Original Map[]

1. A turn is six months, except in cases of important parts of war, in which case turns are slowed down to one month.
2. The game will start in 1914, and end in 2010, or when everybody stops editing.
3. Nothing ridiculous (i.e Serbia can't take over the whole Ottoman Empire).
4. At least one person must post before you.
5. Post a map within the turn, or ask for someone to make it. If not, your post will be deleted.
6. If an event is implausible, it will be erased or changed to be plausible.
7. This map game is CLOSED (Which means that you have to sign up, and nobody can edit your nation).
8. PLEASE place the images on thumbnail. It looks too large other ways.
User Nations[]
- United Austrian Empire: Batmanary 03:55, June 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Italy: Fedelede 03:26, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Germany: Ownerzmcown 3:27, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Britain:Baconton 13:51, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
- France:Bob 13:30, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
- Rafasid Caliphate:Eastward Expansion 21:57, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Greece: BlackSkyEmpire 17:22, June 25, 2010 (UTC)BlackSkyEmpire
- Free Asian Republic: Destroyanator 03:36, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
- USA: BoredMatt 22:24, June 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Ireland:Vegas adict 21:24, June 27, 2010 (UTC)
- Japanese Empire- PitaKang November 20: 27 2010 (UTC)
- Russia: PitaKang November 20:27 2010 (UTC)
- Romania:NoAGK24 13:36 (EET)
June, 1913 (Only for Original Map)[]
January, 1914[]
Austria-Hungary decides to reform under the Austria banner, with each people getting presence in Vienna. This diffuses tensions and helps to strengthen ties within the country.
- After seeing them as great potential allies, Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire sign the Central Pact in Berlin, which states that in the event of war, all three countries will support each other and declare war on the aggressive nation.
- Austria formed under the United Empire of Austria agrees to sign the pact and decides to ask Italy as well. It also starts an Air Force Programme and considerably modernizes its Army and Navy.
The US Army creates an aircraft arm, known as the USAAF. It begins research on various viable types of aircraft for use by the military, including triplanes, biplanes, monoplanes, airships, and dirigibles. The Marines increase their strength to 19,000, from their previous 12,000. A committee is created to improve the various weapons currently in use by the US military. Because of some preliminary research, the Madsen machine gun is quickly bought and issued to the various branches.
The Ottoman Empire decides to begin Industrialization. It has long been known as the "Sick Man of Europe" because of its lack of industrialization. But this soon changes as the Ottoman Empire becomes the fastest industrializer in Europe and Western Asia. It also excepts membership into the Central Pact.
Italy accepts membership into the Central Pact, while starts a great process of industrialization, modernization and improving the Italian army. The king of Italy starts dividing capitals, creating the Capital of Commerce (Milan), Capital of Culture (Florence), and Capital of Industrialization (Turin). Finally, the King of Italy asks the Emperor of Austria-Hungary to give them the Trentino, Firuli and Trieste regions back, in exchange for some of their new technological secrets.
Greece looks towards the Ottoman Empire and sees that it is no longer "The Sick Man of Europe" and begins its own industrialization. It also begins to import the materials needed for the industrialization program. Greece also begins to modernize its navy and army, it also begins conscription for its small army and navy. Research is beginning to take steps forward in Greece as the early signs of tank research begins to materialize, but would not do so until 1916. Greece signs a Non-Aggression pact with the Ottoman Empire, the pact does allow the two nations to supply their allies in any war, but forbids any contact (they simply cannot attack each other) between the two.
Austria declines Italy's offer.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand visits Sarajevo. Because the Austrians gave every ethnicity equal representation, he does not get assassinated.
Whoever made this game (Batmanary, I think) Franz got shot this turn, so should I post the event or do you want to?
Whoever has the nation that shot Franz will post the event. If he's not available, then Batmanary who is Austria. If not, me because I made the game. Fedelede 02:06, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
The guy who shot Franz was from Serbia, so because nobody has it someone else has to do it. Ownerzmcown 02:08, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
I'll be Serbia, I guess, since I want to annex it anyway. Batmanary 02:10, June 26, 2010 (UTC)batmanary
June 1914[]
- Franz Joseph goes to Switzerland on a diplomatic trip, and is assassinated. Austria declares war on Switzerland. Them being unprepared, in a matter of four weeks troops have run over Bern and Zurich. On the eve of July 1st, Franz Ferdinand becomes Kaiser of the United Empire of Austria and Switzerland becomes another land within.
- Germany, begins a huge process of industrialization, the car industry booms in the country and thousands of new cars are put into production, construction is started upon many new ships, including two new dreadnoughts, and research is started into making a functioning tank for the army.
- Italy continues industrialization, becoming the fastest industrializing potency on Western Europe. They also lay claim to France so that they give them Tunis, Algiers, French West Africa and Nice.
- Greece Imports Resources recently found in Thessaly. Greece also begins to import cars from Germany, U.S.A, and Great Britain. It also creates the Euro Defense Pact and it asks the following nations to join it: Great Britain, France, Serbia, and Russia.
- Italy's weapon and machinery industry dominate the industrial landscape of Western Europe. A great army is fielded on Italy to attack France if the claims aren't accepted.
- Greece signs a Non-Aggression pact with France, Italy, and Germany. Greece begins to increase its Industrialization Program. Greece begins to catch up major industry nations such as Germany and is right behind Italy. The Greek navy is now one of the finest ever to set sail while the army is well armed and strong.
- The Ottoman Empire invades Bulgaria. Bulgaria had long been an ally of the Ottoman Empire, so the locals are essentially OK with the new rulers. The Ottoman Empire also calms many Orthodox Christian Rebels by asking for an alliance with the Orthodox Nations of Russian and Greece.
- The US begins a massive industrialization program, with huge factory towns entirely owned by corporations scattered throughout the southwest and New England. The Navy expands its fleet of battleships, and with John Holland as their main project team leader, manages to design a sub that can operate effectively throughout the Atlantic unsupported, and attack merchantmen with ease. These are built in great numbers. The US (being the breadbasket of the world) threatens to cut off all shipments of any product, including their oil to any nation who declares war on anybody. The USAAF adopts the F-1 Jenny as their main fighter, and a French immigrant, Roland Garros, designs a system for the plane that enables it to fire through the propeller. This is quickly adopted.
