The human race may soon fall prey to the undead and it is up to humanity as a whole to work together to stop it.
Prologue- Strange reports from Thailand say that some people just won't stay dead. It started in the norther part of the country and may soon move else ward.
Things to note:
Any nation you pick will have the same military statistics and Economy as modern day.
Stopping these Zombies will require a lot of maintenance for the defense.
Everything requires maintenance
Countries we need:
we only need three of those nations
You can use any nation of course though after we get three
10 Km of barricades = $200,000 Per turn
1,000 soldiers = $3,000,000
moving 1,000 soldiers = $10,000,000
10 tanks = $20,000,000
10 planes = $100,000,000
10 km of Mega Barricades = $10,000,000 per turn
Setting up barricades = $1,000,000
Patrolling Barricades = $1,000,000 Each time
Long range missiles = $50,000,000
Upgrading 1000 troops = $5,000,000 Each time
Troops: four troops are needed for every one Zombie
every time you upgrade it takes away 0.1 troops needed
you can have up to $10,000,000,000,000 in debt
one turn every day and each turn the Zombies spread a bit further
Map below: (Had to use that link because it wouldn't work otherwise)
Usa: User_talk:Nlenhardt