Alternative History

Quebecois Front (July 1914 to May 1918)[]

For four years, the forces of Quebec and Canada staged a bitter war, a war which would decide the fate of Canada and Quebec, maybe even the entire war. The Quebecois plan was simple and despite its obvious pitfalls, workable. It called for a large scale offensive against Ottawa to knock Canada out of the war, before attacking Maine and Ohio, pushing the United States south. It relied on speed, however, with the development of machine guns, speed was a costly exercise and Quebec could not afford the high price.

'The battles of Cornwall, Russell, 1st Buckingham and North Grenville The Quebecois Army began a large scale offensive almost as soon as war broke out between Britain and France. They used two armies, with twelve divisions each would strike west. They would trap the Canadians defending Ottawa in a pinser movement and destroy them. The attack started well, the battle of Cornwall ended in the defeat of a Canadian army of nearly five divisions, while Buckingham fell with only a single division resisting. However, the battle of Russell dragged on for five days, breaking the Quebecois' momentum and allowing the Canadians to scramble a few extra divisions for the defense of Ottawa. Exhausted, the Quebecois Southern and Northern Army did not met at Ottawa as plan, but instead met at the village of North Grenville. The Canadians resisted stubbornly, the arrival of US troops also aided the Canaidans. In the end, the Quebecois were forced back by September towards Buckingham. For Quebec, the long retreat towards Montreal had begun.

The Grind (November 1914 to January 1918