- Greece supports the Ottoman invasion and even invades it itself, taking Thrace, Smolyan, and part of Blagoevgrad, while also giving Serbia Vidin (for more info go here: Provinces of Bulgaria). Greece creates the Balkans Pact, a pact that ensures that no war will erupt in the area, Greece and Serbia become the first members and Greece offers the Ottoman Empire membership (Even if that nation is already in an alliance, the members of the Balkan Pact would not attack one another in any war).
- Shipments of grain and oil stop to both Greece and the Ottomans, and the US threatens to close the Panama Canal to any Greek or Turkish ships passing through if both nations don't allow Bulgaria its independence. As the Turks have very little exploitable oil reserves, and far less arable land, many protests arise, and all their ships not directly involved with the invasion are forced to return to port. Greece, with very little arable land of its own, thinks about backing down.
- Greece Agrees to back down, but refuses to give up Thrace. But all other territory under Greece's control in Bulgaria are to be under the U.S. Administration until the Ottoman grants Bulgaria its independence.
- The US agrees to Greece's terms, and takes away their embargo on Greece. However, the Turkish embargo is still in effect.
- Italy warns the US to lift the Ottoman embargo or face hostilities, while it continues industrialization and modernization/expansion of the army. The first army planes and a new invention called "tank" are starting to be placed upon the Italian army.
- Greece begins to export supplies to the Ottoman Empire, it also asks the Ottoman and Italy to join the Balkans Pact, which now states: If any ally is attacked or declared war on by any nation, then all other members of the pact shall defend its ally in any means necessary.
- The Ottoman Empire realizes that although the US has more useable oil, it has far more underground oil than any other nation in the world. It soon starts to support itself and pledges that if Greece needs any extra oil, they give it to them. Bulgaria is now successfully divided with the West/South being Greek and the North/East being Turkish.
January, 1915[]
The US replies to Italy's threats by threatening to embargo Italy itself. The US says it is simply defending the sovereignty of Bulgaria, and that Italy cannot do anything to the US. The US continues

An improved Map.
research on various weapons (and continues to build up the USAAF and the Navy). Due to this research, Madsen guns are issued two per squad for both the Army and Marines. The US also reaches out to its Latin friends Peru and Venezuela, and them, together with the newly-installed government of Mexico, form the Continental Alliance.
The Ottoman Empire requests that its allies, Greece and Italy create the Mediterranean Pact (if one of the three members is attacked the other two will join in the war on their side). It does this in hopes of making the US back down.
Italy continues modernizing and expanding its army, and accepts the Mediterranean Pact. It also warns the USA to stop any embargo on any Mediterranean nation immediately.
The US accepts, under the conditions that Italy back down on their threats to France.
Italy does not stop claiming the Nice area, Algeria, Tunis, or French West Africa.
(I'm just trying to start WWI with a good and large back story :D )
The US begins cross-training of its cavalry for infantry duties, and the submarine fleet and the USAAF are expanded again. Due to increasing calls from Nicaragua for membership, the US annexes them and simultaneously grants them territory status. Panama has the same thing done to them. The US also offers Britain an alliance.
A US design team, looking at the slow, lumbering "tanks" of Italy, begins development on an armored car that can successfully go off road (a real feat for any vehicle, tracked or not), and be able to replace most cavalry in the future.
The Ottoman Empire establishes control over all the Arabian Peninsula (except for the British Protectorate of Aden). It secretly discusses plans with Greece to do a joint invasion of Serbia.
Italy condemns the USA for their annexing of Nicaragua and Panama. They send them an ultimatum claiming the freedom of the two countries, handing the Canal to Italy, and un-embargoing every nation on Europe, or face war from the Central Power's side.
The US responds, and shows the popular support of these actions, in both the two annexed nations and in America. They also point out that the Canal has always been under US control, and that Italy has absolutely no influence in Latin America, nor any way of projecting their influence into the region. They do, however, un-embargo the Ottomans.
June 1915[]
The Ottomans attack the British Protectorate of Aden. After the tiny colony is easily defeated (in part by the fact that the locals want to join the Turks) a Global Jihad is announced to drive out the British out of Egypt. Muslim from all nations join the Ottoman Empire. The Nations of the Central Pact (Germany, Italy, and Austria) are all join the war against the British.

Greece considers an alliance with the Central Pact but waits to see who would be winning. Greece now has some choices to make, join the Central Powers and probably get hardly any land or join the British, who would probably hand them more territory, but not too much. But it does grant military access to the Ottoman Empire and Britain. After much argument, Greece joins the Central Pact and it informs the Ottoman that the attack on Serbia would soon begin.
Austria declares war on Serbia and invades Belgrade. It offers the southern chunk of Macedonia to Greece and promptly annexes them within 5 weeks. Austria sends its troops to attack Romania within the same time period. The troops put up a fight and many refuse to surrender but in the end, with considerable support from German troops, Romania is annexed.
Austria starts totally upgrading its espionage program and commences to start producing tanks to advance in the case of war with Russia.
Russia, realizing the threat of a strong Central European alliance, sides with the British, and invades the Ottoman empire through the Caucasus, while still keeping most of their forces in Europe.
The Continental Alliance, including the US, declares war on the Central Pact. Grain and oil shipments stop to all of their countries, while Latin troops invade Cameroon and Namibia. The US sends much of their surface fleet to Gibraltar, along with much of Venezuela's navy. They completely close off the Straits to all Central ships, and, as France is pro-Allies, Portugal is leaning Allied, and Spain is as well, all of these nations support these actions.
Due to the relative political stability of both Brazil and Argentina at this point, they both join the Continental Alliance as a way to get prestige and to receive lands in Africa.
January 1916[]
The Ottomans barely make it in time to get a small piece of Serbia. They start their invasion of British-held Egypt.
After the annexation of Rumania, Austria starts Operation Blitz, the storming of Russia. Within weeks the Austrians tanks reach Odessa and the Crimean Peninsula.
US troops land in German Africa, and make great gains. Due to the use of light machine guns and the newly-made armoured cars (much more effective in open combat than the lumbering tanks of the Central Pact), as well as local support, most of the northern coast of Namibia is liberated, as is Yauande and the entire Cameroon river valley.
