World War I in North America | |||||||||||||||||
Date | 1914-1918 | ||||||||||||||||
Result | Allied victory, independence of New England | ||||||||||||||||
This article covers a war or battle
Causes and First Skirmishes[]
Meanwhile in North America, two old rivals, the US and the CSA were taking the path to war once again. The US had built up its army in the years before the Great War, as did the CSA. In the north, the Republic of Cascadia still had a weak, third world army. However, the Empire of Mexico, south of Cascadia, had built up, along with Colombia, one of the world's strongest armies. Allied with Colombia's army, the two countries formed the strongest armed forces in the continent. In 1913, the US met CS troops near the US-CS border. The CS troops had been defeated by the Americans, and the CSA's government turned to Germany for military help. Alarmed by the new alliance, the US joined the Mexican-Colombian alliance and turned to France and the UK for military assistance. In 1914, the war broke out in Europe.
The Great War from 1914 to 1916[]
After the start of the war in Europe, the CSA joined the war on the German side; soon, the US, Mexico, and the rest of the Allied Powers joined the war. Immediately, Mexican general Pancho Villa's "Pancho's Brigades of New Orleans", stationed in Louisiana, and sent his troops and gunboats up the Mississippi to CS Arkansas. Villa landed his brigades in southern Missouri, where the Army of Missouri was preparing military action, and Villa's Brigades A was sent to CS Mississippi. The A group marched quickly through the state, and finally met resistance from CS troops in Meridian. The Mexican troops pushed the southerners back towards Alabama, and crossed into Alabama. The Mexicans continued through northern Alabama towards Georgia. Meanwhile, Georgian irregulars met the Mexican troops in northern Georgia. In a 2-day battle, the Mexicans finally defeated the Georgians in Marietta (Cobb County, near Atlanta). The Mexicans continued towards the Atlantic coast, meeting only minor resistance. This was because the CS was preoccupied fighting the US in the north. However, the Mexicans soon met another Georgian militia unit, this time in the small town of Waynesboro. The Mexicans used General Diaz's classic "1872 Retreat Strategy" to easily win the battle. The reduced A group now marched to Savannah, Georgia, near the Atlantic coastline. Meanwhile, the defeated militia from Waynesboro marched south under government orders to conquer northern and western Florida. The Mexicans reported the troop movement and met the Georgians in the small town of White Springs, Florida in January 1916. The Georgians fled upon seeing the Mexican army, not the Florida militia. The whole remaining militia of Georgia was captured. Meanwhile, Pancho Villa's B group, stationed in St. Louis since late 1914, were called up by the High War Command and ordered to move west, to meet a joint American-Mexican invasion of Missouri. The group left in February 1916, and met a minor CSA brigade in Moberly. The B group continued towards Chillicothe, where the CS troops had rallied after the Moberly defeat. The Mexican and American armies met on March 7th 1916, and the battle began on March 8th. The Americans lost most of their men to the CS big guns, but the Mexicans used the clever 1872 Retreat Strategy again and defeated charge after charge of Confederate troops. On March 10th, the southerners surrendered. Although the Allied had won in Missouri, the Americans were losing tons of men in West Virginia under the CS guns. An important army general of the US, General Pershing staged a coup on July 4th 1916 and overthrew the pro-war government. Pershing declared himself President and declared a ceasefire with the CSA, valid until the end of the war.
The Great War from 1916 to 1918[]
The sudden change of sides of the US caught the Mexicans by surprise. However, the Southerners were deadlocked in the north, and too preoccupied to counterattack in the "Deep South". The American ceasefire did not end the war, as the people had hoped, and by July 10th, the US was back in the war, this time allied with the CSA against Mexico and Britain. The Mexican troops in Georgia and Missouri were sent through Tennessee and Kentucky to launch an attack on Indiana and Ohio. Meanwhile, Villa's Brigades attacked Illinois. On the Home Front in the US, New England rose in revolt in mid-July 1916 and declared its independence on the 18th of August 1916. It later joined the allied powers. In Iowa, the state seceded and formed a Republic in August 1916. Mexican troops progressed like lightning through Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. In the north, the British and Canadians staged Operation BEAVER, the invasion of the US in Detroit, Niagara, and New York State. The British met a few pockets of military resistance, but were able to capture most of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York by January 1917. The Mexicans advanced through southern Pennsylvania and met the British troops in northern Pennsylvania. The Allied troops marched south along the Delaware River to Philadelphia, the US capital. Philadelphia fell in early December 1917 and General Pershing's government the next day. During this time, Mexican troops in South Carolina and Mexican ships in Florida marched and sailed up north along the Atlantic Coast. North Carolina fell by March 1917. The attack halted until the army received orders to capture Richmond. Finally, in September 1918, the huge, reformed Mexican army marched north, aided by air squadrons and a large British-Mexican fleet. The ships captured the CS Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia and British and Mexican marines joined the regular troops 25km from Richmond. CS troops rushed to Richmond, but it was too late. The Mexican snake and eagle floated over the Confederate White House on October 16th 1918. The troops continued north to the old US capital in Washington DC, now home of the government of the CSA after Richmond's fall. The Mexican troops rushed through Washington DC, and captured the Washington DC White House. The CSA surrendered on November 1st 1918.
A few days after the military coup, New England rose in revolt (July 15, 1916) and overthrew the US authorities in New England. On August 18, 1916, with the United States defeated, a Republic was proclaimed by the new National Congress of New England. On January 1, 1917, New England joined the war as an Allied power and sent 250 troops to aid the British in New York State.
The Treaty of Versailles[]
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