French cities demonstrations for a united France start.

April: Castille and Portugal make peace, giving Galicia back to Castille.

May: Young state of Syria (which also has Palestine) feels threatened by the growing Jewish population in Judea. The Jewish-Syrian war starts. Many Jews who stayed in the diaspora until now go to Judea, to fight against the Syrians.

June: After long and hard negotiations, the Bündnis powers make a peace treaty with the sad rest of New Rome, which is more of a multi-continental Italy now. Braseal takes the conquered areas in OTL Venezuela and Guayana; German Atlantis keeps occupied Caribbean, Texas and Montana, which are supposed to become settling grounds for German surplus population; European Germany claims Slovenia; Persia moves its border with India to the Indus valley; Argentinien, Siam and Canada, plus other minor powers, only take money as spoils; China takes OTL North Birma; the Seljuks get Cilicia back; finally, there's the question about what to do with India. Finally the Germanies decide to keep the northern half and to administer it together, while the South stays with New Rome. In addition, slavery in the New Roman empire is declared void.

Another point that enrages the French is that Normandy is supposed to become a Dutch satellite, and Brittany a German one. The demonstrations become uprisings; the puppet government of Normandy is unable to do anything.

July: In Algiers, French and Berbs clash for several months.

August: After long discussions, Morocco proclaims the republic of the Cortes.

September: After hard fights in French cities, the French resistance against the dismemberment is broken. Instead, they act passive resistance against the Germans. Preoccupied in the East, the German leadership is happy that the west is quiet again.

October: Castille attacks Andalusia, aiming at a reunification of old Spain.

November: Andalusia asks Germany for help, offering harbors for the new German Mediterranean navy. Germany accepts, sends troops.

December: When the coming winter leads to shortages in food, new uprisings in Normandy start again. For a while the situation is undecided, but at Christmas, a new player enters the scene: After the fled French Socialists in Britain made propaganda for their cause, the Brits decide to send volunteers over the Channel. Their troops occupy the Channel Islands, land at the beaches and take Caen and Le Havre, where they set up a counter-government. Lots of weapons are transported to arm the French against the Germans.


When the war goes into its fifth year, people start getting tired. Caricaturists draw cartoons of the Grim Reaper saying: "You humans, stop it - I can't do it anymore!"

European theater: After the mud period is over, the Germans decide to attack towards Kiev, the capital of South Russia. At the Balcans, they cross the "Iron Gate" in the Carpathians, pour into the plain of Vlachia, later also taking Moldavia. The governments of both states are toppled and replaced by German/Hungarian satellites.

The way to Kiev proves to be hard. Both sides are almost exhausted. After several months of fighting, the German artillery bombards Kiev, threaten the complete destruction of the city. Now South Russia is willing to make peace.

Asian theater: The Persians manage to break into the Central Asian plain, forcing the Russians to retreat. At the same time, the Chinese start advancing in Sinkiang. The orderly retreat breaks together, becomes a flight. Samarkand and other great cities of Choresm are liberated.

Other events until the end of the war[]

January: The uprisings throughout France start again. In Lorraine, the government declares its break with Germany and the reunification with France. Socialists reach Rouen.

Jews conquer Jerusalem.

February: Socialist pirates help capturing Brest, while French-British troops coming from Normandy take Rennes. At the outskirts of Paris, Socialist and Germans battle. In Paris, the German occupation troops are bound in an unwinnable guerrilla war.

March: French-British troops defeat a Dutch army near Amiens, later that month reach the important industrial city of Lille. German and Breton troops in Brittany have to capitulate; Paris is liberated by the Socialists.

April: Socialists have reached the Loire in the South and Reims in the East. Britain and Socialist French government make an "everlasting alliance".

In Samarkand, the independence of Choresm is proclaimed.

May: Heavy battles in the Marne and Seine valleys. At the end, the Socialists win, which gives them Lorraine. They also advance into Wallonia. Swiss prepare for the defense of Alsace.

June: Socialists sweep south, take Lyon. Many Germans protest against the unnecessary engagement in little wars while the big war is still going on. The German government loses the nerves, makes an armistice with the Socialists, who now get all of France. POWs are exchanged.

July: Socialists bring Occitania under their control. Germany secretly encourages Italian volunteers to fight the Socialists in Southern France.

On July 17th, South Russia and its allies on the Balcans make an armistice with Germany. Novorossiya follows on July 29th. In South Russia, the republic and the unification with Novorossiya is proclaimed; the Germans occupy the biggest cities of South Russia, including the Donez area. The Czarist family goes to exile in Bulgaria.

The World War is over. After five years, the whole world is exhausted.