Armored cars, light machine guns, and submarines are put into wartime production in the US, and their massive submarine fleet prowls the North Sea and the Channel, shutting down any seaborne trade with Germany.
South African troops capture the Caprivi Strip and much of inland Namibia, while Rhodesians move into unprotected Tanzania. ANZAC forces and US Marines take the Solomons and New Guinea from Germany as well.
Indian troops land in Muscat and throughout Oman, while the Indian Fleet defeats the combined Ottoman and Italian fleet at Socotra.

The Ottoman Turks attack Russia through the Caucus Mountains.
Italy sees its chance to get an empire. With its new army, it declares war on France and attacks it. Nice is theirs within two weeks, while the Italian troops also advance to OTL Algiers, Marseilles and Chad. They also start using light tanks and even armoured cars. At the same time, another squad of Italians goes to the British territories, attacking Alexandria. El Alamein is theirs within a week, and Alexandria is besieged. Some planes are starting to be used in war, to bomb cities close to the borders as the plains don't have much range.
February 1916[]
Portugal, feeling that their African colonies are threatened by the Italians, declares war. Troops out of Mozambique and Angola attack Germany, while their navy is split between supporting the Indian Squadron and defending Gibraltar.

Spain, under the control of the Catalan Francisco Rivera, seeks to re-establish their Mediterranean empire of ages past, and declares war on Italy. The Allied fleet at Gibraltar defeats the main Italian fleet at Alba, and Spanish troops invade Sardinia and Sicily. The US army arrives in Provence, and quickly pushes the Italians back to Nice. American subs based out of Malta begin to shut down the Ottoman oil trade to Italy, and their war machine begins to grind to a halt.
US planes arrive in Africa, and assist the French in pushing back the Italians.
The Allies offer the CP a unilateral ceasefire, with prewar borders restored.
March 1916[]
Italy defends itself launching several armies to Sicily, Sardinia, Algiers and Alexandria. The army is able to push the Spaniards back to Spain's mainland, while the Balears are taken by Italian armies. Finally, the Italian navy is able to defeat part of the US navy and recuperate moves on France and North Africa.
The US continues its sub campaign in the Med, while they re-offer the armistice. French troops, re-inforced with Tuareg allies and new American armored cars and planes, retake all the lands lost.
Indian troops, most notably the Queen's Sikh Division and the Gurkhas, invade Eritrea and Somaliland. With most Italian forces in North Africa, they quickly take the lands. Ethiopia also invades, and secures Jubaland. ANZAC troops stage an invasion of Aden, and retake it.
Under pressure from three fronts (France, the Belearics, and Africa), Italy begins to lose ground in France. US, French, British, and Portuguese troops push most of the Italians to the prewar borders, and begin to fortify.
African troops continue to take German Africa.
The first Latin troops arrive in Europe, and reinforce the German front, as well as Africa. Germany is pushed to the prewar borders, while Argentine and Peruvian troops help the Spanish and the US retake the Belearics.
Britain agrees to release Egypt (not Sudan or any of East Africa) as an independent state if a peace is made.
Austria uses its influence to get British colonial support by showing how they treat every ethnic group equally in their country, whereas the British mistreat the natives in their colonies. Because of this, many Indians and Africans rebel all over the British Empire. Austria also proposes that the USA split from the Allies, since they have more to gain. They think the US could achieve Manifest Destiny, and will fully support them, also citing the British and French involvement with the Confederate States.
Italy launches a great offensive on the west, re-retaking Nice. They also offer a separate peace to the Allies: Italy will enter into peace for now if Nice, Tunis and northern Algiers is given to them.
The Allies decline.
The US agrees, they withdraw their troops from North Africa and Europe. They agree to switch sides, under the condition that they get Indochina. They do all of this in secret, however (other than the withdrawing of troops and a truce with the CP). They prepare to switch sides completely by August. It is accurately gauged by the US government that this would go over well with the public.
The Latin Allies agree to this as well, and their troops return home. They are seen as heroes by much of the population, and their relations with the US are as good as ever.
Since Serbia, Switzerland and Rumania were taken prewar, the Austrians agree to peace if they can keep those and get Tunis.
The Ottomans agree to peace, if they can keep all their conquered territory.
April 1916[]
The US speeds up their redeployment schedule, and take their Marines in Guinea and the Solomons, and ostensibly send them back to their Philippine bases. However, they then re-deploy to Indochina, and with local support, they take much of Vietnam from the token French garrison. By now, the rest of their troops are well on their way home, escorted by the Navy, who is headed home as well.
Thanks to the USA's new grant of land and their peace, the Italians can continue attacking their enemies. As the Ottoman oil is given to the mechanized divisions again, the Italian war machine is improved. Great advances are made on Southern France, Algiers, Tunis and Egypt. Alexandria falls. The troops siege Tolouse, while that Ibiza, Formentera and Mayorca are occupied by Italy. Italian armies also march north to attack Lyon and Paris.
Austria keeps pushing in Russia until they reach Kharkiv. They keep Odessa, and Crimea, but with the rest of the land they create Ukraine. Austria also sends a huge fleet to break open Gibraltar, and they keep it, offering one battalion of tanks to Spain if they invade Portugal. They also send a dirigible to London which bombs Buckingham Palace.
Italian armies disembark on Barcelona, Denia, Granada and Andalusia.
Greece conquers Albania quickly, introducing Blitzkrieg or "Lightning War". Greece moves troops to the Greek-Austrian border and begins to discuss with the Ottoman Empire and Italy, an invasion of Austria. But its first priority is to replace any lost equipment and men. Greek industries are increasing at a incredible rate.
The CP agrees to peace if Savoy and Nice are returned to Italy, India, Burma and Sudan be given to Austria, French West Africa is given to Italy, Angola and Mozambique are given to Germany, and there is a demilitarized zone in British Africa. Egypt should be ceded to the Ottoman Empire, all of Arabia will go to the Ottoman Empire. French Indochina is given to US. South Africa is divided in three zones with Cape Town going to Germany, Natal going to Austria and Pretoria going to Italy. French Equatorial Africa goes to Austria and Canada is given to the US.
Austria sends an envoy to Greece and is willing to share resources for free under the Tax-Free Resources Act which increases ties between both nations. Since Greece is in the CP Austria also gives them transit right through them so they can conquer the oil-rich Caucasus
The King is chased out of the UK and a Republic is founded. The Commonwealth of Great Britain is formed and Ireland breaks free. The Commonwealth is to be run along federal lines, similar to the USA.
Austria introduces equal primogeniture, making Princess Sophie of Hohenburg the heir to the Empire.
January 1917[]
Bells and Drums ring in people's ears as in Florence a loud radio states that Peace has come! The World rejoices as the Great War, which has caused so many millions of deaths, is now over! The Treaty of Florence has proclaimed peace! But what will happen in this New World Order, only time will tell. This peace may not last...
See Treaties

What the New World looks like.
June 1917[]
- (a reference map has been created)
- Austria's Princess Sophie gets engaged to the King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden after his marriage breaks apart early.
- The Ottoman Empire, Persia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, and the Transcaucasian Republic create the Uma Alliance. It is not a military alliance, but a economic and domestic alliance.
- Austria, Ukraine, Belarus, Wales, Italy and Ireland create the European Economic Alliance.
- Germany joins the EEA.
- The US, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, the Philippines, Liberia, and Argentina create the Free World Trading Bloc.
- President Alf Landon forms a ream to create what is thought of as a limitless energy source-nuclear power. This is all done in secret, however. The US is ranked second in the world economy (after Austria, and before Italy), they export more oil than anyone else, their CFI is ranked the highest, while their median and mean incomes are also the highest.
- The US equips two divisions with armored and armed half tracks; these prove to be extremely successful in suppressing Quebecois rebels. When integrated with armored cars and the first tanks coming into service, as well as light bombers for tactical support, they are thought to be an unstoppable war machine.
- Italian resident Enrico Fermi starts trying to make a chemical act known as "chain reaction" or "fission".
- Austria sends in more and more troops into Turkestan to destroy the Soviet rebels there, and discover oil there.
- Japan asks to Join the FWTB, and continues its invasion of China. they quickly take Manchuria, and establish a defensive line there. Japan begins putting armored cars into production, and use aircraft to a great extent. their armored cars are extremely versatile, with models that carry AA guns, mortars, and troops into battle. this, combined with their heavy reliance on aircraft makes them one of the most mobile armies on earth, since they don't rely on artillery.
- The FTWB accepts Japan's offer, and US and Latin troops help out with the Chinese invasion, mainly by using the US aircraft carriers to support Japanese planes. The US itself asks for a "sphere of influence" in china of everything south of the Chiang Jiang (basically the southern 1/3 of China. US Marines also invade China itself from Indochina, and quickly take Hong Kong and Hainan Do.
January 1918[]
- the Japanese-American attack on China is extremely successful, with Marines advancing quickly to and crossing the Chiang Jiang, and the Japanese advancing south from Manchuria. the Japanese surround much of the Chinese army in Nanjing, and lay siege. the rest of the Japanese army begins pacifying the countryside, and toppling warlords. they also begin to modernize China's economy. the Japanese offer to collaborate with Americans in future aircraft design projects, and suggest that they establish a standardized set of equipment for all FWTB forces. finally, the Japanese agree to allow an American sphere of influence in southern china.
- the non-Franco/Arabic regions of the Italian Colonies are fully Italianized.
- Austria conducts an invasion of Tibet, citing mass corruption and has their massive tank battalion attack. Diplomatically, they invite Japan into the Central Pact, showing the benefits of being a part of a community. The Tibetans, never being a military power are overrun and formally become part of the Austrian Empire. Austria has advised the Germans that equal primogeniture could help quell succession crises.
- ^^How the hell do you get tanks through Tibet?^^
- The Germans follow in the Austrian footsteps and send troops to invade eastern China and Shanghai, the Chinese army, which was already destroyed by Japan and the US, shows no threat to their invasion and they areas are quickly overtaken.
- ^^ Hong Kong would have already been taken by the US if the US had crossed the Chaing Jiang, you can have Shanghai if you want.^^
- Enrico Fermi starts trying to test different uranium fissions to try to make energy.
January 1919[]
- The Japanese consolidate their conquest of northern China and Manchuria. they continue to topple warlords and impose much less strict forms of government. they also greatly expand the railroad networks in China and Manchuria. finally, they demonstrate several new fighters and bombers they've developed to the rest of the FWTB. thanks to the experience their air force got in China all of these planes are equal to or superior to their western counterparts. the Japanese suggest adopting their designs as the standard throughout the FWTB
- US forces, mainly on foot or on horseback (as you can't really get a tank through the Tibetan Plateau), advance around the outskirts of the plateau and take many of the minor warlords down. The US also creates the territories of Hong Kong (the city itself is a territory), Jinsha Jiang, Fuzhou, and Chongching. They accept Japan's offer for standard equipment, and, while most planes (with the exception of heavy fighters, dive bombers, and close air support) are Japanese, the tank is an Argentinian design (is much like the PzKpfw 38(T)) is adopted as a standard tank, while the American M-3 armored car (looks a lot like a Daimler Mk I), as well as all of its variants, are adopted. A US engineer, John Garand, designs and builds a rifle that uses modified Arisika 6.5mm bullets in a twelve-round magazine that fires semi-automatically. This, as well as the new round, are also adopted.
- The War in China ends with a sounding victory for the allies. A new nation, Uyghurstan, gains independence in North Western China. It joins the Uma Alliance.
- The UA soon becomes a close second to the tie that is FTWB (free trade world bloc) and the EEA (European Economic Alliance). Between all the members of the UA they have nearly four times the oil of the US.
- Turkestan asks its closest ally, the Ottoman Empire to force Austrian influence out of its nation. Stating that "there is no possibility of Turkestan becoming Socialist. The Ottomans are forced to demand Austria stop messing with Turkestan.
- Political tensions in Paris force the government to temporarily relocate the government to the town of Vichy.
- Several socialist rebellions appear on Italy, especially within the Italian France, Italy itself, and the regions destined to the French and Arab.
- Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, puts into law, the Frankfurt Declaration, a new law that declares all people in the German Empire and colonies official German citizens and to be treated equally and fairly by all people of the empire. And declares that day, July 9, German Unity Day.
The US continues research on nuclear power, and Oppenhiemer successfully splits a uranium-235 atom. While the experiment wasn't entirely successful, it is estimated that a nuclear plant could be built in around ten years.
The US expands its carrier and submarine fleets, and creates a research team to create a jet engine.
Brazil and Sweden both join the FTWB, as their economic and political policies are much the same. Scotland expresses its wishes to join as well.
January 1920[]
- The UA becomes a military as well as economic alliance. If any nation attacks any member of the UA all the other members will come rushing to their aid. The Non-Muslim Nations of Ethiopia, Nepal, and Bhutan ask to join if the Muslim name is changed to a more non-religious name. The Name is changed to the AAMEA (Afro-Asian Military and Economic Alliance).
- Trade blossoms among the FWTB (as that's really the only goal of the organisation in the first place, other than defense of its member nations), and the stock markets of New York, Lima, and Tokyo boom. Hoping to cash in on the wealth, and to find a larger market for their rubber products, the Netherlands joins it. (Currently, the US is the largest consumer of rubber, and, as the East Indies mainly supplies rubber, among other things, it makes sense for it to join, in order to find a larger and more profitable market).
- In response to the creation of the AAMEA, Germany convinces the EEC to develop its own joint military task force, a small army called the European Battle group is created and the EEC changes its name to the European Union.
- The FTWB creates the Free World Central Command, to co-ordinate allied military forces worldwide. It is divided into Centcom (Middle East/Central Asia) Eastcom (Asia and Oceania) Afcom (Africa) Northcom (North America) Southcom (South America) and Westcom (Europe).
- The Ottoman Empire, fed up with Austria still in Turkestan's and now Nepal and Bhutan's internal affairs asks Germany to use its power in the EU to force Austria to stay out of their way.
- Italy starts feeling threatened by Austria's existence. It starts massive mobilizing and training.
- The revolts on Italy are partly successful, as the King has to accept to divide his power with the new Socialist Parliament.
- Enrico Fermi accidentally starts a small chain reaction when trying to split an Uranium-235 atom.
- A new declaration is passed in Italy declaring that every ethnicity is equal. However, the confined ethnicities can't move out of their territories.
- The Ottoman Empire calls on the US and Italy to bring Austria to its senses. Realizing that Italy is already preparing for an Austrian invasion, the Ottomans decide it is wise to do the same. Ottomans request a mutual protection pact with Italy and the US (some of its closest allies).
- The US accepts, under the condition that it will not fight if Italy or the Ottomans initiate the war.
- Italy accepts too, but, differing from the US, Italy promises that it will fight in any way.
January 1921[]
Tensions continue to mount, as now the combined forces of the AAMEA are at the Austrian-Ottoman border and at the Afghan-Persian-Austrian border. The Ottomans call upon their ally Greece to help them in the war they are sure is to come. This are the demands of various members of the AAMEA,
- In Northern India, a new nation called the Islamic Republic of India is to be formed.
- Tibet will be granted independence.
- Crimea will be given independence.
- Austria will not mingle in any member of the AAMEA's internal affairs.
- Nepal and Bhutan will be given some Austrian lands in India.
Japan convinces the Russian Far East to join the FWTB, and establishes several naval bases there, to cement the FWTB's control of the Pacific. thanks to their control of North China's and East Russia's valuable natural resources, the Japanese economy expand at an even faster rate the most of the other FWTB nations. in addition, the Japanese develop the first shaped charge, which is used in their anti-tank rockets. this gives Japanese infantry and aircraft the ability to punch through the armor on most modern tanks. the Japanese government also authorizes research into military applications for helicopters, especially in mountainous terrain like Tibet. finally, the Japanese begin opening schools throughout China and Manchuria. these schools require the students to learn to speak Japanese, and help assimilate the students into Japanese culture.
- France is split in three with a Bourbon monarchy south of Britanny, a Bonapartist monarchy all along the west and a Republic in the South. All three claim to be the legitimate government of France and they wage war in the French Civil War which will only be bought to its conclusion in three years.
- Oppenheimer successfully builds his first real experimental reactor, which powers the research facility. While it is still quite inefficient.
- Michael Collins delivers a statement to the Irish people at the State opening of parliament. He asks all former IRA units to join the new Irish Army (Note the lack of a royal prefix) and forms the Irish Navy & Air Force. Collins also tells the Italian king of Ireland that he has to accept a constitution that limits his power totally or he will be forced to abdicate.
- The Italian king refuses to leave Irish power, and asks Italy to help him. At the same time, Italy recognizes and helps the Bourbon monarchy, attacking the republic on France
June 1921[]
Japan sends military advisers to Ireland, to assist Collins and the Irish Republicans. they also offer to sell the Irish Republicans 50 obsolete fighter-bombers and 5 destroyers, and allow them to pay for them through a low-interest loan. the Japanese also make significant investments in the economies of China and the RFE. they also offer subsides to several railroad companies in China, allowing them to expand extremely quickly. they expand their schools in China, and establish several universities in major Chinese cities. they continue their improvement of their air force, and build the world's first strategic bombers. finally, they also offer financial support to the French Republic.
- Collins thanks the Japanese for their assistance and agrees to the loan. Meanwhile with the help of Japanese strategists, the IA (Irish Army) is able to seize the royal palace and capture the king. Ireland now offers Italy a choice, withdraw their royal family's claim to Ireland and the king will remain alive (although he will be sent back to Italy), in addition to this the Irish will remain friendly to Italy. Alternately the king will be executed as will all of his family and advisors in Ireland while Ireland will cut all ties to Italy.
- Since the Austrians have failed to reply, the Ottomans give the warning that if the AAMEA's demands aren't met in one day (real time) they will declare war along with the entire AAMEA and Italy. Since war seems to be brewing, the Ottomans have made their own airplanes for the first time. They are also mass-producing Tank-like vehicles.
- The Japanese suggest that Ireland be admitted into the FWTB.
- Italy sends a diplomat to Ireland, stating that if the Italian king will be turned back to Italy alive, Italy will protect Ireland, although Ireland will be fully independent.
- Germany agrees to go to war with Austria if the AAMEA's demands are not met, but demands if they do they will get the Austrian colonies.
- The Ottomans suggest that Germany gets Austria's Southern India and East Indies, while Italy gets Austria's African colonies. Germany agrees. Italy does, too.
- Several Italians are returned to Italy by the Irish but the king remains in Ireland while Collins sends a counter offer. Ireland will retain an independent armed forces and due to the turbulent political situation is unwilling to commit to an alliance with the Italians. However, he suggests that the two nations sign a non-aggression treaty and each guarantee the independence of the other.
- Italy demands the king back on Italy or on the Irish throne or Ireland will "become an Italian province", as the King says it.
- The US pledges its support for Ireland, due to the large amount of Irish immigrants, but says it will not intervene unless Ireland's sovereignty is threatened. A carrier group is sent to Rotterdam in order to assist the Irish if war does break out, and 36 armored cars, three new submarines, and several thousand obsolete Springfield rifles are provided to the Irish, while a joint Argentine-American defense force arrives to help train Irish troops.
- Scottish Parliament finally pushes a referendum for joining of the FWTB past the extensive powers of the Greek king, and over three-quarters of the nation votes to join it. Swedish and Dutch troops arrive to cheering crowds, while the Greek king is thrown out of office and deported, as well as the entire royal family. A Federal Republic of Scotland is established, based on the Swiss model, with an executive council instead of a single prime minister. It also adopts the Swiss model of lifelong conscription, and revives the Highlander Brigades. As Scotland has always been the center of the UK's shipbuilding and ordinance industries, these begin to boom, and Scotland begins to emerge from the economic stagnancy that the Greeks have kept them in.
- The Japanese offer to sell several dozen armored cars and fighters to Scotland, in exchange for another low interest loan. they also make significant investments in the Scottish economy.
- Austria agrees to pull out of Turkestan, but they will keep all their land in the present status quo. Austria also requests to join the Free World Trading Bloc to try and prevent any future war, at least on European land.
- The FTWB accepts Austria's offer.
January 1922[]
The Ottomans are glad that war has been averted (even though only one of their demands was met).
- With a war averted, Germany begins a massive industrialization reform, the car industry booms as many new companies are born and mass-production expands incredibly. Tanks and rifles are put into mass-production by both private companies and the government and new technologies are researched that may make their tanks go up to 30 mph. Also, new factories pop up across the colonies that raise the average pay of German citizens by literally employing millions of citizens in the colonies.
- Oppenheimer finally creates a working, efficient reactor prototype. Robert Goddard, with some funds from the US government, as well as several rocket enthusiasts, manages to launch a radio-transmitting satellite into LEO. Though it returns to Earth two months later, it is seen as a great step forward for America. The science fiction writing industry booms, and many of the public begin to become interested in outer space. Congress passes a currently-unknown act known as the Over speculation bill of 1924. It has little current effect, but does not allow long-term over speculation in the stock market. They also pass a bill dealing with agriculture, that prevents farmers from over agriculturalizing their land. Many of the factory towns of the Southwest continue to boom, and mass production on an enormous scale is started. New armored cars are coming into service that can top 50 mph, while Northrop Grumman and Lockheed produce a prototype jet aircraft. Engineers figure out that sloping armor gives much wider protection on tanks and other vehicles, and up-armoring begins on many of them. The Army is almost completely mechanized with half tracks by now, and the Marines have introduced the M-1B, a modification of Garand's original rifle that uses a 20-round magazine and a new gas locking system, which gives it a fully-automatic capability.
- Enrico Fermi is finally able to cause a small chain reaction of Uranium 235 intentionally. Several new inventions are made in the fields of chemistry ( in which Italy is the most advanced), astronomy (in which it's catching up) and other sciences.
- Seeing the success of the American space program, the Japanese begin building their own rocket.
- Collins gives up on negotiating with the Italians, He returns the Italian King but refuses to agree to any other deals. Aware that Ireland lacks a proper organised military Collins asks Irish and ex-British military commanders to set down a plan for the Irish Armed Forces, The highlight of the plan will be the construction of two Carriers in Belfast and the beginning of the construction of Irish Fighters and Bombers. In addition to this he approaches the Scottish government with a military alliance and approaches the leader of the Welsh and Cornish republican movements saying that Ireland will support them if they agree to an alliance with Ireland.
- Seeing the need to upgrade its technology, the Austrian government woos Albert Einstein and other scientists away from Germany. Since India has a huge amount of people compared to Austria mainland, the Chancellor elected is Indian, further showing the incorporation of the Empire as a Union. Austria also starts a motor company, Tyrol Motor Works, and an airship airline, Austrian Air.
January 1923[]
Scotland replies to Ireland's offer, and accepts their alliance. However, they do state that they will continue to be an active member of the FWTB, and will not join any political or economic union that seeks to reunite Britain.
The Ottomans create their own stock market based off that of the US.
Germany launches Project Hindenburg, a project to modernize their air force, they develop many more Zeppelins, evolve their fighter and bomber technology, including metal-plated airplanes, and new tactics and strategies including bombers being escorted by fighters.
Austria starts to develop tank ideas from previous German innovations and has produced one that can travel easier in rougher terrain, although the maximum speed remains the same. The Austrian Crown Princess and the Swedish King have twins, a boy and a girl. It is agreed that the girl will be the next heir to the Austrian Throne and the boy will become Sweden's King.
Both monarchical factions make a temporary truce and march on the republican area of France. Italy aids both monarchies though the aid still weighs heavily onto the Bourbons. Bonapartists start talks with the Germans to gain aid to end the civil war. Republican government considers options and starts talks with Mexico on whether it can establish a government-in-exile within its borders.
January 1924[]
Germany begins sending arms and airplanes to the Bonapartists, who they see as a favorable way to send their control into France and influence French politics.
The US sends marines to assist the Republicans, while the FTWB declares that it is the only legitimate government of France. US and Dutch engineers fortify Bearne and Foix (the areas in general, not the cities themselves). Arms and supplies are shipped in through Toulose and Gascone by the day, and, assisted by US and Dutch marines, the Republicans push the Monarchists out of their land. Britons begin to supply the Republicans as well.
US Navy begins research on a nuclear-powered submarine, and Oppenheimer manages to create a small fission/radioactive pile bomb. It is tested in complete secrecy at Devon Island, and is considered a complete success.
- Micheal Collins informs the Scottish that he has no-intent of reuniting Britain but that he only wishes to protect the people of the British Isles from external influence. Meanwhile the first all Irish Capital Ships of the Irish Navy are launched (INV Belfast, INV Dublin) while the Irish Army begins its training of mechanised guerrilla warfare operatives. In addition to this Collins sends several Irish advisors and operatives to help the French Republicans organise guerrilla warfare in Monarchist zones.
- Wales on the other hand, despite having an Austrian King, feels that its culture isn't being put down, but seeing how the rest of Britain and Austria have joined the FWTB, have decided to apply for membership.
- Austria decides that the Republicans should be the rightful government in France, reminding Germany that Monarchist France has always tried to conquer Alsace-Lorraine, and especially how the Bonapartes conquered Europe. Austria also asks the US how some of the scientific circles have found out about Oppenheimer's theoretical bomb and they should share their success with the rest of the FWTB, but states that they will never declare war on the US, being a part of their bloc.
- Italy discovers useful nuclear energy at last, and start advancing it greatly to put up with the USA. At the same time, Italian troops attack Provence and Marseilles so that the Bourbonists can improve their chances. Ships sail towards the Poitou to help the Bourbonists there.
- (To both Austria and Germany: You're monarchies, so why are you helping republicans?)
- Germany is supporting the Bonapartes and Austria is a member of the FWTB, and supporting the US, plus they don't want a strong France.
- The Japanese begin equipping the Republican forces with shoulder mounter rocket launchers equipped with shaped charge rounds, allowing them to easily pierce the armor on the Monarchist Tanks. they also give them several of their older model fighters and ground support planes. the Japanese also ask the US to share their nuclear technology, so they can begin developing a nuclear powered aircraft carrier. the Japanese also incorporate the RFE into their empire as an autonomous province.
- Austrian-hired scientists start to develop nuclear technology, but hasn't yet made a bomb, with it. Because of their spies and talk within scientific circles, they propose a Nuclear Nations Treaty, advocating nuclear testing, before employing it in war.
- Bonapartists and Bourbonists unite into the Federated Nation of Imperial-Royal France. Employing Spanish mercenaries and various ne'er-do-wells, they launch an assault on the Republic of France. The Bonapartists assure Germany that if they side with Monarchical France then they will be the strongest of allies, even offering to marry the Kaisers daughter. Germany agrees.
January 1925[]
US, Dutch, Swedish, and Mexican troops move into Occitania in force, retaking it from the FNIRF. Scottish, British, and Irish volunteers begin arriving in large numbers in Brittany, and launch assaults across the border into FNIRF territory. The US begins the construction of amphibious assault ships for their marines, while bombers launched from two carriers in the Channel destroy much of the infrastructure that the FNIRF has.
- FNIRF calls upon their German allies, and together they launch an assault on British, Scottish and Irish armies in the North. However at the same time, spies and saboteurs sneak into the French Republican capitol and detonate bombs at strategic locations such as the Government Plaza and the weapons depot. Chaos ensues throughout the French Republic.
- ^^Read the treaty - Brittany is an independent nation you have to declare war, plus they are in the FTWB^^
- Marseilles and Provence are attacked by Italy to help the FNIRF. Troops also land in Bordeaux, Normandy, and the Poitou.
- ^^And Normandy is already under FNIRF control^^
January 1926[]
America and Austria call for a truce in France through the SoN, and pump more troops, including engineers to repair the damage to the South. The US, realizing that the war is quickly shifting in the European's favor, detonates a small atomic device in Paris. It wipes out much of the leadership of the FNIRF, while several radioactive bombs are smuggled in and set off in FNIRF camps, ammo dumps, and large military train stations, sealing off the FNIRF to any large troop or supply movements. Republican France offers to become a protectorate state of the FWTB (basically meaning it is a member and is added to the mutual defense pact, but is not required to undertake any action on behalf of the Bloc, as opposed to full members). It is accepted, and the FTWB declares that any nation at war with RF is now at war with the FTWB. As no country (other than the FNIRF, which isn't really a nation) is actually at war with RF, this has little affect. The FTWB also shuts off any shipping to the FNIRF, starving it of American oil and grain. Unfortunately, communist and national rebels start terrorizing the streets of France, with the Fascist Party being started by upstart exiled Benito Mussolini. This tears up France and forces the FTWB to set up massive security forces within the country.
Austria has developed a mini-bomb using its development in atomic theory. They announce that they are prepared to use it against the French rebels. Franz Ferdinand has a stroke the moment the news is announced. Therefore since Austria's Empress is married to the Swedish King, it enters into a personal union with Sweden.
Italy develops nuclear devices and launches a small one into Marseilles after retreating their troops, used both as attack and as test. The test was deemed satisfactory, as half of Marseilles disappeared. Bombs also exploded on Bordeaux and Tolouse.
The Ottoman Empire forces all participants in the French Civil War to sign a treaty stating that they will limit the fighting to France, so that the rest of Europe isn't consumed by war.
The Ural Republic joins AAMEA. AAMEA starts to invade Communist West Russia, and by the end of the year, Communist West Russia is forced to sue for peace. The Republic of Alania is formed and it joins AAMEA.
CWR is in the FWTB

French War borders not shown.
January 1927[]
Japan officially annexes the RFE, and rebrand themselves the Free Asian Republic. they give limited voting rights to the residents of the former RFE. they also condemn the use of nuclear weapons on major population centers by Italy. they also develop the first all-metal aircraft, and rocket equipped jeeps that use shaped charge rockets, so they can single-handedly destroy even very heavy tanks. a FAR scientist breaks the record for the longest helicopter flight by seven minutes, and is forced to land by lack of fuel. Development of combat helicopters is begun, contributing to the FAR army's reputation as the world's most mobile.
Siam, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, and Livonia join the FTWB and Finland is annexed by Sweden. Austria proposes that the FTWB form a charter among the three main members, the US, Austria and Japan.
Paris is captured by fascist forces, with Benito Mussolini styling himself Le Duc. Communist forces erupt in fighting against the Monarchists along Marseilles and it becomes a street by street battle.
Brittany requests the Italians to leave its territory and also sends troops to help out the Republicans.
Germany further supports the Bonapartists by sending them light machine guns and tanks.
The entire Italian army is set to help the Monarchist. Bordeaux and Poitiers are secured, and Tours is besieged. Benito Mussolini is required to either go to Italy as a hostage, go to Italy as a free citizen after paying some thousands of Florins, or his base to be nuked.
Mussolini tells the Italians that the French will betray them as always. However before he surrenders to the Italian Army, the Austrian Army drops a newly developed mini-nuke, in Paris, destroying the leader. Philippe Petain takes control of the fascist forces and forms the Action Francaise. This is popular with many of the French people and as popular opinion sways away from the Monarchists and the Republicans toward the fascists and the communists, a lot of world powers become concerned about where the future of the French lies.
The Monarchists split between Bourbonists and Bonapartists. The Bourbons quickly make a deal with the Fascists. If the Fascists help the Bourbons on to the throne, the Fascists shall form a government. The Bonapartists reject the Fascists and establish the Third French Empire on the border of Germany and Belgium. Emperor Napoleon VI is crowned and he marries Princess Victoria of Prussia, daughter of the German Emperor. Elsewhere is France, the Occitan region falls under the Communists, creating the French Social Republic. In the North the Kingdom of Great France is born from the Fascists and Bourbons. The three factions agree a truce and meet once a year, in a city built on the crux of their borders. The city is the home of the French National Government. In this way the French represent itself as one country on the international scene but below the surface there are three separate states.
The Ottoman Government suddenly without warning collapses. The Ottoman Republic is established in Turkey and the Balkans. A militant Muslim terrorist group called the Rafasid Caliphate gains control of the rest of the Ottoman Empire, and overruns Persia. AAMEA officially ends.

Because of the sudden power vacuum in the region, Uyghurstan asks to join the Free Asian Republic.
Brittany and the Low Countries are annexed by Fascist France.
- Irish troops withdraw from France in order to help Cornish successionist forces in England. The new Irish mechanised corps is completed and Collin's five year plan is laid out. When completed the plan will make Ireland a powerful industrial nation and a major military power. Specifically Collins hopes that when the plan is completed the Irish Army will have equipment that will allow them to continue their irregular tactics in the post war world AND that the Irish Navy will be able to challenge the Germany navy for control of the channel. The air force is largely ignored in Collin's plan although he accepts Ireland will need a powerful naval air arm to support the navy.
- Austria tells France to watch itself. Nepal and Bhutan have trouble with the collapse of the AAMEA and request to join Austria. Turkestan then formally asks to become a protectorate, however they will remain completely independent. Austria enters into talks with Japan and the Rafasid Caliphate in forming an Asian League.
- the Free Asian Republic is offended to be called "Japan", but is intrigued by the possibility of Pan-Asian Unity. they also annex Uyghurstan, and develop it extensively to access its gas and oil deposits.
January 1928[]

The Fanatical Zealots of the Rafasid Caliphate agree to join such a pact on two conditions,
- The Pact is to be called "The Axis Pact"
- No new nations are allowed to join, except for puppets of the founding three nations (FAR, Austria, and the Rafasids)
The Rafasids peacefully annex Alania, the Transcaucus, and Afghanistan.
The Kaiser of Germany visits the capital of the Rafasid Caliphate, where upon learning of the Rafasid's warfare of fear-mongering and terrorism are seen as uncivilized by the Kaiser and the asks the members of the European Union to place an embargo on Rafasid goods.
The US puts its first experimental reactor into service, powering most of Yukon and BC. The US also calls for a meeting between itself, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and Brazil over what to do with the AP.
Austria pulls out of the AP ( this is my last post. If someone wants to take over with Austria go ahead and sign your name there, thanks.) Batmanary 16:47, July 3, 2010 (UTC)
The FAR pulls out of the AP, after learning about their terror tactics from Germany.
With the Rasafid's clause to limit membership to founding members, and Austria and the FAR pulling out of the AP, it is now officially dissolved. Shia'a, Ahmadi, Ibahdi, and Imami Shia'a independence movements cause unrest throughout the Caliphate, with the US helping to supply them.
The FWTB offers Thailand membership.
The Bonapartist faction within France warns that it will declare independence and gravitate towards Germany if any more land is taken. This is because the Bonapartists fear that the Fascists aggression will draw the attention and wrath of the Austrians.
January 1929[]
In order to protect Holland (a founding member of the pact), the FTWB issues a declaration of war on France. Thousands of Swedish, Scottish, and American troops pour into the Netherlands, and push the French back to prewar borders. The US Navy (again) blockades France, shutting them off from much-needed oil and grain.
- Bonapartists declare independence from Fascist France and create the Free French Empire. They request Germany place them under a protectorate.
- Republicans, seeing their chance, revolt in Bearn and Foix, and form the French Free Republic. Most FTWB troops are redeployed from Holland into the new republic, while Basque volunteers set up volunteer brigades.
- Germany declares the Free French Empire a German protectorate, and sends in 200,000 troops and 2,000 tanks to secure the area.
- The Austrian Army push out the French a little bit farther down the border, declare the Benelux Federation, and send down a battalion of tanks as a gift.
- Fascists start to develop weapons, and secure weapons factories. With this, they are able to start an invasion of the Republic and, within days, secure a merge with the Republicans.
- Austria-Sweden have decided to remain neutral in France preferring to increase prosperity within their own nations.
- Thailand joins Austria formally, and the Austrians accept, but offer the King of Thailand a spot in the Austrian Parliament.
- Greece formally pledges support to the Bonapartists by sending military personnel and equipment in order to establish a Pro-Greek feeling there. Meanwhile, cracks in the Ottoman leadership are on the brink of causing civil war, causing Greece to take the initiative; they invade Bulgaria while also sending its navy to stop supplies from getting through. Istanbul quickly falls to the Greeks where a peace treaty ends the short war and gives the nation all captured territory.